
Terms containing tent | all forms | exact matches only
tech.air tent充气帐篷
archit.air tent气垫充气帐篷
tech.air tent气垫帐篷
plast.air-inflated double-skin tent气动吹胀双层帐篷
plast.air-inflated double-walled tent气动吹胀双层帐篷
skiingalpine expedition tent高山探险帐篷
mount.anchor a tent设营
biol.apple tent caterpillar美国天幕虫苹天幕毛虫,Malacosoma americanum (Fabricius),枯叶蛾科
biol.apple tent caterpillar苹天幕毛虫美洲天幕毛虫,Malacosoma americana (Fabricius),枯叶蛾科
mount.arctic tent圆形小帐篷
mount.arctic tent极地帐篷
tech.assemblage tent集会帐篷
consult.Atkins Group Consul tents阿特金咨询公司
agric.bee tent蜂帐
mount.bell tent钟形帐篷
mount.bivouac tent轻便帐篷
nautic., tech.2 boxes per tent每个帐蓬2盒
biol.California tent caterpillar加州天幕毛虫 (Malacosoma californicum Pack.,枯叶蛾科)
tech.camping tent露营帐篷
textilecamping tent cloth帐篷布
gen.Canvas is strong, heavy cloth that is used for making things such as tents, sail, and bags帆布是一种结实耐用的布料,主要用于帐篷、帆以及包的制作
biol.cinchona tent caterpillar金鸡纳枯叶蛾 (Metanastria hyrtaca Cramer,枯叶蛾科)
biol.cinchona tent caterpillar金鸡纳色纹枯叶蛾 (Odonestis plagifera Walker)
textilecircle tent dress圆篷帐连衣裙
tech.clear span tent净跨帐篷
agric.cloth tent布幕
agric.cloth tent布罩
agric.cloth tent帐幕
tech.concrete curing tent混凝土养护棚
tech.concrete protection tent混凝土防护篷
tech.coned tent pile三角形断面料堆
tech.coned tent pile帐篷型料堆
archit.curing tent护帐篷
tech.curing tent路面养护棚
textiledouble tent line喇叭式套裙式样
biol.eastern tent-caterpillar美国天幕虫苹天幕毛虫,Malacosoma americanum (Fabricius),枯叶蛾科
tech.elongated tent shaped stockpile长角柱形料堆
textilefelt tent linen亚麻帐篷布
textilefelt tent linen亚麻苫布
cyc.sportfirst aid tent急救棚
sport.first-aid tent急救棚
tech.folding tent trailer折叠帐篷拖车
biol.forest tent carterpillar森林天幕毛虫 (Malacosoma disstria Hbn.,枯叶蛾科)
entomol.forest tent caterpillar森林天幕毛虫 Malacosoma disstria
biol.forest tent caterpillar森林天幕毛虫 (Malacosoma disstria Hübner,枯叶蛾科)
skiingfour-man tent四人帐篷
mount.four-man tent4人帐篷
agric.fumigation tent熏蒸帐篷
agric.gas tent熏蒸气帐篷
entomol.Great Basin tent caterpillar大盆地天幕毛虫 Malacosoma fragilis
tech.hatch tent舱口天幕
tech.hatch tent舱口防雨罩
tech.hatch tent舱口雨篷
mount.high altitude tent高山帐篷
mount.high-altitude tent高山帐篷
plast.inflatable double-walled tent充气双层壁帐篷
plast.inflated tent充气帐篷
tech.insulated tent绝热帐篷
tech.low-oil con tent measuring transformer少油式测量用变压器
mount.Meade tent米德式帐篷
mount.Meade tent密德式帐篷
tech.mean carbon con tent平均含碳量
mount.mountain tent登山帐篷
textilenew tent line新篷帐型20世纪70年代末
tech.observing tent观测幕
tech.oxygen tent氧气帐
biol.Pacific tent caterpillar太平洋天幕毛虫 (Malacosoma constrictum (Henry Edwards),枯叶蛾科)
agric.paper tent纸罩
agric.paper tent纸幕
tech.party tent集会帐篷
nautic., tech.1 per tent每个帐蓬1个
nautic., tech.1 per tent每个帐蓬1块
nautic., tech.1 per tent每个帐蓬1双1箱
nautic., tech.1 per tent每个帐蓬1把
nautic., tech.5 per tent每个帐蓬5个
gen.pitch a tent搭帐篷
mount.pitch tent搭帐篷
tech.plastic tent塑料帐篷
mount.polar tent极地帐篷
textilepole tent支柱结构帐篷
tech.pole tent立柱帐篷
biol.prairie tent caterpillar大草原天幕毛虫 (Malacosoma lutescens (N.et D.),枯叶蛾科)
tech.protection tent防护帐篷
tech.put up a tent支帐篷
tech.separative work con tent分离功量值
tech.shelter tent两人用帐篷
textileshelter tent duck军用帐篷帆布
tech.sponge tent海绵塞条
exhib.table tent酒水牌
exhib.table tent特荐菜单
busin.table tent篷式服务项目推销卡
tech.temporary wood frame structures and tents临时木结构及帐篷
tech.tent arbor活树亭
tech.tent bed行军床
tech.tent bed帐篷式卧床
tech.tent camp露营
exhib.tent card桌卡
adv.tent card三角立牌
desert.tent caterpillar天幕毛虫
entomol.tent caterpillar东部天幕毛虫 Malacosoma americana (F.)
