
Terms for subject Finances containing takes | all forms | exact matches only
case of winner takes all赢者通吃的游戏
give-and-take policy互通有无政策
give-and-take trade对等贸易
take a longer-term perspective着眼长远
take a more central role on the world stage在世界舞台上扮演更加核心的角色
take a nosedive股市大跌
take a position建仓
take a position建立头寸
take a position开仓
take a severe beating遭受沉重的打击
take a tougher stand采取更强硬的立场
take active steps采取积极步骤
take advantage of enormous demand to sell at an inflated price利用巨大需求抬高发行价
take aggressive measures采取大胆的措施
take all necessary steps采取一切必要措施
take bribes贪赃
take bribes受贿
take bribes and bend the law贪赃枉法
take comprehensive measures采取综合性措施
take concrete steps采取切实步骤
take defensive action采取防御性措施
take deposits吸收存款
take discretionary measures自由采取行动
take effect from day's date自即日起生效
take expanding domestic demand as long-term strategy for economic development把扩大内需作为经济发展的长期战略
take fresh steps采取新一轮措施
take further steps采取进一步措施
take important steps采取重要步骤
take into full account the different national circumstances of various members充分考虑各国不同国情
take loan on securities以有价证券做抵押获得贷款
take losses承担损失
take measures to internationalize renminbi采取措施推动人民币国际化
take names扣留他人的动产
take new trade protectionist measures采取新的贸易保护主义措施
take on economic challenges应对经济挑战
take on the risk of loss承担损失风险
take or pay必付合约
take-or-pay contract必付合约
take out a credit开立信用证
take out a mortgage to buy a house按揭购房
take out an insurance投保
take out of pledge赎帐
take part of the debt out in goods以货抵充部分债务
take position坐盘
take remedial measures采取补救措施
take short positions做空
take specific actions采取具体行动
take stimulus measures采取刺激措施
take strong measure against fake and shoddy products打假
take the heat out of the economy为经济降温
take-up rate吸纳率
take-up rate认购率
take urgent and exceptional measures采取紧急和特别措施
use exchange rate policies to take away the benefits of lower trade barriers利用汇率政策来抵消较低贸易壁垒的好处