
Terms containing take-up | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
tech.air-operated take-up气动张紧装置
econ.amount not take up未用金额
met.automatic pallet take-up system【团】 台车间隙自动补偿系统
met.automatic pallet take-up system台车间隙自动补偿系统
met.automatic take-up coil holder自动开卷装置
tech.automatic take-up device自动张紧装置
tech.bearing take up轴承拉紧
auto.bearing take-up调整轴承间隙
chem.belt take-up紧带装置
tech.cable take-up钢绳弹性收缩 (钻头冲击井底后)
tech.cable take-up system钢丝绳收紧装置
textilecam type thread take-up lever凸轮式挑线杆
chem.chain take-up紧链装置
textilecheck spring take up挑线簧吸收量
chem.clearance take-up mechanism滚筒调距装置
tech.collapse to take up their natural angle of repose坍到其自然休止角
tech.corrosion with oxygen take-up耗氧腐蚀
tech.crawler take-up履带松紧调节装置
plast.direct take-up直接卷取
textiledouble disc looper thread take-up双盘式弯针挑线
textiledouble disk looper thread take-up双盘式弯针挑线
met.double take-up双滚筒卷取装置
plast.draw take-up unit牵伸引出装置
plast.drum take-up鼓式卷绕
textiledye up-take上染
econ.Either party shall not take up responsibility for any damage caused by the public enemy according to the agreement根据协议,任何一方对社会公敌引起的任何损毁都不承担责任
sport.Except the javelin, there is no run-up in throwing events which take place inside a throwing circle除标枪外、在投掷圈内进行的投掷项目不用助跑
tech.fabric take-up织物卷取
tech.fabric take-up and batching device织物卷取和打卷装置
plast.film take-up roller薄膜卷绕辊
oilfilm take-up spool胶卷收片轴
dril.film take-up spool测斜仪胶卷收片轴
tech.film take-up spool胶卷收片轴 (测斜仪)
met.gas up-take上升烟道
met.gas up-take煤气上升道
met.gas up-take上气道
tech.gravity take-up重锤式张紧装置
met.gravity take-up unit重力式张紧装置
tech.hand-winch take-up手摇绞车拉紧装置
gen.He is tied up at the present time. He is not able to take the call他现在有事,没办法接你的电话
anim.husb.hides take-up生皮验收
tech.horizontal gravity take up水平重锤拉紧装置
econ.In special economic zone foreign citizens and overseas Chinese are encouraged to open factories or take up various economic undertaking with investment政府 鼓励外国公民和华侨在经济特区投资设厂,兴办各项经济事业
oilindirect take-up间接卷取
textileintermittent take-up motion间隙式卷取装置
auto.lifting platform take-up point举升器提升点
textilelink type thread take-up lever连杆式挑线杆
steel.loop take-up活套张紧器
textilenylon take-up挑线杆
tech.off-loom take-up motion脱机卷取动作
met.pallet take-up system台车补偿系统
met.pallet take-up system台车调节系统
tech.positive worm take-up motion蜗轮式积极卷取运动
auto.quick take-up master cylinder快速充液制动主缸使非拖滞式制动钳活塞移动,制动衬块接触制动盘,提供所需的额外制动液
auto.quick take-up valve快充阀
auto.quick take-up valve异径制动主缸快速充液阀
tech.screw take-up螺杆拉杆装置
tech.self-compensating take-up自动补偿拉紧装置
tech.self-lube take-up unit自润滑滑块式轴承箱组
oilseparate take-up system分离卷取装置
oilseparate take-up system单独卷取装置
avia.shoulder harness take-up device肩带拉紧装置
avia.shoulder harness take-up mechanism肩带拉紧机构
textilesieve type take-up滑杆式挑线
gen.sit up and take note of注意〔怀疑〕起来
gen.sit up and take note of突然发觉
idiom.sit up and take notice注意〔怀疑〕起来
idiom.sit up and take notice突然发觉
textilesleeve take-up滑杆式挑线
textilesleeve type take-up滑杆式挑线
textilesliding cam take-up滑杆挑线
textilespreader thread take up叉针挑线杆
tech.spring take-up弹簧张紧装置
auto.tagline winder or magnet take-up reel抓斗索绕线器或磁铁收线器
tech.tail-pulley screw take-up尾轮螺旋拉紧装置
row.Take it up!翘起来!舵手口令
row.Take it up!比赛前后经过拥挤地区时舵手的口令翘起来!
