
Terms for subject Project management containing tax | all forms | exact matches only
A property tax -would help bring down prices and provide local governments with a sustainable revenue stream开征物业税将有助于降低房价、 并为地方政府提供可持续的收入来源
abatement of tax减扣免税额
ad valorem tax[拉]从价税
additional tax补加税款
additional tax补加税罚款
after tax operating income税后营运收人
after-tax profit税后溢利
after-tax profit税后盈利
after tax profit margin税后利润率
aggregate of salaries tax合计薪俸税
air passenger departure tax飞机乘客离境税
All had become used to swollen export and tax revenues and face readjustment这些国家在危机到来前都已习惯了盆满钵满的出口和税收收入、 现在都面临着重新调整
All prices are deemed to be ex-works, excluding packaging and insurance, and excluding the applicable statutory turnover tax所有价格指出厂价、不包括包装和保险、同时也不包括法定营业税
assessment of additional tax补加税评税
back tax补缴税款
bargain deed tax交易契税
before tax income or profit税前收益或利润
bets and sweeps tax博彩及彩票税
building tax建筑物税
certificate of payment of profits tax缴付利得税证明书
chargeable to tax应课税
claim for refund of property tax申请发还物业税
collection of tax收税
composite rate of tax综合税率
composite tax return综合报税表
corporate profits tax公司利得税
corporate service tax公司服务税
corporation tax act公司税法 (CT A)
credit to be given against tax税款抵免
deferred tax payment延缓缴纳的税款
earning after tax税后收益额
earnings before interest and tax息前税前收益
evade payment of tax逃缴税款
excess tax paid多缴的税款
exempt from tax获豁免缴税
exemption from property tax豁免物业税
final salaries tax assessment薪俸税最后评税
final tax最后税款
fixed assets tax固定资产税
foreign tax外地税款
group tax relief集团税项宽减
He pounded them on tax avoidance, advised them to invest at home rather than overseas, and lambasted oil company profits他抨击这些企业逃税、建议这些企业投资国内而非海外、还痛斥石油企业的利润
holding over of provisional tax暂缓缴纳暂缴税
hotel accommodation tax酒店房租税
If anything, he appears keener on discussing an increase in sales tax from its current 5 per cent than either of his predecessors如果说有什么不同的话、他似乎比自己的两位前任更热衷于探讨上调目前5%的销售税问题
income chargeable to salaries tax应课薪俸税的人息
income tax人息税
industry tax产业税
international double tax imposition国际双重征税
international tax evasion国际逃税
irrecoverable tax无法追讨的税款
liable to tax应课税
liable to tax应纳税
marginal tax band边际税阶
motor vehicle tax机动车辆税
net provisional tax暂缴税实额
objective tax目的税
Oil industry analysts, however, say a wind fall pro fits tax might be counterproductive石油公司宣称收取暴利所得税并不能达到预期的效果
On the first registration of a motor vehicle, a first registration tax is charged首次在本港登记的车辆、须缴付首次登记税
onerous tax繁重税率
onerous tax繁苛税项
outstanding tax欠税
payment of tax缴付税项
personal assessment tax个人人息课税应付的税款
post-tax operating profit除税后营业利润
premium tax保费税项
prepaid tax预缴税项
profits tax利得税
profits tax assessment利得税评税
profits tax return利得税报税表
progressive tax band累进税阶
property assessable to tax应课税的物业
property tax assessment物业税评税
property tax return物业税报税表
proportionate reduction of property tax按比例减征物业税
provisional profits tax暂缴利得税
provisional property tax暂缴物业税
provisional salaries tax暂缴薪俸税
punitive tax惩罚性税项
purchase tax购物税
reconstruction tax重建税
redemption of tax reserve certificate赎回储税券
regular tax正常税
salaries tax assessment薪俸税评税
salaries tax borne by the employer由雇主代付的薪俸税
salaries tax payable应缴的薪俸税
salaries tax payer缴交薪俸税人士
salaries tax return薪俸税报税表
salaries tax threshold薪俸税的免缴税人息额
set-off of the property tax豁免物业税
specified tax指明税项
subject to tax须课税
tax accrued应征税款
tax assessor税收评定员
tax band税阶
tax base征税依据
tax benefit税项利益
tax break赋税减免
tax burden税项负担
tax clearance清税
tax concession税项宽减
tax credit税款减免
tax credit抵免
tax credit抵税
tax deductible可扣除的税款
tax deductible在计算税项时扣除
tax defaulter欠税者
tax dis charged注销的税款
tax due应付税
tax due到期应缴税款
tax element税收成分
tax estimating税款预算
tax evader逃税人
tax evasion瞒税
tax haven低税地区
tax haven免税港
tax haven避税天堂
tax held over延缓缴纳的税款
tax holidays减税期
tax in default拖欠税款
tax investigation税务调查
tax invoice纳税发票
tax liability税务负担
tax-loaded fee含征税成分的收费
tax loophole税制漏洞
tax net税网
tax payable应缴税款
tax preference items优惠税目
tax proposal税收建议
tax rate税率表
tax refundable可发还的税款
tax regime税制
tax relief税项宽免
tax representative税务代表
tax return纳税申请表
tax threshold免缴税额
tax threshold免缴税人息额
tax under charged短征税款
tax year计税年度
total tax payable应缴税款总额
Total tax payable under property tax and salaries tax is $ 10240物业税及薪俸税合计应缴税款总额为10 240美元。
turnover tax按营业额征收的税项
voluntary disclosure of tax evasion自动表白逃税情形
wages income tax工资所得税
What is After Tax Operating Income?税后营运收入是多少?
wholesale tax批发税
width of two tax bands两个税阶的幅度
withholding tax预扣税款
withholding tax预扣税项