
Terms for subject Oil / petroleum containing tariff | all forms | exact matches only
complex tariff复合税则
complex tariff复合税率
customs tariff税则
customs tariff law关税税法
effective tariff实际关税税率
flexible tariff弹性关税
flexible tariff浮动关税
General Agreement on Tariff and Trade关税与贸易总协定
General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs贸易与关税总协定
import tariff输入税率
pipeline tariff管线运费率
pipeline tariff管道运费率
port tariff港口费
provisional tariff暂行关税
retaliatory tariffs报复性关税
selective tariff选择关税
standing charge tariff订有基本费的天然气费率
tariff drawback关税退税
tariff schedule关税率表