
Terms for subject Technology containing tax | all forms | exact matches only
abatement of tax减税
accession tax财产增值税
accrued income tax应计未付所得税款
accrued tax on income应计所得税款
accrued tax on value added应计增值税款
additional income tax附加所得税
additional income tax return附加所得税申报表
additional percentage tax附加比例税
additional tax追加关税
additional tax for education教育附加费
additional tax rate附加税率
adjudication of tax税收裁决
adjustable tax调节税
admission tax入场税
advance corporation tax预缴公司税
advantage of certain tax benefits免税好处
after-tax cash flow税后现金流量
after-tax profit扣除所得税后的利润
after-tax yield付税后收益
aggressive tax累积税
airport tax机场税
all-phase transaction tax全阶段交易税
amount of tax to be paid税额
apparent tax名义税
apparent tax rate名义税率
asset revaluation tax资产重估税
automobile weight tax汽车重量税
average rate of tax平均税率
average tax rate平均税率
before tax纳税前
before-tax cash flow to equity税前现金流量财产价值
before-tax income税前收入
bilateral agreement on tax credit双边税收抵免协定
book tax difference账面税金差额
bourse tax交易所税
building house tax建筑税
cash flow before tax税前现金流量
certificate of deduction of interest tax扣除利息税证明书
certificate of tax payment完税证
certificate of tax payment纳税证明书
city and town land use tax城镇土地使用税
class stamp tax分等印花税
combined industrial and commercial tax工商业统一税
corporation profit tax法人利润税
corporation tax法人税
counter-cyclic tax反周期税
counter-cyclic tax反危机税
counter-cyclic tax反向成本法
counter-cyclical tax反周期税
counter-cyclical tax反危机税
counter-cyclical tax反向成本法
creditable tax可抵免税款
current tax本期税收
current tax payment act现期纳税法
current tax system现行税制
current year's tax levy本年度税收
decrease of income tax所得税额减少
deductible tax可扣除税款
default of tax payments拖欠税款
deposite for tax payments纳税住所纳税准备存款
deposite for tax payments纳税准备存款
deposite of withhold tax代扣预提税
direct tax credit税收直接抵免
door and window tax进口税
double tax system两次税制
double tax treaty双重税协定
drinking and lodging tax膳宿税
dual-status tax year双重纳税年度
earmarked tax附加税
earning after tax扣除税金后净利
earnings after tax税后收益额
earnings after tax课税后利润
earnings before interest and tax付息及税前利润
earnings before interest and tax减除利息和税款前收益
earnings before tax税前收益额
earnings before tax纳税前收益额
eligibility for tax credit符合税收抵免条件
employment tax工资税
equalization of tax赋税均等化
equalization of tax payment纳税平等
equitable tax纳税公平
evade a tax偷税
evade tax偷税 (漏税)
evade tax逃避税收
excess income tax超额所得税
excess tax credit超额税收抵免
excess-profit-tax credit超额利润税贷款
exempt from consumption tax免征消费税
exempt from filing annual income tax returns免办年度所得税申报
exempt from income tax免除所得税
exempt from petroleum revenue tax免缴石油收益税
exemption form tax免税
exemption from income tax免除所得税
exemption from the local income tax免征地方所得税
export tax rebates出口退税
export-tax relief出口税救济
extra tax on corporate profit超额公司利得税
extra tax on profits超额利得税
extraordinary tax非常税
extraordinary tax特别税
file income tax return提送所提税申报表
franchise tax特许权税
fraudulent income tax returns虚假的所得税申报书
free income tax免付所得税
free of income tax免所得税
fully tax-exempt treasury securities全部负税
general tax reduction一般减税
gift tax馈赠税
