
Terms containing tax incidence | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
busin.formal incidence of tax税收的合法负担
econ.incidence of a tax最后纳税者
fin.incidence of a tax赋税归宿
econ.incidence of a tax纳税负担
busin.incidence of a tax征税负担
busin.shifting and incidence of tax税收转移
IMF.tax incidence课税归宿
IMF.tax incidence征税的影响范围
IMF.tax incidence赋税归宿
econ.tax incidence税赋负担
interntl.trade.tax incidence纳税负担
interntl.trade.tax incidence租税归宿
busin.tax incidence间接税课税负担者
econ.tax incidence theory税负理论
commer.What is the incidence of the tax?该税会落在谁的身上?