
Terms for subject Economy containing take | all forms | exact matches only
After the written approval of the Landlord is obtained the tenant may take possession of the premises在取得房产主人的书面同意之后,承租人方得占用该房产
amount not take up未用金额
An agreement for the sale and purchase of goods may take the form of a formal contract对销售与购买此类货物的协议可采用正式合同的形式
Both parties agree not to take any action which would encumber the sales双方同意不采取任何妨害销售的行动
deviation to take on fuel为添加燃料而绕航
Either party shall not take up responsibility for any damage caused by the public enemy according to the agreement根据协议,任何一方对社会公敌引起的任何损毁都不承担责任
failure to take delivery未能提货
give and take互相让步
give and take trade互让贸易
give-and-take policy互惠政策
host government take产油国政府收入
If we do not get favourable news from you before the end of June, we shall have to take legal proceedings for collection若我方在6月底前得不到你方肯定消息,我方将不得不通过法律程序追索货款
If we do not hear from you favorably by May 18, we shall have to take legal means for collection若我们在 5 月 18日前得不到你方肯定消息,我们将不得不采取法律行动索回贷款
if you take 2 from 5, 3 remains5 减 2 得 3
In determining such fair value, one can't take into consideration any value for goodwill of the concern在确定此类公平价值时,不应考虑企业的商业信誉价值
In order to energetically develop the sale of the goods at home and abroad, we have agreed to take the said measures为了大力发展该商品在国内外的销售,我们同意采取所说的这些措施
In order to recover the amount due, we decided to take the debtor to court为了收回逾期未付款,我们决定控告债主
In special economic zone foreign citizens and overseas Chinese are encouraged to open factories or take up various economic undertaking with investment政府 鼓励外国公民和华侨在经济特区投资设厂,兴办各项经济事业
In the event the contract price is not subject to escalation, the contractor will take the risk of the ever-increasing cost如合同价格不逐步上升,承包商必须承担成本不断上涨的风险
It will take us three months to clear the backlog of orders我们要花三个月时间来清理这些积压的定单
make a large take大量猎获
on the take敲诈
on the take接受贿赂
precondition for take-off起飞准备阶段
pull in a take获得一笔收入
refuse to take delivery拒绝交货
refuse to take money不收钱
take a bribe from受某人贿赂 (sb.)
take a flier做冒险的股票买卖
take a hand in和…有关
take a hand in参加
take a long short position on the market在市场上买空 (卖空)
take a note of记下
take a note of把… 记下来
take a sample抽样
take a sample for inspection抽样检验
take a shower淋浴
take a significant step采取重大步骤
take about照料
take about照顾
take account of考虑
take after仿效
take all things together整个说来
take and pay收和付
take as a pledge以…为抵押
take as final and binding以…为准
take at sea海上扣押
take at sea海上捕获
take away剥夺
take back收回
take care小心注意
take care of照料
take care of负责
take charge of...操办
take charge of...管理
take charge of...保管
take crisis measures采取紧急措施
take deliberate action to lower prices采取降低物价的慎重措施
take a delight in以…为乐
take deposit吸收存款
take down记 〔录〕下
take down取下
take down拆毁
take down剥下
take effect开始生效
take effect奏效
take for以为
take from从…中拿
take from降低
take from减少
take 3 from 5 and the remainder is 25 减 3 得 2
take goods in pledge货物抵押放款
take him into partnership邀他合伙
take home扣除捐税后实得工资 (take home pay)
take-home pay扣除捐税等以后实得工资
take in吸收
take in an additional tow加拖
take in the slack收紧
take in tow lot by lot分批拖带
take an interest in对…感兴趣
take into收进
take into拿入
take into account考虑
take into account入账考虑在内
take into account考虑在内
take into account计及
take into consideration估计到
take sb. into office雇用某人
take inventory清点
take one's leave告别
take legal action法律起诉
take measures采取措施
take measures of给…量尺寸
take measures of采取措施
take no account of不计及
take no denial不容否认
take note of注意 (到)
take notice注意
take occasion to利用机会
take occasion to乘机 (+ inf.)
take occasion to抓住机会 (+ inf.)
