
Terms for subject Information technology containing testing | all forms | exact matches only
acceptance testing验收测试
adaptive testing自适应测试
Alpha testing阿尔法测试
alternative testing method替代测试法
analog functional board testing电路板模拟功能测试
analog in-circuit testing模拟联机测试
assembly testing汇编测试
assurance testing质量保证测试
bandwidth testing带宽测试
benchmark testing基准测试
Beta testingβ 测试
bias testing偏移测试
big bang testing大锤测试
black box testing黑盒测试
blank transmission testing空白传输测试
bottom-up testing自底向上测试
bulk message testing大信息量检验
burn-in testing老化测试
busy testing忙碌测试
calibration testing校准测试
character error rate testing字符差错率测试
checklist testing清单测试
C-notched noise testingC 形缺口噪声测试
column bar testing竖条测试
compact testing紧缩测试
compatibility testing兼容性测试
compilation environment testing编译环境测试
compiler dynamic testing编译程序的动态测试
compiler function testing编译程序的功能测试
cross footing testing交叉验算法测试
customer testing time用户测试时间
data-driven testing数据驱动测试
degradation testing老化试验
destructive testing破坏性试验
dynamic testing动态测试
emulation testing仿真测试
exhaustive testing穷举调试
fault location testing故障定位测试
field testing现场测试
fitness-for-use testing可用性测试
forced-path testing强制性路径测试
formal testing形式化测试
full-interruption testing全中断测试
generate and testing生成和测试
ideal testing理想测试
in-circuit post assembler testing组装后联机测试
installing testing安装测试
instruction testing指令测试
integration testing集成测试
interactive testing交互式检测
interface testing接 口测试
iterate logic array testing method迭代逻辑阵列测试法
knowledge base automated testing知识库自动测试
leapfrog testing循环测试
leapfrog testing跳步检查
link integrity verification testing链路一致性测试
link testing链路测试
load testing负载测试
localization testing本地化测试
logic testing逻辑测试
loop testing环路测试
machine diagnostic testing机器诊断测试
microcomputer aided testing微型计算机辅助测试
microcomputer testing微型计算机测试
mightiness testing强力测试
multiple faults testing多故障检测
online terminal testing联机终端测试
overload module testing过载模块测试
parameter testing参数测试
peak to average ratio testing峰值与平均值之比测试
penetration testing渗透测试
performance testing性能测试
pilot testing引 导测试
planarity testing algorithm平面性测试算法
portability testing可移植性测试
procedural and exception testing过程异常和异常测试
product validation testing产品确认测试
pseudo-exhaustive testing伪穷举测试
reasonableness testing合理性测试
redundancy testing冗余测试
regression testing回归测试
retrofit testing更新试验
simulation testing仿真测试
skip testing跳跃测试
smoke testing冒烟测试
software testing软件测试
switch status testing开关状态测试
top-down testing自顶向下测试
transition count testing method跳变计数测试法
Turing testing图灵测试
unit testing单元[部件]测试
usability testing可用性测试
user acceptance testing用户验收测试
user interface testing用户界面测试
verification testing验证测试
virus testing protocol病毒测试协议
volatility testing易失性测试
white box testing白箱测试
wrap testing绕回测试