
Terms for subject Rail transport containing technical | all forms | exact matches only
active force Chinese-English dictionary for railway technical standards作用力
average kilometers of local wagons to be delivered in transit at technical station per transit operation移交重车中转距离
average train technical speed列车技术速度
electro-technical base电工基础
electro-technical instruments电工仪表
fundamental technical requirements for repair and inspection检修基本技术条件
locomotive technical speed机车技术速度
on-site technical explanation现场交底
passenger car technical servicing depot客车技术整备所库列检
passenger trains technical servicing siding客车技术整备线
railway technical operation management铁路技术管理
safety technical measures安全技术措施
station technical operation车站技术作业
station technical working diagram车站技术作业图表
surveyor of technical inspection技术鉴定者
technical diagnosis技术诊断
technical-economical comparision技术经济比较
technical inspection of train列车技术检查列检
technical operation station技术作业站
technical operations of train列车技术作业
technical preparation技术整备
technical record book of car车辆技术履历簿
technical record book of car车辆技术履历表
technical servicing技术装备
technical specification技术说明书/规范
technical specifications技术条件
technical speed技术速度
technical station for passenger train客技站
technical superintendent技术负责人
technical target of freight traffic货物运输工作技术指标
technical terms技术条款
time waiting for technical test待检时间