textiletake load up装载
gen.take these things up把这些东西拿回去〔拿进去,背在你背上,带给他,拾起来,拿上楼去〕
econ.take turns up a bill承兑汇票
econ.take turns up a bill赎票
gen.take up溶解
gen.take up时间
gen.take up装载
gen.take up接纳〔受〕
gen.take up继续
gen.take up着手
gen.take up照顾
el.take up聚集
el.take up收紧
gen.take up学习
proj.manag.take up时间
agric.take up变晴
textiletake up改短衣服
interntl.trade.take up承装货物,接纳
busin.take up付清
busin.take up全部买去
busin.take up赎回票据等
econ.take up接纳
auto.take up离合器接合
econ.take up承装
busin.take up认购
busin.take up承兑汇票等
agric.take up重新开始
agric.take up保护
gen.take up支付
gen.take up
gen.take up拉〔张,系,绷,拧〕紧
gen.take up收缩
gen.take up天气好转
gen.take up清除间隙
gen.take up使牢固
gen.take up承兑
gen.take up研究
gen.take up处理
gen.take up从事
gen.take up开始
gen.take up消除
gen.take up承接
gen.take up提出
gen.take up去,据
gen.take up吸收
gen.take up采取〔纳〕
gen.take up拿〔举,抬,捡〕起
commer.take up a berth停泊
securit.take up a bill赎票、赎单
commer.take up a bill赎单
busin.take up a bill承兑汇票
busin.take up a bill赎票
econ.take up a bill付清账单
securit.take up a bill兑付汇票
commer.take up a collection募集资金
gen.take up a collection for为…募捐
China, polit.take up a matter with向... 交涉
busin.take up a post就职
econ.take up an appointment就任
gen.take up an occupation就业
gen.take up arms武装起义
gen.take up arms拿起武器
busin.take up bill付清账单
interntl.trade.take up bill承兑汇票
interntl.trade.take up bill赎票
busin.take up bill赎单
gen.take up consideration从事研究
gen.take up considerations从事研究
securit.take up fee认购费
China, lawtake up in disguised forms变相占用
econ.take up one's indenture服务期满
econ.take up one's indenture学徒期满
gen.take up little room占地很少
securit.take up loan on securities抵押有价证券获得贷款
interntl.trade.take up loan on securities抵押有价证券
econ.take up loan on securities以有价债券为抵押获得贷款
interntl.trade.take up loan on securities以有价证券作为抵押获得贷款
securit.take up loan on securities用证券做担保
busin.take up one's note at the bank when due按期结清银行支票
busin.take up one's old occupation复业重操旧业
archit.take up one's abode与...... 同住
archit.take up one's abode住进
archit.take up one's abode定居
busin.take up one's indenture服务期满
China, lawtake up position任职
w.polo.take up positions站好位置
gen.take up one's residence居住 (in)
gen.take up one's residence择定住所 (in)
gen.take up one's residence住人 〔进〕… (in)
busin.take up securities认购有价证券
securit.take up securities认购证券
met.take up stand钢丝绳机的收线架
gen.take up the gauntlet护卫
gen.take up the gauntlet应战
China, lawtake up the job again重新执业
gen.take up the running
gen.take up the running领先
gen.take up the running采取主动
gen.take up the running开头
gen.take up the threads接下去讲
gen.take up to 200 tons of steel需要达 200 吨钢
archit.take up water (分)
inf.take up with致力于
inf.take up with忍受
inf.take up with信奉
inf.take up with和…相交
inf.take up with对…发生兴趣
inf.take up with采用
met.take-up【压】 收线装置
tech.take-up a bill赎票
tech.take-up an occupation就业
tech.take-up assembly张紧装置
tech.take-up bearing调整轴承间隙
textiletake-up bill承兑汇票
textiletake-up bill付清账单
textiletake-up bill赎票
textiletake-up bill赎单
tech.take-up bill已付讫票据
met.take-up block收线卷筒 (拉丝机的)
plast.take-up bobbin卷绕筒管
tech.take-up bolt夹紧螺栓
archit.take-up bolt夹紧扣紧螺栓
tech.take-up bolt扣紧螺栓
tech.take-up by gravity重力张紧 (装置)
tech.take-up case卷带盒
tech.take-up counterweight拉紧装置配重
tech.take-up device卷片装置
textiletake-up device卷布机构
textiletake-up device卷取机构
tech.take-up device拉紧装置
tech.take-up device张紧装置
plast.take-up equipment卷取装置
plast.take-up equipment牵引装置
geophys.take-up error处理错误
telecom.take-up factor电缆的绞缩系数
tech.take-up film cassette卷片暗盒
met.take-up frame收线架
chem.take-up gear导出装置