graded tax分等税
graded tax分级税
grades of tax rates税率等级
graduated income tax分级收入税
graduated tax分级
graduated tax rates分级税率
hidden tax间接税
homeowner's tax exemption住宅免税
house tax
impersonal tax非人身税
improvement tax都市设施改良税
indexation of tax allowances and taxation课税减免指数化与税收
instalment payment of tax分期缴税
interest and tax利和税
interest on tax underpaid or postponed欠缴或滞纳税款利息
interest with holding tax利息预扣税
investment tax credit投资的减税率
investment tax credit投资减税额
investor tax credit投资减税额
invoice for value added tax增值税发票
land tax钱粮
land tax collect in kind实物土地税
landing tax入国境税
liability for payroll tax应付工薪税
local allocation tax地方分配税
local allocation tax grant地方分配税收补贴
local tax law地方税法
local tax payment地方税款缴纳
local transfer tax地方传递税
local transfer tax地方转移税
lump-sum tax次总缴的人头税
lump-sum tax课税总额
multiple tax system复合税制
negative income tax负项所得税
negative income tax负所得税
negative income tax负值所得税
negative tax负赋税
negative tax负数税收
negative tax plan负税收计划
negative tax plan负税计划
negative tax plan退税计划
negative wage tax负工资税
net business profits tax纯营业收入税
net income after tax净利
net income after tax扣税后净收益
net income before income tax扣缴税前净收益
net income before tax纳税前净收益 (纳税指纳所得税)
net income before tax缴税前净收益
net of tax除税净额
net of tax扣除税款后净额
net of tax income纳税后净收入
net profit after income tax扣除所得税后净利 (润)
net profit after tax税后净利 (润)
net rate of tax净税率
net wealth tax净财产税
nominal tax名义上的税收
optimal export tax最适当出口税
other tax其他税
other tax rate其他税率
outlay tax支出课税
outstanding advance for estimated tax未预付估计税金
overhead tax一般性的税
partial double tax system准两税制
payroll tax薪工税
personal tax rate个人税率
personal tax relief个人税收减免
persons eligible for tax exemption税收减免的纳税人
petroleum revenue tax石油收入税
prefectural tax policy地县税收政策
premium tax保险费税
price after tax纳税后价格
price including tax税金在内的价格
private property tax私人财产税
profit after tax纳税后利润
profit and tax rates for every hundred Yuan of output value百元产值的利税率
profit before tax纳税前利润
progressive tax in excess of specific amounts超额累进税
progressive tax on excess earning超额收益累进税
progressive tax structure累进税结构
progressive tax system累计税制
progressiveness of income tax所得税的累进度
prohibitive tax禁止性税收
proportional stamp tax比例印花税
recapture tax超定额税收
receive tax收税
reduced liability tax赋税义务减轻
regulation tax of state enterprise国营企业调节税
resource equalization tax资源平衡税
reverse income tax反所得税
salaries tax薪金税
scale of tax税率表
security of tax payment纳税保证金
separately compute and pay tax on each category分别计算纳税
shifted tax已转嫁的税收
short tax year不满一年的纳税年度
single tax统一税
single tax in silver一条鞭法
single tax system税制
social security tax社会保险税
standard tax rate标准税率
standard tax rate zone标准税率范围
standardize the tax system规范税制
take-off a heavy tax免除重税
tariff equalization tax海关平衡税
tax accrued应计税金
tax administration税务管理
tax affidavit免税声明
tax agency税务机构
tax allocation with a period赋税当期分配
tax allocation with a period捐税当期分配
tax allowances for anti-pollution investments税率优待反污染投资
tax and insurance本金、利息、税金和保险费
tax anticipation bills赋税抵偿国库券
tax anticipation bills税收共付票据