take odds of利用
take off in economic development经济发展的起飞
take-off of the economy经济起飞
take-off period起飞时期
take off period起飞时期
take-off point起飞点
take off the embargo解禁
take 20% off the price减价20%
take off the seal拆封
take off the seal开〔启〕封
take off the seal启封
take on承担
take on雇用
take his friends, everyone on trust轻易相信 (他的朋友,每个人)
take opportunity利用机会
take or pay收或付
take out剔出
take out a patent for得到…的专利权
take sth. out of pledge赎回某物
take out of service报废
take over合并
take over接管公司
take-over bid收购发盘
take-over bid收购出价
take pains耐心
take pains费苦心
take place发生
take position购进期货
take possession of拥有
take possession of取得
take precautions against采取预防火灾措施 (fire)
take precedence of优先于
take have precedence of尽先办理 (the business affair, 这批业务)
take profits取得利润
take rank among和…并列
take rank with和…并列
take responsibility for one's surplus or deficits经费包干
take sanction against贸易商进行制裁 (a trader)
take service in a firm在公司任职
take shape表现
take shape成形
take someone to court传某人到庭
take stock in信任
take stock in购股票
take stock in购买股票
take stock of观察
take stock of估量
take the average取平均数
take the average平均计算
take the dimensions of field丈量土地
take the form of取…形式
take the gage of测量
take the gage of估计
take the gauge of测量
take the gauge of估计
take the goods in charge尤指联运接货
take the initiative发起
take the long view长远计划
take the place of代替
take time需时
take time费时
take together通盘计算
take together总算
take toll of夺去…
take toll of抽取…的一部分
take turns up a bill承兑汇票
take turns up a bill赎票
take up承装
take up接纳
take up a bill付清账单
take up an appointment就任
take up one's indenture服务期满
take up one's indenture学徒期满
take up loan on securities以有价债券为抵押获得贷款
The alleged source of supply is not your country, they refuse to take delivery所说的供货来源并非贵国,他们拒绝提货
The board of directors decided to take a vote on the proposal董事会决定对该建议进行投票表决
The board of directors decided to take on more staff董事会决定多雇用一些职员
the box-office take票房收入
The cargo ship will take two weeks to reach its destination这艘货轮要航行两周才能到达目的地
The company allows all the workers to take three days' holiday at Christmas公司准许所有的工作人员在圣诞节期间休假三天
The company may take possession of the tenements and appurtenance on the premises该公司可以占用该经济公寓及其附属建筑
The contractor is to take necessary measures for relief during the emergency causing the danger of life or property在出现危及生命和财产的紧急情况时,承包商必须采取必要的救助措施
The government has decided to take anti-inflationary measures to control the situation政府决定采用反通货膨胀的手段来控制局势
The payment is to take place immediately upon signing of this contract本合同一经签字,应立即支付款项
the precondition for take off过渡阶段
The replacement of steamer by "EAST WIND" was the soonest possible action we could take以 "东风"轮来代替是我们所能采取的最快行动
the spirit of give and take互惠互利精神
the take-off into self-sustained growth进入持续成长的起飞
The two agreements shall take effect as deeds made in our country这两项协议将作为在我国订的契据而生效
These tracts and debts shall not be released upon the take-over by Party B of the company乙方公司接收后,这些合同和债务不应予以解除
They are trying to take advantage of the present market conditions to sell at high prices他们想利用当前市场情况,以高价出售货物
They have a lot of letter to send, and a large correspondence to take care of他们有许多信件要发出,又有大量信件要处理
They have to take necessary steps for the incorporation of their company他们必须为公司的注册登记采取必要的措施
They hope you will seriously take the quality into account and execute the contract他们希望你方认真考虑质量,执行合同
This was due to misunderstanding and we shall take care to avoid any recurrence此系误会造成,我们将避免再次发生此事
Upon the occurrence of the accident, you shall take all steps possible to prevent economic loss一旦发生事故,你方应采取一切可能的措施以避免经济损失
We agree to take on the extra premium我方同意负担额外保险费
We are possessed of all the rights to take over the project我方拥有接管此项目工程的一切权利
We cannot take on new orders owing to heavy commitments由于欠货太多,我方不能接受新的订货
We hope that the market will soon take a favourable turn我们希望市场很快会好转
We hope you will take the initiative to bridge the gap希望贵方这次采取主动,弥补差距
We hope you will take the lead in promoting international trade我们希望你方在促进国际贸易中起带头作用
We must take all necessary steps to prevent any damage我们必须采取一切必要措施以防发生损坏
We must take care in drafting these contracts to avoid the pitfalls of ambiguity在起草这些合同时,我们应该小心避免措词含糊的隐患
We must take severe measures rapidly to stop a crisis developing我们必须迅速采取严厉措施以遏止危机的发展
We now take occasion to write to you and see if we can establish business relations with you by the commencement of some practical transactions我们趁此机会写信给贵方看是否可以通过开始做几宗实际的交易与你方建立业务联系
We shall sell you another kind of material of high quality at a lower price. Please take it into consideration我方将向你方销售另一种高质量的材料,价格低廉,请予以考虑
We shall take all measures requisite to get the sales exclusive right in China for the new product of that famous foreign corporation我们应采取一切必须措施,以获得该著名外国公司的新产品在中国的独家经销权
We shall take necessary action to consummate this transaction我们应采取必要的活动完成这笔交易
We should take effective measures to prevent the unauthorized use of our licensed patent by others我方应采取有效措施来防止他人非法使用我方之特许专利
We should take long views on this investment对于这笔投资我们应持长远观点
We take pleasure in answering your inquiry of Nov 25现高兴地回复你方11月25日的询盘
We take the pleasure to inform you of our placing large orders with you现高兴地通知你方,我方将向你方大量订货
We take this opportunity to inform you that we are now in a position to make immediate shipment of the goods兹奉告,我方可立即装运该货物
We will take delivery of the videorecorders as soon as they are released from the Customs一俟海关放行,我们即将这批录像机提出
We will take your claim for compensation into consideration as the documents produced by you to support the claim are quite sufficient因为你方为索赔所提供的证件非常充分,我方会考虑你方的索赔要求
We would like to take legal advice about this affair我们想就此事进行法律咨询
We would request you to take up this matter with the issuing bank at once so that we may effect shipment by the direct steamer scheduled to arrive here about...我方要求你方立即向开证行交涉此事,以便我方能装上约于…日到达此地的直达班轮
You are welcome to directly or indirectly take part in our research work欢迎你们直接或间接地参加我们的研究工作
You must take caution even against a clean bill of lading即使是清洁提单,也必须小心谨慎
You should take the necessary measures as what we have outlined in the scheme你方应该按照我们在规划中大致规定的方案采取必要的措施
Your orders take top priority in our company你方订单在我公司占最优先地位