tech.take-up gear卷取装置 (stand)
tech.take-up gear导出装置 (stand)
plast.take-up godet卷丝导丝盘
textiletake-up lever挑线钢丝
textiletake-up lever挑线杆
plast.take-up machine卷绕机
tech.take-up magazine收片盒
plast.take-up mechanism牵引机构
plast.take-up mechanism卷取机构
tech.take-up mechanism张紧装置
met.take-up method轧材的收集方法
met.take-up method收集验收方法
tech.take-up method轧材的收集或验收方法
textiletake-up motion卷取运动
tech.take-up one's indentures服务期满
plast.take-up package卷取筒子
chem.take-up pan接料盘
tech.take-up stock pan接料盘
textiletake-up pull脱圈杆
tech.take-up pulley收线轮
tech.take-up pulley拉紧滚筒
tech.take-up pulley拉紧轮
fin.take-up rate吸纳率
fin.take-up rate认购率
archit.take-up reel接收卷带,卷线
telecom.take-up reel收线盘
telecom.take-up reel卷线盘
telecom.take-up reel卷片盘
dril.take-up reel巻带盘
met.take-up reel【压】 卷取机
dril.take-up reel卷线轮
tech.take-up reel接收盘
adv.take-up reel收片盘
tech.take-up reel收带盘
plast.take-up reel收卷筒
roll.take-up reel卷取机
roll.take-up reel卷线轴
roll.take-up reel卷线圆筒
tech.take-up reel引出轴
comp.take-up reel卷带盘
plast.take-up roll牵引辊
tech.take-up roll卷取辊
tech.take-up screw挠性传动张紧装置
tech.take-up set预加应力装置 (钢筋)
archit.take-up set钢筋预加应力装置
tech.take-up set夹具
tech.take-up slack收紧绳索
plast.take-up speed卷取速率[度]
plast.take-up speed牵引速率[度]
plast.take-up spool卷取筒〈涂布带〉
archit.take-up spool卷片
tech.take-up spool收片盒
tech.take-up spool收带盘
adv.take-up spool卷带盘
plast.take-up spool牵引筒
adv.take-up spool收片盘
tech.take-up spool承片轴
tech.take-up spool卷带轴
tech.take-up spool卷片轴
met.take-up stand收线架 (钢丝绳机的)
tech.take-up stand收线架 (钢丝绳)
tech.take-up strain张紧应变
tech.take-up tension卷带张力
tech.take-up tension安装张力
tech.take-up tension卷片拉力
tech.take-up the backlash收紧背隙
tech.take-up the lost motion收紧游隙
tech.take-up the slack收紧间隙
tech.take-up the-belt张紧皮带
textiletake-up thread picker挑线器
textiletake-up thread trimmer挑线剪线器
tech.take-up torque卷带转矩
tech.take-up travel拉紧行程
tech.take-up tumbler张紧轮
met.take-up unit缠卷装置
met.take-up unit卷取装置
met.take-up unit卷线装置
tech.take-up unit张紧装置
eng.geol.take-up water吸收水分
eng.geol.take-up water吸水
plast.take-up winder缠绕机
sport.This coach emphasizes the combination of a fast run-up approach and a quick take-off这位教练员强调快速助跑和快速起跳相结合
textilethread take-up挑线
textilethread take-up缝纫机头上的挑线杆
textilethread take-up挑线杆
textilethread take-up cam缝纫机挑线凸轮
textilethread take-up level roller挑线杆滚子
textilethread take-up lever连杆式挑线杆 (link type)
textilethread take-up lever凸轮式挑线杆 (cam type)
textilethread take-up lever stroke挑线杆行程
textilethread take-up spring挑线簧
gymn.throw up the club with one hand and take it back with both hands单手抛棒双手接
gymn.throw up the club with one hand and take it back with the other单手抛棒另手接
met.up-take boiler上升烟道锅炉
nautic., tech.up-take ventilator排风帽
tech.vertical gravity take-up垂直重锤拉紧装置
avia.warm-up, taxi, and take-off起动、滑行与起飞
textilewarp take up经缩
econ.We would request you to take up this matter with the issuing bank at once so that we may effect shipment by the direct steamer scheduled to arrive here about...我方要求你方立即向开证行交涉此事,以便我方能装上约于…日到达此地的直达班轮
commer.We'll take up the matter with the party concerned我方将向有关方提出这一问题
sport.With his fast run-up, powerful take-off and fine coordination of body movements, he is one of the promising high jumper他的助跑速度快、起跳有力、动作协调、是一名有希望的跳高运动员
sport.With his fast run-up, powerful take-off and fine coordination of body movements, Zhu Jianhua was one of the promising high jumpers朱建华的助跑速度快、踏跳瞬间爆发力好、动作协调、他是有发展前途的跳高选手之一
textileyarn take-up device纱线卷绕装置
textileyarn take-up spring挑线簧
textileyarn take-up spring拉线装置