
Terms for subject Commerce containing tender | all forms | exact matches only
advertise for tenders for a factory登广告为建厂招标
auction by tender标式拍卖
be obliged to tender shipped on board clean bills of lading有义务提交已装船的清洁提单
call for tenders邀请投标
evaluation of tenders评标
feel some hesitancy in accepting the invitation to tender后者侧重心理
feel some hesitancy in accepting the invitation to tender对接受招标有点迟疑。前者侧重动作
feel some hesitation in accepting the invitation to tender对接受招标有点迟疑
invitation and submission of tender招标与投标
invitation for tenders招标 (与投标 (submission of tender s) 相对)
invite tenders邀请投标
legal tender合法货币
legal tender偿付债务时债务人必须接受的货币
offer by tender用投标方式报价
public tender公共投标
put in a tender for building materials投标承办建筑材料
submit tenders投标
tender a check for the unearned premium偿付未付保险费支票
tender bidder参加投标人
tender bills标售国库券
tender bond投标保证金 (投标人须交纳一般为投标金额的5%)
tender documents交单 (指付款交单 (documents against payment)、承兑交单 (documents against acceptance))
tender for construction of a new railway投标承建一条新的铁路
tender issue of treasury bill英国国库券公开发行
tender necessary documents in support of a claim提供必须的索赔文件
tender of documents提交单据
tender offering招标
tender shipping documents交单 (指付款交单 (documents against payment)、承兑交单 (documents against acceptance))
tender the amount of rent偿还租金
The documents tendered are defective所交付单据有缺陷
The property right in the goods passes when the bill of lading relating to them is tendered to the buyer货物所有权即随之转移
The property right in the goods passes when the bill of lading relating to them is tendered to the buyer提单一经提交买主
The winner in the tender was officially advertised中标人已予正式公布
time appointed for tender确定投标时间
validity of tenders投标有效期