
Terms for subject Electronics containing switches | all forms
adjustable thermostatic switch可调恒温开关
air switch-over切换风
airbrake switch空气制动开关
air-pressure switch空气开关
air-pressure switch气动开关
air-pressure switch压缩空气开关
ambient thermostatic switch环境温度定温开关
amplifier and switch assembly放大器与开关组件
antenna switch天线开关
antenna waveguide-switch天线波导转换器
antenna waveguide-switch天线波导开关
ATM Internet switchATM 因特网交换
ATM Internet switch异步传送模式因特网交换
automatic digital switch自动数字交换机
automatic digital weather switch自动数字气象交换
automatic electronic switch自动电子交换机
automatic field breaking switch磁场断路开关
automatic field breaking switch自动灭磁开关
automatic reclosing switch自动重合闸开关
automatic reclosing switch自动重合闸装置
automatic reset switch自动返回开关
automatic reset switch自动复位开关
automatic switch自动转换〔转辙〕器
automatic switch center自动交[转]换中心
automatic-manual transfer switch自动-手动控制转换开关
basic switch connection主开关接线
basic switch connection基本开关连接
basic switch module基本交换模块
bladed switch刀形开关
bladed switch闸刀
box switch匣式开关
branch switch支路开关
branch-circuit switch分路开关
branch-circuit switch支路开关
break switch断路开关
breakdown switch事故开关
breakdown switch应急开关
broadband latching switch宽带自锁开关
broadband latching switch宽带闭锁开关
broadband local switching宽带市话交换
broadband local switching宽带本地交换
broken-back switch倒顺开关
bulk avalanche semiconductor switch体雪崩半导体开关
bulk optically controlled semiconductor switch本体型光控半导体开关
carrier test switch载波测试开关
chandelier switch枝形吊灯开关
changeover switch换极开关
changeover switch双投刀形开关
channel selector switch信[通]道选择开关
channel switch波道选择器
channel switch波道转换
channel switch信道转换开关
channel switch信道开关
chopper switch断流〔闸刀〕开关
clock switch时钟切换
clock-controlled switch时控开关
clock-controlled switch定时控制开关
coaxial switch同轴转换开关
coaxial terminal switch同轴终端开关
communication switch board通信交换台
communications line switch通信线路交换
computer-operated switch计算机控制开关
contactor switch接触器开关
counting switch计数开关
current limiting switch限流开关
current switch emitter follower电流开关射极跟随[输出]器
cutoff switch切断开关
cutoff switch断路开关
cutout knife switch切断闸刀开关
cutout knife switch闸刀开关
data bridge/adjunct switch applications interface server数据桥/附属交换机应用程序接口服务器
data path switch数据通路开关
decimal switch十进开关
delayed make switch延迟闭合开关
differential current switch差动电流开关
differential of a limit switch限位开关差动间隔
differential of a limit switch末端开关的复位间隔
differential pressure switch差动压力开关
differential-type pressure switch差动压力开关
direction switch方向开关
directly operated switch直接操作开关
double acting limited switch双动限位开关
double heterostructure optoelectronic switch双异质结构光电子开关
double pole double throw switch双刀双投开关
double pole single throw switch双刀单投开关 (DPST switch)
drawout switch抽出式开关
dual-stage pressure switch双级压力开关
duration of switch closure开关闭合时间
electric diaphragm switch technique电膜片开关技术
electric switch lock电气道岔闭锁【铁路】
electron beam activated switch电子束启动开关
electron beam controlled switch电子束控制开关
electronic AC power switch交流电力电子开关
electronic control switch电子控制开关
electronic multiplex switch电子多路开关
electronic switching电子交换
electronic switching电子开关
emitter follower current switch射极跟随器电流开关
enclosed switch封闭式开关
enterprise LAN switch企业局域网交换机
enterprise network access switch企业网络接人交换机
enterprise routing switch企业路由交换机
