
Terms for subject Commerce containing system | all forms | exact matches only
concentration system of foreign exchange外汇集中制
functional analysis system techniques功能分析系统技术
generalized non reciprocal, nondiscriminatory system of preferences非互惠非歧视普遍优惠制
generalized system of preferences certificate of origin普遍优惠关税产地证书
Harmonized System Committee国际商品统一分类制度委员会
Harmonized System of the Customs Cooperation Council海关合作理事会协调体系
If the processor itself or the motherboard is bad, the system may not be worth recycling如果处理器本身或主板损坏,则系统可能就没有回收的价值
make a change in the system of management在管理体制上作一番改革
proposed system package plan一揽子计划
proposed system package plan拟议的系统包装计划
proposed system package plan拟议的系统
selective system of preference选择性优惠关税制
slip system of accounting传票式会计制
system acceptance test系统验收试验
system development requirement系统发展要求
system deviation系统控制偏差
system engineering系统工程设计
system for auditing public accounts公共账目审计制度
system of balances of the national economy两者为多数资本主义国家所使用
system of balances of the national economy国民经济平衡表体系
system of business bankruptcy企业破产制度
system of collective operation集体经营制
system of customs security海关保税制度
system of economic accounting of enterprise企业经济核算制
system of economic laws and decrees经济法规体系
system of enterprise operation and management企业经营管理制
system of export credit insurance岀口信贷保险制
system of fixed production quotas生产定额制
system of import and export license进岀口许可证制度
system of industrial statistics工业统计制度
system of inventory control库存控制制度
system of job responsibility工作岗位责任制
system of labour contract劳动合同制
system of management of circulating funds流动资金管理体制
System of Material Product Balances联合国物质产品平衡体系
system of monopoly business专营制度
system of monopoly of sale专卖制度
System of National Accounts联合国国民核算制
system of national accounts国民经济核算体系
system of national product balance国民生产平衡表体系
system of personal responsibility个人岗位责任制
system of planning targets计划指标体系
system of public bidding公开投标承包制
system of shares股份制
system of shares contract股份承包制
system of social security社会保障制
system of state licenses for the manufacture国家生产许可证制度
system of surplus profit剩余收益制
system of tax allocation分税制
system of tax division分税制
system of vectors of reference基础向量系
system of vectors of reference参考向量系
system specification体系说明书
taxation system based on progressive rates累进税制
The new economic system has changed the appearance of the country新经济体制改变了国家的面貌
The price system should be straightened up价格体系应予理顺
United Nations System of National Accounts联合国国民经济核算体系