
Terms for subject Economy containing tariff | all forms | exact matches only
a multicolumn tariff多栏税则
a multicolumn tariff多栏关税
a multilineal tariff多栏税则
a non-tariff barrier非关税壁垒
a non-tariff device非关税手段
a postal tariff邮费表
a tariff act关税法
a tariff agreement关税协定
a tariff war关税战
across-the-board tariff cut全面削减关税
across-the-board tariff reductions全面降低关税
an appendix to a tariff运费表的附录
anti-dumping tariff反倾销关税税则
argument concerning tariffs有关关税的论据
arguments concerning tariffs有关关税的论据
authorized tariff固定税则
autonomous non-bargaining tariff policy无谈判自主关税政策
autonomous tariff国定关税
autonomous tariff system固定税率制
British Common Wealth Preference Tariff System英联邦特惠关税制度
British preference tariff system英联邦特惠税制度
Brussels Nomenclature for the Classification of Goods in Customs Tariffs布鲁塞尔税则商品分类目录
Brussel's Tariff Nomenclature布鲁塞尔关税商品目录
classification of imports and exports under customs tariff进出口货物的税则归类
common customs tariff共同海关税制
common external tariff对外统一运费
common external tariff共同对外关税
common external tariff欧共体共同对外关税
common tariff共同对外关税
compensating tariff补偿性关税原则
composite tariff system复合税率制
compound tariff混合税率
compromise tariff调和关税
conference tariff班轮公会费率表
conventional tariff协定税则 (system, 制)
coordination of tariff关税协调
custom tariff海关税率
customs tariff schedule关税税表率
depreciation of tariff cut关税削减幅度
differential tariff差别税率
difierential tariff差别税则
discriminatory tariff歧视关税
discriminatory tariff差别待遇税则
distance tariff按距离计算的资费表
distance tariff按距离计算的运价表
distance tariff距离运价
double tariff双重税则 (率)
double tariff双重税
duty-free by tariff按税则免税
educational tariff培植关税
external tariff欧洲共同体共同对外税则
first tariff第一税率
fixed general tariff固定税率
freight tariff运费价目
freight tariff运费价表
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade关税和贸易总协定 (缩 GATT)
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade总协定1995年改为 WTO
General Agreement on Trade & Tariffs贸易及关税总协定
general and conventional tariff固定与协定税率
general and conventional tariff一般与互惠税率
general and conventional tariff普及及协定税则
general tariff普通关税
general tariff preference普遍关税优惠
general tariff rate一般税率
general tariff rate固定税率
general tariff rate普通税率
general tariff system单一税率制
general tariff system一般税率制
generalized system of preferential tariff treatment普遍优惠关税制度
graded tariff级差税率
graded tariff多级税率
graduated tariff递远递减价率表
graduated tariff分级资费表
gross tariff一般税
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States美国统一关税【运费】率表
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States美国统一关税表 (HTS or HTSUS)
Hawleys Smoot Tariff豪利一斯穆特关税美国 1930 年关税法
imperial preferential tariff英联邦特惠关税
Imperial Preferential Tariff System英联邦特惠税制
Imperial Preferential Tariff System帝国特惠关税
import export tariff进岀口关税率表
import-export tariff进出口关税率 (表)
incidental fee tariff追加运费费率
Inter-Governmental Group of Experts on Tariff Reclassification政府间重订海关税则类别专家组
internal tariff division of the country国内关税区
law relating to tariffs关于运价法律
maximum and minimum tariff双重税率 (system, 制)
maximum and minimum tariff最高最低税率 (system, 制)
memorandum tariff运价表备忘录
most favored nation tariff rates最惠国关税税率
most many, much 的最高级 favoured nation tariff最惠国税率
most many, much 的最高级 favoured nation tariff rates最惠国关税率
motor freight tariff汽车货物运价表
