
Terms for subject Commerce containing technical | all forms | exact matches only
a large collection of technical data一大批技术资料
administer a technical training举行技术培训
advanced technical equipment先进技术设备
advise us of technical improvements告知我们关于技术改进的情况
advise us on technical improvements向我们提岀关于技术改进的建议
advise with us on technical improvements与我们商量有关技术改进的问题
agreement concerning scientific and technical cooperation有关科技合作的协议
American Technical Society美国技术协会
be absorbed in technical study专注于技术研究
bring off a technical innovation完成一项技术革新
China National Technical Import Corporation中国技术进口公司
collected technical data技术资料集
Commonwealth Fund for Technical Cooperation英联邦技术合作基金
contractual technical report合同技术报告
contractual technical requirements合同技术要求
depend on technical progress依赖技术进步
develop high technical proficiency达到高技术熟练程度
develop high technical proficiency in在…方面达到高度技术熟练水平
emolument of technical service技术服务报酬
engagement of technical and professional experts聘请技术专家与专业人员
fee for technical service技术服务费
grant technical cooperation给予技术合作
in the absence of technical data在缺少技术资料的情况下
International Council for Technical Communication国际技术交流理事会
lay out a large sum of money in purchasing technical equipment拨一大笔款购买技术设备
recruit technical force补充技术力量
Society of Technical Economics中国技术经济研究会
specialized technical personnel专业技术人员
technical and economic requirements技术经济指标 (要求)
technical and economic responsibility技术经济责任制
technical and economic viability技术经济可行性
technical approval acceptance team技术审定验收
technical assessor技术鉴定人
technical assistance and manufacturing agreement技术援助及制造协定
Technical Assistance Board联合国技术援助理事会
Technical Assistance Committee联合国技术援助委员会
technical assistance program技术援助规划
technical assistance to under-developed countries对欠发达国家的技术援助
technical barriers to tradeTBT协定
technical barriers to trade技术性贸易壁垒
Technical Committee美国标准协会技术委员会 (American Standard Association)
technical conditions技术情况
technical consultancy技术咨询
Technical Cooperation Committee技术合作委员会
technical cooperation agreement技术合作协议
technical data centre技术资料中心
technical design工艺设计
technical development capacity技术开发能力
technical diffusion技术扩散
technical documentation技术文献资料
technical domain技术领域
technical economic indices技术经济指标
technical economic quota技术经济定额
technical equipment工艺设备
technical feasibility技术上的可行性
technical force of distinguished engineers雄厚的技术力量
technical gap技术差距
technical grade工业技术品位
technical grade standard技术等级标准
technical improvement技术革新
technical improvement技术改进
technical innovation技术改革
technical installations and equipment技术装置与设备
technical interflow技术交流
technical levels技术层次
technical licensing技术许可
technical maintenance regulation技术维护规程
technical makeup技术结构
technical material技术材料
technical norm技术规范
technical panel技术小组
technical papers技术文件
technical pattern技术模式
technical reconstruction技术改造重建
technical renovation技术更新
technical renovation and transformation技术更新改造
technical renovation of existing enterprises现有企业的技术改革
technical standard classification技术标准分类
technical terms技术条件
technical terms技术专门术语
technical total loss推定全损 (保险中,与实际全损 (actual total loss) 相对)
The capital contribution of an investor may take the form of cash, machinery or intangible assets such as patents, goodwill, know-how and technical service投资者可以现金、机械,或以专利权、商誉、专有技术和技术服务等无形资产投资
The investment projects should dovetail with the items of technical renovation of existing enterprises投资项目应与现有企业技术改造项目相一致
United Nations Technical Assistance Administration联合国技术援助局
valid technical certification有效技术证明