
Terms for subject Finances containing the more | all forms
actively promote the establishment of more equitable and more balanced new global partnership for development积极推动建立更加平等、更加均衡的新型全球发展伙伴关系
allow more trading in the renminbi允许扩大人民币贸易
allow the renminbi to appreciate more rapidly允许人民币以更快速度升值
call for a more rapid appreciation of the renminbi呼吁人民币加快升值
make regulatory regimes more effective over the economic cycle使监管体系在经济发展周期中更加有效率
make the commodity pricing and regulating mechanism more equitable and transparent使大宗商品定价和调控机制更加合理透明
make the international monetary system more representative, stable and resilient使国际货币系统变得更有代表性、更稳定和有活力
make the monetary policy more effective提高货币政策有效性
permit more volatility in the daily trade of the currency允许加大人民币每日交易的波动幅度
release far more cash into the economy向经济释放出更多的现金
steadily carry out reforms to make interest rates and the RMB exchange rate more market-based稳步推进利率、汇率市场化改革
take a more central role on the world stage在世界舞台上扮演更加核心的角色