
Terms for subject Business containing tax on | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
alternative tax on capital gains资本利得代用税
bilateral agreement on tax credit税收抵免互惠协定
credit for tax on prior transfer早期资产转移税税收抵免
direct tax on consumer直接消费税
extra tax on corporate profit超额利润税
fine on tax made-up补税罚款
general tax on retail turnover一般零售营业税
go-slow on tax increase暂缓增税
impose a tax on sugar征收糖税
income tax on Chinese-foreign joint ventures中外合资经营企业所得税
income tax on foreign enterprise外国企业所得税
income tax on interests存款利息所得税
income tax on profit利润所得税
income tax on profit earnings remitted abroad汇出利润所得税
income tax on state-owned enterprise国有企业所得税
income tax on state-owned enterprise in proportion to their profits按一定比例征收国有企业所得税
industrial and commercial tax on banks银行工商税
interest on tax-free securities免税证券利息
international transfer tax on industrial property国际工业产权转让税
international transfer tax on knowledge property国际知识产权转让税
international transfer tax on publishing right国际版权转让税
international transfer tax on stock国际股票过户税
international transfer tax on technology国际技术转让税
levy tax on income征收所得税
maximum tax on earned income劳动所得最高税额
minimum tax on preference items优惠项目最低税额
overall limitation on the foreign tax credit外国税收抵免全面限额
profit and loss method of calculating income tax on foreign company计算外国公司所得税的损益法
progressive tax rate on excess earning超额收入累进税率
schedule of average rates of tax on taxable income应税所得平均税率表
special limitation on the tax credit for capital gains and losses资本损益税收抵免特别限额
special limitations on the foreign tax credit外国税收抵免特别限额
special tax on oil burning燃油特别税
tax on acts行为税
tax on added value增值税
tax on aggregated income综合所得税
tax on bourse交易所税
tax on capital资本税
tax on commerce商业税
tax on deposit存款税
tax on dividends股息税
tax on exchange交易税
tax on export sales出口产品销售税
tax on goods and property货物及财产税
tax on gross profit basis毛利税
tax on house房产税
tax on import进口税
tax on income and profits所得利润税
tax on income from movable capital动产收入税
tax on landed property地产税
tax on licenses执照税
tax on mine矿山税
tax on natural resources自然资源税
tax on net profit basis纯利税
tax on operation营业税
tax on profit利润税
tax on revaluation重估税
tax on revaluation重新估价税
tax on revenue收益税
tax on sale of property买卖产业税
tax on sales销售税
tax on stalls摊点税
tax on sundry杂税
tax on superfluity奢侈品税
tax on the above-norm bonus超额奖金税
tax on trade交易税
tax on transfer of goods货物转让税
tax on transfer of technology技术转让税
tax on turnover交易税
tax on turnover营业税
tax on urban building城市建筑税
tax on urban building城市房产税
tax on write-up重估增值税
tax on write-up账面增值税
tax per head on slaughtered animal每头屠宰税
transfer tax on stocks股票过户税
transfer tax on stocks证券交易税