
Terms for subject Finances containing test | all forms | exact matches only
acid test酸性试验以流动负债与流动资产作比较 (quick ratio, liquidity ratio)
acid test酸性测试 (一项严谨的测试,用以衡量一家公司是否拥有足够的短期资产,在无须出售库存的情况下解决其短期负债)
acid-test ratio速动比率酸性测验率
acid-test ratio quick ratio酸性测验比率速动比率,指借款人偿债能力的流动比率
auditing by "test and scruting"用抽查法查帐
auditing by "test and scruting"抽查
back test秤用弹簧弹性复原试验
back test回溯测试
beta test mode反馈测试模式
expense of test production of new kind of products新产品试制费
gross profit ratio test总收益率试验
gross profit ratio test毛利率试验
gross profit test毛利测验法
hypothesis test approach to audit审计用的假设测算法
independent auditing profession test独立审计职业检验
interest-rate test利率测试
resiliency test资金实力测试
reverse test互换测验
sight test查阅
test audit by experience凭经验抽查
test of accounting record会计帐册的检验
test of financial condition财务状况测试
test of profitability盈利能力测试
true-false test真假试验
validity test有效测验