
Terms for subject Technology containing test | all forms | exact matches only
accelerator dynamic test加速器动态试验
accelerator dynamical test加速器动态试验
accumulation test储[贮]气试验
aerodynamic noise test气动噪声试验
aerodynamic test空气动力试验
aerodynamic test model气动力试验模型
aerodynamical noise test气动噪声试验
aerodynamical test空气动力试验
aerodynamical test气动力试验
aerodynamical test model气动力试验模型
alkaline dropping corrosion resistance test滴碱腐蚀试验
alkaline test碱性试验
area of water infiltration test灌水入渗试验面积
array test for asbestos spinning fiber石棉纺丝阵列试验
array test for asbestos spinning fiber石棉纺丝堆放试验
Ascoli's test阿斯科利试验
auditing by test and scrutiny抽查账目
automated digital test unit自动数字测试装置
automatic checkout test equipment自动测试装置
automatic checkout test equipment自动检查试验装置
automatic portable test set for cable便携式自动测缆器
automatic programmer-and-test system自动程序设计试验系统
automatic radiation monitoring system detection test program辐射自动监测系统测试计划
automatic radiation monitoring system detection test programme辐射自动监测系统测试计划
automatic telex test自动电传测试
automatic test and checkout equipment自动测试与检查设备
automatic test equipment自动试验设备
automatic test equipment自动测试仪
automatic test equipment自动检验设备
automatic test equipment自动测试装置
average test平均测试
average test-car run平均试验车行车
Ayer's test脊管阻塞实验
bailing test试抽
bailing test挖泥沙试验
ballistic missile test vessel弹道导弹试验舰
ballistic mortar test冲击砂浆试验
ballistic test冲击强力试验
balloon test漫画法 (市场调查)
basic test碱性试验
basic test on soil土的基本测试
basic test on soil土的基本试验
bench simulation test台架模拟试验
bench test小型试验
bench test工作台试验
bench-scale test台架试验
bench-scale test小规模试验
bench-scale test小试
Bendien's test本甸氏试验
Bennhold's test本霍尔德试验
Bial's test比亚耳试验
biological oxygen demand test生物需氧量测定
biological screening test生物筛选试验
Black's test勃拉克试验
Blaine air permeability test布莱恩透气性试验
Blaine test布莱恩细度粉末比表面积试验
Blaine test布莱恩细度试验
Blaine test method布莱恩细度粉末比表面积试验法
Blaine test method布莱恩比面测定法
Blavier's test布莱维尔试验
blinded-pipe yield test盲管流量测定
Bloor's test布卢尔试验
blow count of light sounding test轻便触探试验锤击数
blow flexure test冲击弯曲试验
blow of penetration test贯入试验锤击数
Blyth's test布莱恩氏试验
Boedeker's test伯德克试验
boring test钻孔调查
boring test钻孔试验
Bourdon's test布尔登试验
Brinell's hardness test布氏硬度试验
Brinell's test布氏硬度试验
buffer-precipitation test缓冲沉淀试验
building material test建筑材料检验
building material test建筑材料试验
burst tearing test胀破试验
burst test爆裂试验
burst test耐破度试验
can top crimp test罐头卷边试验
Cassella's fibre test卡塞尔纤维鉴定法
Cauchy's condensation test柯西并项判别法
Cauchy's radical test柯西根式判别法
Cauchy's ratio test柯西比率判别法
Cauchy's test for convergence柯西收敛准则
centre test station中心试验站
certificate of pressure test压力试验证
certificate of quality test品质试验证明书
certificate of quality test质量检验证书
certificate of test检验证书
certificate of test试验证书
certificate test检定试验
certified test block合格试验区
citrate utilization test柠檬酸盐利用试验
climbing ability test爬坡性能试验
collision test撞击试验
consistency test上的密实度试验
consistency test一致性检验
consistency test table稠度试验台
construction material test建筑材料试验
constructional material test建筑材料试验
consumption test消耗量试验
continuity test导通试验
continuity test持续性试验
continuity test断路检查试验
convergence test收敛试验
convergence test收敛性判定
convergence test辐向试验
convergence test会聚试验
conversation test交换测试
conversion test转化试验
critical path test generation临界通路测试产生法
critical test决定性考验
critical test concentration临界试验浓度
cyclic heat test周期加热试验
cyclic load-elution test循环吸附一解吸试验
cyclic shear test循环剪切试验
cyclic simple shear test周期单剪试验
cyclic simple shear test循环单剪试验
cyclic test重复测验
cyclic torsional shear test循环扭剪试验
cyclic triaxial test动力三轴试验