multi-lateral tariff negotiation多边关税谈判
multilineal tariff多边关税
multilineal tariff多边税则
multiple scheduled tariff复式税率
multiple tariff多种税则
multiple tariff复税
multiple tariff多重关税
multiple tariff多种税率
multiple tariff多样税则
multiple tariff多重税
multiple tariff system多重关税制
national optimal tariff国家理想关税税则
net national loss from tariff国家关税净损失
non-tariff barriers非关税壁垒
non-tariff border control measures非关税边境管理措施
non-tariff distortion of composition非关税综合干扰措施
non-tariff measure非关税措施
non-tariff obstacles非关税障碍
non-tariff obstacles非关税壁垒检査
non-tariff trade-distortive devices非关税贸易干扰手段
normal tariff普通税率
normal tariff标准定价表
official tariff官定运费率
passenger tariff旅客运费表
performance tariff对抗关税
preference tariff特惠关税
product-by-~ tariff reduction逐项商品减低关税制
product-by-product tariff reduction逐项商品减低关税制
prohibitive tariff拒绝关税
prohibitive tariff寓禁税则
protection tariff保护关税
protective tariff保护性税则 (或关税)
provisional tariff暂行关税税则
railway tariff铁路运价率
rate tariff收费表
rate tariff价目表
reciprocal tariff互惠关税
reduced tariff特惠税率
reduced tariff减价表
reduced tariff减低的运价表
reduced tariff减低的价率
reduction of internal tariff降低内部税率
scientific tariff科学性关税
selective tariff从价从量的选择关税
single schedule tariff单一制关税率
single-column tariff单栏税则
single-schedule tariff单一制关税率
sliding-scale tariff递远递减运价表
sliding-scale tariff滑动关税
Smoot Hawley Tariff Act of 1930美国 1930 年的斯穆特一霍利关税法案
specific tariff从量关税 (税率表)
standardization of tariffs统一价表
statutory tariff国定税率
statutory tariff固定关税
tariff act关税法
Tariff Act of 1930美国1930年关税法
tariff agreement收费标准协议
tariff amendment运费率订正单
tariff amendment税率订正
tariff and non-tariff barrier关税和非关税壁垒
tariff and non-tariff concession关税和非关税减让
tariff classification关税归类
tariff classification of goods税率表内的货物分类
Tariff Commission美国关税委员会
tariff commission关税委员会
tariff compensatory concession rate补偿性关税优惠税率
tariff concession关税优惠
tariff concession rate关税减让率
tariff cycle关税循环
tariff diminution关税减征
tariff escalation关税自动调整
tariff for tare carriage空包箱运价
tariff free quota无关税配额
tariff liberalization关税放宽
tariff on uniform basis划一的运价表
tariff quota税率限额
tariff quota关税率配额简写为TRQ
tariff quota关税配额
tariff quota system关税限制条例
tariff quotas税率限额
tariff rate quota关税率配额简写为TRQ
tariff rate quota关税配额
tariff reclassification重订税则分类
tariff retaliation关税报复
tariff schedule海关税则表
Tariff Schedule of the United States美国关税税则
Tariff Schedule of the United States美国关税表
Tariff Schedule of U. S.美国关税税率表
tariff standard定价本位制
tariff sub-heading分目
tariff sub-heading分税目
tariff trade barriers关税贸易壁垒
tariff treaty关税协定
tariff union运价联盟
the air tariff航空货运费率
the different tariff差异运费
the different tariff差异税则
the elimination of tariffs取消关税
the escalation of tariff according to the degree of processing税率按加工程度滑动
The government should impose tariffs on imported motorcars政府应对进口汽车征收关税
the Hawley-Smoot tariff赫莱一斯摩特税则
the maximum tariff最高税率
the non-bargaining tariff非谈判性关税
the nuisance tariff低率关税
the refinement of tariff classifications税则的精细分类
the retaliatory tariff报复关税 (税率)
the revenue tariff财政关税
the supplement tariff追加税率表
the tariff bargaining关税谈判
the treble tariff三重税率
the unilinear tariff单栏税则
There is a high tariff on cigarette烟税很高
Trade Tariff Act of 1930美国1930 年的贸易关税法案
two-part tariff半定半活的费率
types of tariff关税形式
waiving of tariffs免除关税