
Terms for subject Space containing theater | all forms | exact matches only
attack and launch early report to theater警戒向战区预报攻击和发射 (系统,美国导弹预警卫星地面站的)
consolidated theater target services programs合并战区目标服务程序
extended theater wide contingency增强的全战区应急
extended theater wide tactical增强的全战区战术
flexible theater missile活动式战区导弹
forward space support in theater战区前线空间支持
high-altitude theater missile defense高空战区导弹防御
joint theater missile defense联合战区导弹防御
Joint Theater Reconnaissance Committee联合战区侦察委员会 (北约组织)
long-range theater nuclear forces远程战区核力量
major theater war主战区作战
RAND theater-level campaign model兰德公司战区级战役模型
synthetic theater of war合成作战战区
theater air defense战区防空
theater ballistic missile战区弹道导弹
theater ballistic missile defense战区弹道导弹防御
Theater Battle Arena作战演示场 (美国五角大楼的军事行动仿真系统)
Theater Battle Arena战役竞技场
theater battle management战区战斗管理
theater command and control system战区指挥控制系统
theater command, control, and communications战区指挥、控制和通信
theater communications architecture战区通信体系结构
theater deployable communications可展开的战区通信
theater event system战区事件系统 (美国战区导弹防御的卫星预警系统)
theater high-altitude area defense战区高空地区防御
theater injection point战区注射点
theater injection point战区注入站 (美国全球广播业务系统/GBS 地面段)
theater integrated planning system战区综合规划系统
theater intelligence center战区情报中心
theater intelligence, reconnaissance and surveillance study战区情报、侦察和监视研究
theater-level decision model战区级决策模型
theater-level or multitheater strategy战区级或多战区战略
theater mission planning center战区任务规划中心
theater mission planning system战区任务规划系统
theater nuclear forces战区核部队
theater nuclear war战区核战争
theater nuclear weapon战区核武器
theater organic space forces战区固有的空间力量
theater precision strike operations战区精确打击作战
theater war exercise战区战争演习
theater-wide全战区 (的)