cyclic triaxial test循环三轴试验
cyclical heat test周期加热试验
cyclical load test周期荷载试验
cyclical load-elution test循环吸附一解吸试验
cyclical shear test循环剪切试验
cyclical simple shear test周期单剪试验
cyclical simple shear test循环单剪试验
cyclical test重复测验
cyclical torsional shear test循环扭剪试验
cyclical triaxial test周期加载三轴试验
cyclical triaxial test动力三轴试验
cyclical triaxial test周期加荷三轴试验
cyclical triaxial test循环三轴试验
dark room test暗室试验
dart test投掷试验
demulsibility test乳化沥青的反乳化度试验
derailment test脱轨试验
destructive test破坏试验
destructive test破坏检查
destructive test爆破试验
destructive test击穿试验
difference limen difference test强度辨差阈差异试验
difference limen test强度辨差阈试验
difference limen test辨差阈试验
differential apitude test battery鉴别能力倾向的成套测验
differential phase test相移失真试验
diffusion plate test扩散板试验
Dorfner test多尔夫纳应力测试验法 (上釉制品)
Dorfner test多夫纳试验
double bottom test双层底水密试验
double punch test复穿孔试验
double specimen oedometer test双样固结试验
double tailed test二重切线
double tension test双重拉伸试验
double unit triaxial test apparatus二联三轴试验仪
double vision test复视试验
double-over test折叠试验
ductile test韧性试验
early generation test早代测验
early test早期测验
electric analogy test电模拟试验
electric back-to-back test背靠背电气试验
electric component comprehensive test equipment电器综合试验装置
electric conductivity test电导率试验
electric cone penetration test电测静力触探
electric continuity test导通试验
electric motor short-circuit test instrument电机短路测试仪
electric piezocone penetration test equipment带孔压电测静力触探装置
electric porcelain shearing strength test电瓷抗剪强度试验
electric porcelain torsional strength test电瓷抗扭强度试验
electric remote test pressure gage电气遥测压力表
electric remote test tachometer电气遥测转速表
electric strength test电气强度试验
electric strength test电绝缘强度试验
electric strength test介电强度试验
electric test电栓
electric test bench电工试验台
electric torsional strength test电瓷抗剪强度试验
electric train line test电气列车线试验
electrical analogy test电模拟试验
electrical back-to-back test背靠背电气试验
electrical component comprehensive test equipment电器综合试验装置
electrical conductivity test电导率试验
electrical cone penetration test电测静力触探
electrical continuity test导通试验
electrical motor short-circuit test instrument电机短路测试仪
electrical piezocone penetration test equipment带孔压电测静力触探装置
electrical porcelain shearing strength test电瓷抗剪强度试验
electrical porcelain torsional strength test电瓷抗扭强度试验
electrical remote test pressure gauge电气遥测压力表
electrical remote test tachometer电气遥测转速表
electrical strength test电气强度试验
electrical strength test电绝缘强度试验
electrical strength test介电强度试验
electrical test电气试验
electrical test电栓
electrical test bench电工试验台
electrical torsional strength test电瓷抗剪强度试验
electrical train line test电气列车线试验
expanded test扩张试验 (管口)
expanding test扩管试验
expanding test胀管试验
expanding test膨胀试验
expanding test管子扩口试验
expanding test扩胀试验
filler metal test specimen焊条试样
filler metal test specimen金属焊料试样
fining test指形抗裂试验
fire detection system test switch火警探测系统试验开关
Fisher's test费歇尔检验法
flanged test凸缘试验
flowing test放喷
flowing zone test自喷层测试
frictional material test machine摩擦材料试验机
geophysical test地球物理试验
Gieseler plastometer test基氏塑性测定
glossiness test光泽度试验
green test格林试验
green test试运转
green test试车
green test连续负荷试验
Halphen-Hicks test哈尔芬一希克斯松香定性检验法
hardness test硬度测试
hardness test硬度实验
highlight test强光试验
high-temperature storage life test高温储[贮]存寿命试验
holding time at test pressure试压保压时间
hydraulics test水力学试验
hyperenvironment test system超环境试验系统
impermeability test不透水性试验
impermeability test不渗透试验
impermeability test抗渗透性试验
impermeability test抗渗试验
impermeability test for concrete混凝土的抗渗试验
indicator test绘示功图