tax anticipation notes赋税抵偿债券
tax appraisal纳税鉴定
tax articles应纳税商品
tax assessment征税估价
tax at source从源课税
tax audit税收审计
tax audit税务监察
tax avoidance避免纳税
tax base课税基准
tax base征税基数
tax base计税基数
tax base征税基准
tax basis课税标准
tax basis征税基数
tax bearer负税人
tax bearer赋税负担者
tax bearing capacity税负能力
tax-benefit rule课税沾惠原则
tax-benefit rule课税受益原则
tax burden课税负担
tax burden ratio税负率
tax burden ratio税收率
tax categories税种
tax certificate税征
tax collecting征税
tax collection收税
tax collector收税人
tax collector收税员
tax computation税款计算
tax concession税收减让 (指对投资的鼓励)
tax concession减免税办法
tax corporate课税法人
tax corporation课税法人
tax credit scheme免税方案
tax criteria课税标准
tax criterion纳税扣除
tax criterion纳税额的减除
tax criterion课税津贴
tax criterion税收抵免
tax criterion税捐信贷
tax criterion抵免
tax criterion赋税宽减额
tax criterion税额减免
tax criterion税款减除数
tax criterion课税扣除
tax cut by law依法减税
tax cutback税收削减
tax day征税日期
tax declaration纳税申报
tax deductible可减免课税的
tax deduction纳税扣除
tax deduction赋税扣抵
tax deduction纳税时可扣除的项目
tax deduction课税免除
tax deduction课税扣除
tax deduction课税减免
tax deduction应税金额的扣除
tax deduction method已纳税款扣除法
tax deferral延期缴税
tax delinquency税收滞纳
tax difference计税差别
tax difference课税差别
tax differentiation税收差别
tax differentiation on petroleum对石油的差别计税
tax dirigation干预经济的税收政策
tax dodger逃避纳税者
tax dodger偷税漏税者
tax dodging偷税
tax due到期应纳税款
tax effect课税效果
tax effect课税影响
tax effort课征效率
tax equalization纳税均等
tax exclusion不预课税
tax exclusion课税外项目
tax exempt免税债票
tax-exempt bond免税公债
tax-exempt bond免税票证
tax-exempt export免税输出
tax exempt exports免税出口货物
tax-exempt fellowship免税研究奖金
tax-exempt import免税输入
tax-exempt import免税进口
tax-exempt import免税进口货物
tax-exempt income免税收入
tax-exempt income免税收益
tax-exempt items免税项目
tax-exempt items allowance免税项目
tax-exempt organization免税组织
tax-exempt property免税房地产
tax-exempt scholarship免税奖学金
tax exemption免征额
tax exemption certificate免税证
tax exemption certificate免税凭证
tax exemption certificate免税执照
tax exemption certification免税证明
tax exemption system免税制度
tax farmer包税人
tax ferret逃税侦查员
tax for default滞纳加征税款
tax for regulating differential income级差收入调节税
tax forms纳税申报表 (格)
tax fraud偷漏税
tax-free allowance免税津贴
tax-free allowance免税宽减额
tax-free article非课税品
tax-free bond免税债券
tax free corporation非课税法人
tax-free distribution免税分配额
tax-free exchange免税交易
tax-free exchange免税资产交换
tax-free exchange免税交换
tax-free exchanges and transfers免税资产交换或转让
tax free export免税出口货物
tax-free export免税输出
tax-free import免税进口货 (物)
tax-free import免税进口
tax-free import免税输入
tax-free interest免税利益
tax-free investment免税投资
tax free liquidation免税清算
tax-free or tax-refund无税或退税
tax-free reserve funds免税准备基金
tax-free transfer免税资产转让
tax function税务功能
tax haven免税地区
tax haven避税掩蔽所
tax haven纳税隐藏所
tax haven activities避税港活动
tax hike赋税增加
tax holiday赋税优惠期
tax incentive税收减让 (指对投资的鼓励)
tax inspection纳税检查
tax lease课税租赁
tax liability赋税义务
tax liability应纳税金
tax lien税务扣押权
tax lien课税留置权
tax loading负担税收
tax loophole赋税漏洞
tax-loss benefit亏损利益
tax-loss benefit亏损税款抵免
tax-loss carry-forward纳税时亏损结转
tax-loss carry-forward赋税亏损结转
