
Terms for subject Management containing theory | all forms | exact matches only
acceptance theory of authority职权接受理论
behavioral theory of the firm企业行为科学
classical theory of the firm古典的企业理论
classical theory of the firm传统的企业理论
formal theory of authority职权形式理论
integrate theory with practice使理论联系实际
integrate theory with practice理论联系实际
integrate theory with practice把理论和实践结合起来
jungle of the theory of management管理理论的丛林难题
the decision theory school决策理论学派
the management theory jungle管理论的丛林
the operational theory approach经营管理理论学派
theory and practice理论与实践
theory of acceptance部属接受指导理论
theory of bureaucracy行政组织体系理论
theory of decision making决策理论
theory of economic lot size经济批量理论
theory of human effectiveness人的有效性理论
theory of limited sovereignty有限主权论
theory of organization组织理论
theory of organization equilibrium组织均衡理论
theory of personality人格理论
theory of testing hypothesis检定假设论
theory xx理论性恶论
theory x and theory yx 理论和 y 理论
theory yy理论性善论
theory zz理论管理与职工的统一
utility theory and risk aversion效用理论与风险回避