
Terms for subject Sports containing target | all forms | exact matches only
aim at the target对准目标
effective target width有效目标宽度
everyone's target众矢之的
hit the target命中
hit the target击中
home in on a target对准目标
missed target现代冬季两项脱靶
neuron-target cell interaction神经元-靶细胞相互作用
passing target传球目标
predicated target heart rate预期心率
predicted target heart rate预期心率
signal target信号灯
standard target标准靶
target behaviour目标行为
target cell靶细胞
target context目标情景
target game中靶游戏
target gland靶腺
target heart rate目标心率
target heart rate靶心率
target organ靶器官
target point得分
target rate指标心率
target skill目标技能
target test中靶测验
target tissue靶组织