excess flow switch溢流开关
excess flow switch过剩流量开关
explosion-proof switch防爆型开关
fast diode switch快速二极管开关
ferrite switch铁氧体磁芯开关
ferrite-core switch铁氧体磁芯开关
ferrite-core switch铁氧体开关
fiber optic switch光纤转换
fiber optic switch光纤开关
field break-up switch励磁分级开关
field programmable logic switch现场可编程逻辑开关
field suppressing switch灭磁开关
field suppression switch灭磁开关
field-dividing switch励磁分段开关
fixture switch电器开关
fixture switch照明器具开关
floating switch浮动式水位继电器
floor switch楼面开关
foot switch脚踏开关
foot-operated switch脚踏开关
forward/reverse switch换向开关
forward/reverse switch正向
forward/reverse switch反向开关
front-and-back connected switch双面接线开关
front-connected switch前面接线开关
function switch工况转换开关
fused load break switch熔丝负荷开关
gas evolving switch产气开关
gas-filled reed switch充气舌簧开关
gate controlled switch门控开关
gate switch选通开关
gate turn-off switch控制极关断开关
gated-diode switch栅控二极管开关
generic digital switch通用数字开关
generic switch management protocol通用交换机管理协议
generic switch place类属开关位置
grounding switch for indoor apparatus室内装置接地开关
hatching limit switch出入口限制开关
hermetically sealed switch密封式开关
high frequency switch mode rectifier高频开关型整流器
high speed binary optical switch高速二进制光开关
high speed control optical binary switch高速控制二进制光开关
high speed digital switch高速数字交换机
high speed switch高速交换机
high speed switch高速开关
high-speed digital switch高速数字交换机
high-speed digital switch高速数字开关
high-speed grounding switch高速接地开关
high-speed grounding switch速动短路器
high-speed line switch高速寻线机
high-speed line switch高速线路交换
high-speed microwave switch高速微波开关
high-speed switch速动开关
high-speed switch速断开关
horizontal disconnecting switch卧式隔离开关
horizontal disconnecting switch水平面旋转隔离刀闸
horn gap switch角隙开关
horn gap switch角形火花隙开关
horn-break switch有灭弧角的开关
horn-break switch有引弧角的开关
horn-gap switch有灭弧角的开关
horn-gap switch锥形开关
horn-gap switch有引弧角的开关
information switching信息交换
input contactor switch输人接点开关
input switch network输人交换[转换]网络
integrated circuit message switch facility集成电路信息交换设备
integrated gigabit switch platform集成吉千兆交换平台
integrated hybrid transistor switch集成混合晶体管开关
integrated optical switch集成光开关
integrated switch/router集成化交换机/路由器
job memory switch matrix作业存储器开关矩阵
junction switch frame中继线接线架
junctor switch grid接线机交换网
key switch键式开关
knife -blade, -break, -edge switch闸刀开关
laminated brush switch叠片刷触点开关
laminated brush switch刷形开关
landing switch升降平台开关
landing switch层位开关
landing switch单极双投开关
laser diode optical switch激光二极管光开关
laser diode safely switch-off激光二极管安全切换装置
laser safety switch-off激光安全切断
laser-activated semiconductor switch激光触发半导体开关
latch checking switch锁存检验开关
lever switch闸刀开关
lever-type limit switch杠杆式限位开关
light activated low-level switch低电平光敏开关
light activated low-level switch光触发低电平开关
light activated silicon controlled switch光敏可控硅开关
light activated silicon controlled switch光触发可控硅开关
light activated silicon switch光触发硅开关
light activated switch光触发开关
light operated switch光控开关
light switch灯开关
light-activated silicon switch光触发硅开关
light-amplifying optical switch光放大光开关
light-emitting switch发光开关
light-emitting switch control发光开关控制
limit stop switch for controlling rod控制棒限位停止开关【核】
limit switch closed限位开关闭合
limit switch open限位开关开路
load matching switch负荷匹配开关
load matching switch负载匹配开关
