
Terms for subject International trade containing tax | all forms | exact matches only
after expiration of the tax holidays免税期满后
after-tax income纳税后收入
business profit tax return营业税申报书
consolidated tax return综合报税表
direct tax on consumers直接消费税
double-tax treaty双重课税协定
elasticity of tax to national income国民收入的税收弹性
foreign tax credit国外税额的减除
general tax on retail turnover营业税
generous tax holidays免税期
government tax revenues政府税收
imported labor, tax and insurance进口劳务费,税金和保险费
impose a tax upon a person向某人收税
income tax reserve所得税准备
income tax return所得税申报书
income tax surcharge所得附加税
individual income tax return个人所得税申报表
inland transit tax system厘金制度
investment tax credit投资赋税优惠企业因投资而在缴税方面得到的优惠
lay tax on对…征税
levy tax on对…抽税
marginal tax rate边际税率
marginal tax rates边际税率
multilateral tax treaty多边税务条约
multistate tax compact多州赋税协定
national tax association美国租税协会
Negative-Tax Plan负税计划
non-tax payments非征税支出
non-tax receipts非征税收入
notice of tax payment缴税通知
personal income tax exemption个人所得税豁免额
personal income tax exemption个人所得税起征点
power to tax is the power to destroy课税之权力为破坏之力量
presumptive tax assessment推定税额办法
price for tax assessment完税价格
progressive income tax system累进所得税制
proportional tax rate比例税率
put a tax on imports征收商品进口税
regional cooperation tax system区域合作税收制度
regressive tax rate累减税率
regressive tax rate累退税率
regular tax and additional tax正税与附加税 (surtax)
requirement for tax exemption免税规定要求,条件
statutory tax rate法定税率
tax abatement蹲税
tax accounting税务会计
tax ad valorem从价税
tax advantage有利税率
tax allocation税捐分配
tax anticipation bills长期交税债券
tax anticipation bills预期税收国库券
tax anticipation note税收共付票据
tax avoidance合法避税
tax barrier关税壁垒
tax base课税值
tax base征税基础
tax bearer纳税人
tax-benefit rule课税沾惠税则
tax bracket税级
tax bracket税收等级
tax break减免赋税
tax buoyancy保持高税收
tax court, U.S.美国税务法院
tax credit赋税优惠
tax credit赋税减免
tax credit税额減免
tax credit纳税额的扣除
tax credit抵减税额
tax deductable可减免课税的
tax deductible loss税的耗减损失
tax deduction课税和除额
tax deduction税额扣减
tax deduction减税
tax deferral递延税捐
tax deferral on income earned by foreign subsidiaries税收延付优惠外国子公司所得税的税收优惠
tax dodge偷税
tax dodge漏税
tax dodge逃税
tax dodger逃税人
tax dodger偷税人
tax dodging逃税
tax dodging漏税
tax duplicate核税根据单
tax duplicate不动产估税证书
tax equalization税务均衡
tax equity课税公平
tax evasion偷税
tax evasion逃税
tax evasion偷税、漏税
tax evasion漏税
tax exclusion课税豁免
tax exclusion不予课税
tax exempt免税的
tax exempt bond免税债券
tax exempt security免税证券
tax-exempt security免税证券
tax exemption税收减免
tax exemption赋税免除
tax exemption certification免税证
tax expatriate出国逃税者
tax farmer包税商
tax farmer税款包收人
tax farming system包税制
tax for the examination of deeds验契税
tax free免税
tax free imports免税进口货
tax-free profit免税利润
tax fund税源
tax haven避税处
tax haven免税港口
tax haven避税场所
tax haven逃税乐园
tax heaven避税场所
tax heaven避税地
tax holidays赋税优惠期
tax holidays免税期
tax in kind实物付税
tax in kind实物税
tax incentive赋税刺激
tax incentives for investment投资税收减让
tax incidence租税归宿
tax incidence纳税负担
tax income征收所得税
tax investments避税投资
tax items税目
tax law税则
tax lien征税执留权
tax lien课税扣押权
tax loopholes逃税
tax loopholes税收漏洞
tax-loss carry back赋税亏损退算
tax-loss carry forward赋税亏损结转
tax-loss corporation税捐公司
tax-loss selling为减少纳税而结清蚀本交易
tax offset征收抵销减除
tax on征税
tax on consumption消费税
tax on luxuries奢侈品税
tax on profit财产税
tax on profit营业税
tax on revaluation重估价税
tax on superfluity奢侈税
tax on the reception from public enterprises公共企业收入税
tax on transaction交易税
tax on undistributed profit未分利益税即未分派剎益应付税
tax on undistributed profit未分利润税即未分派利润应付的税
tax on value added增值税
tax payable应付捐税
tax payable应付税款
tax payer纳税人
tax per head on slaughtered animals屠宰税每头
tax planning税务计划
tax position纳税状况
tax price公定价目
tax rate schedule税率表
tax rebate出口税回扣
tax rebate退税款
tax reference price征税参考价格
tax reference price税收参考价格
tax reference price征税参考价
tax reform act税捐改革法案
tax reimbursement退税
tax relief税款减免
tax return税款申报单
tax return报税表
tax return税单
tax revenue税收
tax roll捐税清册
tax selling纳税抛售
tax selling除税售出
tax sharing税征分享
tax shelter赋税优惠
tax shelter合法减税
tax shield折扣税减
tax shifting捐税转嫁
tax-spares loans对利息实行免税的贷款
tax tabacco烟草税
tax table税表
tax title购买不交税;而拍卖的财产的买主所有权
tax unique单值税收
tax year课税年度
wage-price-tax spiral工资-物价-捐税螺旋
withholding tax rate代扣税率