
Terms for subject Electric machinery containing theorem | all forms | exact matches only
Ampere's theorem安培定理
Cayley-Hamilton theorem凯莱-哈密顿定理
complex shifting theorem复频域位移定理
constant flux-linkage theorem磁链守恒定理
constant flux-linkage theorem磁链不变原理
equivalent electric-source theorem等效电源定理
equivalent voltage theorem等效电压定理
expansion theorem分解定理
integration theorem积分定理
linear combination theorem线性组合定理
linear network theorem线性网络定理
Miller's theorem米勒定理
parallel-generator theorem米尔曼定理
parallel-generator theorem并联发电机理论
substitution theorem替代定理
Tellegen's theorem特勒根定理
theorem of conservation of reactive power无功功率守恒定律
theorem of power conservation功率守恒定理