indicator test指示剂试验
indoor test室内试验
indoor test台架试验
interferometric test干涉法试验
inverse test反虑料试验
Iribarren test伊利巴林式混凝土稠度试验
kinetic neutralization test动态中和试验
LD50 test致命量50%试验
Leibnitz's test莱布尼兹判别法
let engine test cell喷气发动机试车间
lethal concentration required to kill 50% of the test animals致死中浓度
lever test杠杆试验
lever test杠杆式测微仪
lever test bar杠杆测试棒
lifting from the top test顶吊试验
lifting test by up top fitting顶吊试验
limiting distribution of the Haga's test芳贺检验极限分布
litmus neutral test paper中性石蕊试纸
litmus red test paper红色石蕊试纸
load capacity test承载能力试验
load change test变负载试验
load change test变荷载试验
load characteristic test荷载特性试验
load characteristic test负荷特性试验
load characteristic test负荷特征试验
load characteristic test荷载特征试验
load retention test持载试验
load shut-down test甩负荷试验
load test加载试验
load test method荷载试验法
load test of bridge桥梁载重试验
load test on pile桩基荷载试验
load test on pile桩荷载试验
load throw-off test甩负荷试验
load-bearing test承载试验
load-carrying test track负荷试验线【铁】
load-dropping test减负荷试验
load-penetration test荷载贯入试验
load-reversal test反复荷载试验
locked test加料循环试验
logic unit connection test逻辑部件连接测试
Los Angeles abrasion test洛杉矶磨蚀试验
Los Angeles test洛杉矶试验
Los Angeles test磨耗机试验
macroscopic test低倍试验
macroscopic test直观试验
maglev test line磁浮试验线
Mann-Kendall test曼肯德尔检验
Master's 2-step exercise test二阶运动试验
material composition test材料成分试验
material composition test材料的化学分析
material for test试件材料
material test laboratory材料试验室
material test report材料检验报告
Mc-Quaid-Ehn test麦克奎德爱恩晶体粒度试验
method of conduit tracing test连通试验方法
method of dispersion test弥散试验方法
method of dispersion test in field野外弥散试验
method of steady pumping test稳定流抽水试验法
method of test for resistance to penetration插入阻力测定法
method of test for resistance to penetration贯入阻力试验法
method of tracer pumping test指示剂抽水试验法
method of tracing test示踪试验法
method of transient pumping test非稳定流抽水试验法
method of water infiltration test渗水试验方法
Meyer's test梅耶试验
micrographic test显微镜试验
mixer performance test搅拌性能试验
mixing water test拌和用水化验
model acceptance test模型验收试验
model footing test模型基础试验
model test水力型试验
model test equipment模型试验设备
model test for local scour局部冲刷模型试验
model test method模型试验法
model test of bridge桥梁模型试验
model test of cavitation汽蚀模型试验
model test of open channel diversion明渠导流模型
model test of similar material相似材料模拟试验
model tillage test模拟耕作试验
monotron hardness test莫诺特龙硬度试验
monotron indentation hardness test莫诺特龙刻痕硬度试验
monotron indentation hardness test莫氏刻痕硬度试验
multiaxial test多轴试验 (三向部等压)
multiple cleaning test多次清洁试验
multiple increment test多次增量试验
multiple pumping test多孔抽水试验
multiple sampling test多次取样检验
multiple stage triaxial test多级三轴试验
multiple well system pumping test多孔抽水
multiple-stage triaxial compression test多级三轴压缩试验
multiple-stage triaxial test多级三轴试验
neutralization test中性化试验
Niemann's test尼曼试验
non-destructive material test无损材料试验
non-destructive material test非破坏性材料试验
octane number test engine辛烷值试验机
orientation test初级试验
past pointing test过指试验
plane strain compression test平面应变压缩试验
plane strain extension test平面应变拉伸试验
plant test工业设备试验
plant test工厂技术试验
plate bearing test钢板承载试验
plate bearing test平板承载试验
plate bearing test荷载试验
plate bearing test板承试验
plate bearing test平板加载试验
plate bearing test土壤的板承压试验
plate bearing test板垫法承载力试验
plate loading test荷载板试验
plate loading test承载扳试验
plate-loading test procedure荷载试验方法
plate-shear test平板剪切试验
pneumatic test压气试验
pneumatic test气密试验
pneumatic test充气试验
pneumatic test管线的空气査漏检验
pneumatic test stand气压试验台
polariscope test偏光测试
polishing test抛光试验
polishing test磨光试验
Pollak's test波拉克氏试验
