
Terms for subject Securities containing take | all forms | exact matches only
make overall plans and take all factors into consideration统筹兼顾
not take it不买账
notice to take delivery提款通知书
on the take伺机谋利
on the take受贿
on the take敲竹杠
take a bath惨遭巨大损失
take a bath洗澡投资人因证券价格下跌而产生重大的损失
take a bath输光
take a call电话成交
take a fall flier做冒险的股票交易
take a favorable turn好转
take a flier坐飞机期货的交易者在到期之前不结清,而想在期后进行实物交割
take a flier做冒险的股票炒卖
take a position持股
take a position占据头寸
take a position开盘
take a powder暂停交易
take a powder临时撤单
take a profiteering attitude投机心态
take a swing高价成交
take a swing承受风险
take a swing努把力
take advantage of position利用职务之便
take advantage of the huge capital market in China利用中国庞大资本市场
take along证券收回
take along内部接收
take-along right内部接收权
take back证券收回
take delivery接收交付
take delivery提取
take deposits接受存款
take deposits办理存款
take document赎票
take document赎单
take down证券分配
take down降价
take down拆开
take down动用
take down证券承销定额
take drastic measures采取了断然措施
take equity stakes持股
take hold占上风
take in收取交付延期费
take in接受有价证券作为抵押
take into consideration in the interests of all concerned统筹兼顾
take It购进
take no responsibility for the contents of any prospectus证券交易所 对招股书的内容概不负责
take on聘用
take on a line做长线
take on a line大宗购人
take or pay必付条款合同带必付强制性条款
take or pay contract必付合同
take precautions against risks in trading交易中风险提示
take price接受价格
take profits and reduce their positions in the market获利回吐
take short position抛空
take short position卖空
take stopgap measure扶持措施
take the initiative in making middle and long term investment自主进行中长期投资
take the interests of the state, the collective and the individual into account兼顾国家、集体、个人三者利益
take the offer证券买人成交
take the offer按卖价买人
take the offer接受卖方报价
take under低价买人
take under低价吃进
take up a bill赎票、赎单
take up a bill兑付汇票
take up fee认购费
take up loan on securities抵押有价证券获得贷款
take up loan on securities用证券做担保
take up securities认购证券
take your time请便
take your time请自选
take your time TYT orders自主订单