tax map税务地图
tax money税款
tax of vehicle and ship licence车船使用牌照税
tax office税务所
tax on a contract合同税
tax on a corporation公司税
tax on aggregate income综合所得税
tax on automobiles汽车使用税
tax on enterprise企业税
tax on expenditures消费税
tax on imports进口税
tax on income and profit所得及利润税
tax on licenses营业执照税
tax on mine矿税
tax on net investment income投资净收入税
tax on product产品税
tax on profit利得税
tax on separate income分类所得税
tax on special consumption behavior特种消费行为税
tax on special consumption behaviour特种消费行为税
tax on the above-norm bonus超限额奖金税
tax on the write-up资产重估增值税
tax on undistributed profit未分配利润率
tax on undistributed profit未分配利润税
tax on writeup重估增值税
tax paper纳税通知书
tax paradise纳税隐藏所
tax participation产业税参股
tax payable应付税
tax payable account应付税款账户
tax payable audit应交税金审计
tax payment纳税
tax payment date纳税日期
tax payment in kind实物纳税
tax payment place纳税地点
tax payment receipt完税凭证
tax payment receipt纳税收据
tax planning scheme赋税计划
tax position课税情况
tax price课税价格
tax pyramiding重叠计税
tax rate reduction降低税率
tax rate structure税率结构
tax rebate减税退款
tax receivable delinquent应收滞纳税款
tax receiver收税人
tax receiver收税员
tax reference price课税参考价格
tax reformation税制改革
tax refundable可获发还之税款
tax registration纳税登记工作
tax regulation税收条例
tax reimbursement for export出口退税
tax-related provisions有关税收的规定
tax relief税捐减免
tax remission赋税分配
tax remission赋税豁免
tax repayment预付税款
tax reserve certificates tax home纳税准备证书
tax reserves纳税准备金
tax retention ratio纳税后利润留存比率
tax retirement免税
tax returns纳税申报单
tax revenue赋税收人
tax revenue税收收人
tax revision税制修改
tax revolt反税
tax roll纳税清册
tax roll课税清册
tax schedule税率表
tax search税务检查
tax sensitivity赋税敏感性
tax sharing赋税分担
tax shelter纳税隐藏所
tax shelter将利润、收益用于投资等用途以推迟纳税
tax-sheltered annuities避税年金
tax shield节税手段
tax shield赋税保护
tax shifting赋税的转嫁
tax sparing纳税饶让
tax sparing credit免税信贷
tax stop clause承租人支付可能增加的财产税条款
tax structure赋税结构
tax structure税结构
tax surcharge on imports进口附加税
tax system课税制度
tax table税率表
tax technique课征方法
tax technique课税方法
tax threshold起征界限
tax threshold免缴税入息额
tax title税契
tax to be paid in advance in quarterly instalments分季预缴税额
tax treatment课征方式
tax unit纳税单位
tax unit课税单位
tax value课税价格
tax withheld已扣缴预提税款
tax withheld certificates扣缴税款凭证
tax write-off for all the expenditures纳税时各项费用的冲销
tax yield赋税收入
term of tax纳税期限
the Interim Regulations on the Fuel Oil Tax燃油税暂行条例
the tax to be paid each month每月应纳的税款
the tax withheld from each payment每次所扣的税款
the withholding income tax return扣缴所得税报告表
trade tax交易税
turnover tax按营业额征收之税项
turnover tax商品周转
unused land tax土地闲置税
unused land tax未利用土地税
urban real estate tax房地产税
vacant land tax土地闲置税
value-added tax function加值功能
value-added tax system增值税制
vehicle and vessel license tax车船使用牌照税
vehicle excise tax车辆税
vehicle tax汽车运输税
veterans's tax exemption退伍军人财产免税权
voluntary tax自愿税收
wastewater tax law污水征收法令
ways of going about tax evasion偷税漏税行为
window tax窗税 (按窗计税)
withholding income tax扣缴所得税
withholding income tax代扣所得税
withholding income tax return扣缴所得税报告表
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