entomol.tent caterpillar黄褐天幕毛虫 Malacosoma neustria (L.)
entomol.tent caterpillar苹天幕毛虫 Malacosoma americana (F.)
biol.tent caterpillar黄褐天幕毛虫 (Malacosoma neustria testacea Motschulsky,枯叶蛾科)
biol.tent caterpillar moth蓖麻天幕毛虫 (Taragama diplocyma Hampson,枯叶蛾科)
biol.tent caterpillar moths and allies枯叶蛾科 (复, Lasiocampidae)
entomol.tent caterpillars枯叶蛾科 Lasiocampidae, Malacosoma spp
entomol.tent caterpillars天幕毛虫属 Lasiocampidae, Malacosoma spp
biol.tent caterpillars枯叶蛾科 (Lasiocampidae)
biol.tent caterpiller天幕毛虫梅毛虫,Malacosoma neustria L.,枯叶蛾科
textiletent cloth帐篷布
textiletent coat大下摆女式大衣
textiletent coat帐篷式女外衣
textiletent dress大下摆宽松式连衣裙
textiletent dress伞装
textiletent dress蓬松连衣裙
textiletent dress帐篷装
textiletent dress塔型天幕装
textiletent duck帐篷帆布
textiletent fabric帐篷织物
mount.tent floor营帐内地板
tech.tent fly帐篷盖
tech.tent for cold area寒区帐篷
desert.tent-hill小平顶丘 (高原面残余)
textiletent line帐篷线形
tech.tent line帐篷绳
biol.tent maker天幕毛虫梅毛虫,Malacosoma neustria L.,枯叶蛾科
tech.tent membrane帐篷薄膜
ichtyol.tent olive帐篷榧螺 Oliva porphyria
archit.tent peg帐篷桩
mount.tent peg帐篷钉
tech.tent peg帐篷桩 (子)
mount.tent pin营帐钉
mount.tent pole帐篷柱
construct.tent poling突然偏转
tech.tent poling突然偏转 (声波测井中,由于周波跳跃或仪器的停顿而产生的曲线突然偏转)
tech.tent roof帐篷屋顶
archit.tent roof帐篷顶
tech.tent roof锥形屋顶
tech.tent roofed shed帐篷式堆场
tech.tent-shaped clinker store帐篷式熟料储[贮]库
tech.tent-shaped clinker store帐篷式熟料堆场
tech.tent-shaped pile帐篷式料堆
tech.tent-shaped roof人字形屋顶
textiletent-shaped style帐篷型款式
textiletent silhouette伞形服装轮廓
textiletent stitch针向平行线迹
textiletent stitch双面线迹
textiletent stitch双缝
textiletent stitch点状线迹
tech.tent string hook帐篷绳钩
tech.tent structure帐篷结构
archit.tent structure张拉受拉结构
tech.tent structure帐蓬构造
tech.tent system帐篷系列
tech.tent system for construction of high points高处建筑帐篷体系
tech.tent texture帐篷结构
textiletent topper帐篷式宽松轻便短大衣
exhib.tent trailer篷式挂车
tech.tent trailer帐篷拖车
mount.tent wall帐篷壁
tech.tent with aluminium poles铝管帐篷
tech.tent with aluminum poles铝管帐篷
skiingtent with hoop-like support挂钩支持型帐篷
skiingtent with hoop-like supports挂钩支持型帐篷
exhib.tents and marquees大小帐篷
econ.They admit ted the title of you to each of the pa-tents他们承认你方对每项专利的所有权
auto.trailer tent帐篷挂车
tech.transportable tent移动式帐篷
skiingtwo-man tent双人帐篷
tech.umbrella tent伞形帐篷
tech.unlined tent单帐篷
repr.biol.vaginal suppositories alone or in combination with a laminaria tent阴道栓剂或并用昆布条
mount.wall tent屋式帐篷
tech.wall tent有墙帐篷
entomol.Western tent caterpillar西部天幕毛虫 Malacosoma pluviale
biol.western tent caterpillar加州天幕毛虫 (Malacosoma californicum Pack.,枯叶蛾科)
mount.Whymper tent温伯式三角形帐篷
mount.Whymper tent温伯式帐篷
mount.Zdarsky tent轻便帐篷