load shifting switch负荷转移开关
load-control switch负荷控制开关
local area network switch局域网交换机
local area network switch hub局域网交换式集线器
local battery switch board蓄电池就地开关盘
local battery switch board自给电池开关盘
local digital switch本地数字交换
local message switch本地信息[报文]交换
local switch本地开关
local switch本地交换机
magnetic control switch磁控开关
magnetic operated limit switch磁控限位开关
magnetic switch电磁开关
magnetic switch control technology磁开关控制技术
magnetically driven switch磁力驱动开关
Mastercard debit switch万事达卡借方记账交换
mean time to switch over平均转换时间
membrane switch膜片触摸开关
metalclad switch铠装开关
metalclad switch金属壳体开关
metal-insulator-silicon switch diode金属-绝缘体-硅开关二极管
mode selection switch方式选择开关
mode selection switch波型选择开关
modem switch device调制解调器开关器件
momentary pushbutton switch触钮开关
momentary pushbutton switch快速按钮开关
momentary contact switch瞬时开关
momentary contact switch暂触开关
momentary contact switch瞬时接触开关
motor cutout switch电动机切除断路器
motor cutout switch电动机切除开关
motor-actuated switch电动开关
motor-actuated switch电动机驱动开关
motor-circuit switch电动机开关
motor-operated switch电动机驱动开关
motor-starting switch电动机启动开关
multicell switch多组件开关
multicircuit switch多路开关
multi-layer switch多层交换机
multiple break switch多重断开开关
multiple break switch多断点开关
multiple logical smart switch多道逻辑智能交换
multiple switch复联开关
multiple-switch starter多接线端开关起动器
multiple-apertured reluctance switch多孔磁阻开关
multiple-contact switch多触点开关
multiple-position switch多位置开关
multiple-unit limit switch多元限位开关
multiple-unit limit switch复合限位开关
multiservice switch多功能开关
multithrow switch多投开关
multithrow switch多位置开关
network and switch subsystem网络与交换子系统
network interface switch网络接口交换系统
network switch网络交换
new switch status新交换机状态
next generation switch下一代交换机
n-point switchm点开关
open the switch断开开关
open type-bus-and-switch arrangement开启式母线与配电装置
opto-electric triangular barrier switch光电三角势垒开关
optoelectronic crossbar switch光电十字开关
optoelectronic crossbar switch光电纵横制接线器
optoelectronic multiplex switch光电子多路转换开关
optoelectronic switch光电开关
outdoor grounding switch户外接地开关
outdoor isolating switch户外隔离开关
output lightguide switch输出光导开关
own time switch专用时分接线器
paralleling switch发电机并列运行合闸开关
peripheral control switch外围控制开关
photoconductive power switch光电导功率开关
photoconductive semiconductor switch光电导半导体开关
photoconductive switch光电导开关
pole switch柱上开关
pole-changing switch电流换向开关
pole-changing switch换极性开关
pole-type disconnecting switch杆装式隔离开关
position of a push-button switch按钮开关的位置
position of a rotary switch旋转开关的位置
position of push-button switch按钮式开关的位置
position of rotary switch旋转式开关的位置
position of tumbler switch快速转换开关位置
position of tumbler switch快速翻转开关位置
pressure indicating switch压力指示开关
pressure operated switch压力操纵开关
pressure operated switch压控开关
pressure switch薄膜开关
pressure-operated switch压力开关
pressure-sensitive switch压力感应开关
pretravel of switch开关触头预行程
primary switch主转换开关
primary switch次转换
primary switch初级接线器
primary time switch初级时分接线器
programmed mode switch程控模式转换
pseudospark switch准火花开关
public telephone switch network公共电话交换网
radio and switch controller无线电与交换控制器
radio path switch射频波道转换
railway switch lamp道岔标志灯【铁路】
range switch量程选择开关
rate of switch closure开关合闸速度
recessed switch嵌壁开关
recessed switch暗线开关
remote business services switch远端商业业务交换局