polyaxial test多轴试验 (三向部等压)
psychological test心理检查室
psychological test room心理检查室
pulverization test粉碎试验
pumpability test泵抽试验
pumpability test可抽送性试验
pumping test from bottom to top反向抽水试验
quasi-static strength test准静态强度试验
quasi-static test准静力试验
quasi-static test准静态试验
rattler test磨耗试验
rattler test滚磨试验
rattler test磨砖试验
rattler test磨损试验
rattler test洛杉矶试验
reactive aluminium in the Vermont soil test测定佛蒙特土壤中的活动性铝
reasonableness test合理性检测
release-free test自由释放试验
required test time试验需用时间
reversal test倒转检验
revision of test复核试验
revision of test校核试验
revision test重复试验
revision test校核试验
ribbon test搓条试验
salinity test盐度测定
salinity test盐分测定法
sand-blast test喷砂试验
sea test海上试验
sedimentation rate test沉降速率测试
sedimentation test静沉试验
sensitometric test感光度测定
set test凝结时间测定
set test凝结试验
shed storage test储[贮]存稳定性试验
shelf test储[贮]存试验
shock bending test振动弯曲试验
shock flexure test振动弯曲试验
shock test动载试验
shock test冲击〔震击,震撼,震动〕试验
shock test抗振试验
shock test of extreme-pressure lubricants特压润滑剂的振动试验
shock test of grease润滑脂振击试验
shock-proof test抗振性试验
shock-resistance test耐碰撞试验
sieve analysis test筛分试验
sieve test筛析试验
sieve test筛孔测定
sieve test过筛试验
sieve test result diagram筛分试验曲线
signaling test信号传送测试
solid storage engineering test facility固体放射性废物储[贮]存工程试验设备
solvent spot test溶剂点滴试验
soundness and fineness test安定性和质量试验 (水泥)
soundness test气密性实验
soundness test水泥体积安定性试验
soundness test安定性试验
soundness test耐固性试验
soundness test气密性试验
soundness test固定性试验
soundness test by immersion in cold water冷水浸渍法水泥安定性试验
soundness test pat安定性试验的试饼 (水泥)
spare test piece备用试样
steel test piece钢材取样块
storage stability test耐储[贮]性试验
strenuous test强化试验
stringing test拉丝试验
structural material test建筑材料试验
subroutine test程序检验
sulfate soundness test抗硫酸盐稳定试验
sulfate soundness test抗硫酸盐试验
sulfate soundness test硫酸盐稳定性试验 (混凝土试验)
sulfate susceptibility test对硫酸盐敏感性试验
sulfate test硫酸盐含量试验
sulfur test含硫试验
sulfur test硫试验
surge test冲击波试验
tangential frost heaving force test切向冻胀力试验
tearing test扯裂试验
tearing test撕破试验
tearing-strength test撕裂强度试验
ten point road test十项道路试验
terminal test bay终端设备测试架
test material preparation试料制备
test material preparation试件制备
test material preparation试验料制备
test of material材料试验
test rule试验规则
thick-film test厚膜试验
tightness test压力试验
tightness test气密试验
tightness test紧密住试验
tightness test of air box空气箱密性试验
tightness test pressure致密性试验压力
tilt table test倾斜台试验
tongue tear test舌形扯破试验
tongue tear test舌形试样撕破强力试验
top-cross test顶交测验
toughness of road metal test道砟韧度试验
toughness tenacity test椽胶沥青凝聚粘结力试验
toughness test冲击载荷强度试验
toughness test黏稠度测定
truncation test截断试验
turbine test code水轮机试验规则
turbomachine test stand透平机械试验台
turning point test转向点检验
turning test转向试验
two-car test双车试验
two-dimensional consolidation test双向固结试验
two-glass test两杯试验
two-hundred kg samples coke oven test二百公斤焦炉炼焦试验
two-point test两点试验法
two-product test双产品试验
two-sample test双样本检验
two-signal test method双信号测试法
two-step exercise test阶梯试验
two-tailed test双尾检验
two-unit triaxial test apparatus二联三轴试验仪
unconfined compression test无侧限抗压试验
unconfined compression test无侧限压缩强度试验
usability test工作性能试验
vacancy test空白试验
vessel squat calibration test船舶航行吃水校准试验
vessel test plate容器试板
welded joint strength test钢筋焊接接头强度试验
welded joint test specimen焊接接头试件
welded joint test specimen焊缝试件
White's test怀特试验
wire cold-drawn test钢丝冷拔试验
witness test订货人在场的试验
witness test法人在场作证的试验
witness test目击试验
works beam test工地梁试验
works beam test现场梁试验
works cube test现场试块试验
works test工程检修
Zernike's test査涅克检验
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