
Terms for subject Hydroelectric power stations containing temporary | all forms | exact matches only
amortization charge of small temporary facilities小型临时设施摊销费
expense for temporary facility临时设施费
high specific hydraulic energy temporary operating range高水力比能短时运行范围
high-load temporary operation range高负荷短时运行范围
low specific hydraulic energy temporary operating range低水力比能短时运行范围
low-load temporary operation range低负荷短时运行范围
Summary of land requisition for permanent use and constructi temporary use永久及施工临时用地汇总表
Table of temporary works estimate施工辅助工程估算表
temporary bank protection暂时性护岸
temporary bank protection临时性护岸
temporary baselevel临时基面
temporary bridge临时桥
temporary bridge便桥
temporary canal临时渠道
temporary casing临时护壁,临时套管
temporary cofferdam临时围堰
temporary dam临时挡水坝
temporary dike临时堤
temporary droop暂态差值系数
temporary dyke临时堤
temporary fault瞬时性故障
temporary irrigating canal临时灌溉渠
temporary joint临时缝
temporary land occupation临时用地
temporary leakage暂时渗漏
temporary prestressed anchor临时性预应力锚杆
temporary speed droop暂态转差系数
temporary spoil storage临时弃物存放
temporary stack yard暂存场
temporary storage临时蓄水量
temporary storage of spate runoff临时拦蓄暴雨径流
temporary stream间歇性河流
temporary structure临时性建筑物
temporary support临时支护
temporary waterbearing layer上层滞水
temporary works施工辅助工程
temporary works施工辅助工程临时工程