
Terms for subject Sports containing theory | all forms | exact matches only
activation theory of emotion情绪激动说
Adams's theory亚当斯理论
affective aroused theory情感唤起说
aminostatic theory氨基恒定理论
behavioural theory行为理论
blood groups theory of temperament气质血型说
cable theory电缆学说
cell-separation theory细胞分离学说
central resource theory中枢资源理论
circadian rhythm theory昼夜周期节律学说
classical conditioning theory经典条件反射说
closed loop theory闭环理论
cognitive mediation theory认知调解理论
cognitive theory认知理论
converse-U theory倒 U 理论
Crossman-Goodeve theory克罗斯曼-高迪夫理论
dual-system theory双系统理论
duplicity theory二元学说
dynamic pattern theory动态模式理论
dynamic systems theory动态系统理论
ecological theory生态学理论
emergency theory of emotion应急机能
emergency theory of emotion情绪应急说
filtration-reabsorption theory滤过-重吸收学说
FIRO theory基本人际关系取向理论
gate control theory闸门控制学说
gate theory闸门学说
gate-control theory闸门控制学说
general motor program theory基本动作程序理论
glucostatic theory糖恒定理论
hierarchy theory分级理论
impulse-variability theory刺激-可变性理论
interference theory干预理论
ionization theory电离学说
life cycle theory of leadership领导生命周期论
lipostatic theory脂肪稳定理论
Maslow's need hierarchy theory马斯洛需要层次论
membrane recycling theory膜循环学说
membrane theory膜学说
Mendelian theory孟德尔学说
motor programme theory动作程序理论
multiple-resource theory多重资源理论
myogenic theory肌原学说
need hierarchy theory需要阶层说
neurogenic theory of heartbeat神经原心搏学说
reflex theory反射理论
resonance theory共振学说
schema theory动作纲要理论
secretion theory分泌学说
setting-point theory调定点学说
sliding filament theory肌丝滑动学说
sliding filament theory滑行学说
theory model理论模型
theory of adenosine腺苷学说
three multiple allelomorphic theory三等位基因学说
trace decay theory痕迹衰退理论
transfer-appropriate processing theory迁移适宜处理理论
traveling wave theory行波学说
Wundt's tridimensional theory冯特情感三维说