remote grounding switch遥控接地开关
remote subscriber switch远端用户转换开关
remote switch遥控接线器
remote switch远端交换机
remote switch遥控转换
reverse switch换向开关
reversing switch without thermo-emf无温差电势的换向开关
rotary change-over switch旋转切换开关
rotary line switch旋转选线开关
rotary lock switch旋转锁定开关
rotary out-trunk switch旋转式出中继线开关
rotary precision switch旋转式精密开关
rotary stepping switch旋转步进开关
screw limit switch螺旋限位开关
screw limit switch螺旋终端开关
section switch分段隔离开关
selector switch选线器
selector switch波段开关
selector switch波段〔选择,选路〕开关
self-locking switch自锁开关
self-locking switch不归位开关
self-return switch自复归开关
semi-recessed switch半埋入式开关
semi-recessed switch半嵌壁式开关
send-receive switch收发开关
send-receive switch发送-接收转换开关
silicon bidirectional switch硅双向开关
silicon gate-controlled switch硅栅控制开关
silicon unidirectional switch硅单向开关
single-break switch单断口开关
single-pole double-throw switch单极双投开关
single-pole single-throw switch单刀单投开关
standby switch controller备用开关控制器
star-delta switch星~三角转换开关
stud switch按钮式转换开关
subscriber switch用户开关
supervisory switch control module管理转接控制模块
switch and cable distribution unit开关与电缆配线盘
switch and control subsystem开关与控制系统
switch apparatus开关仪表[设备]
switch arm开关支架
switch bay开关小间
switch blade触头刀片
switch blade开关刀片
switch blocking开关闭锁
switch board控制盘
switch board配电盘〔板,屏〕
switch board开关板〔盘,屏〕
switch board电键 〔电表〕板
switch board控制板
switch board or control panel配电盘
switch board or control panel控制两用盘[屏]
switch cabin开关室
switch capacitance box开关电容箱
switch capacitance box旋钥式电容箱
switch clock开关时钟
switch computer application interface交换机计算机应用接口
switch connection开关连接
switch connection开关联结
switch contact转换触点
switch contacts on non-operative position开关触点非工作位置[断开位置]
switch control assembly开关控制组件
switch control equipment转[切]换控制设备
switch control function交换控制功能
switch control module开关控制模块
switch control register开关控制寄存器
switch-controlled capacitor开关可控电容器
switch-controlled inductor开关控制电感器
switch-controlled inductor开关控制感应器
switch controller开关控制器
switch decoder开关译码器
switch desk控制〔开关〕 台
switch diode开关二极管
switching element交换单元
switch for changing meter scale量程切换开关
switch frame开关〔机键〕架
switch frame交换架
switch fuse开关熔断器
switch fuse带熔断器的开关
switch gallery开关廊道
switch group assembly开关群组件
switch inductance box开关电感箱
switch inductance box旋钥式电感箱
switch interlock开关互锁
switch interpretation转换解释
switch interpretation开关解释
switch lamp holder开关灯座
switch lamp socket开关灯座
switch management agent交换管理代理
switch manager交换管理器
switch master交换主程序
switch memory开关存储器
switching-mode power supply controller开关型电源控制器
switching module交换模块
switch monitor交换监视器
switch motor铁路道岔电动机
switch motor转辙电动机【铁路】
switching network切换网络
switching network交换网
switching network开关网络
switch network automatic profile system交换网自动共文件系统
switch network command交换网络命令
switch network fault diagnosis交换网络故障诊断
switch off断路
switch off关断
switch opening开关打开
switch opening开关断开
switch out切〔挂,遮〕断
switch out扳断〔开〕
switch out关掉
switch out使断路
switch out断路
switch panel切换盘[屏]
switch panel配线盘[屏]
switch plug墙上开关插头
switch plunger开关杆
switch position indication开关位置指示
switch position information开关位置信息
switch processor交换处理器
switch resistance box开关电阻箱
switch resistance box旋钥式电阻箱
switch room开关间
switch room电话交换室
switch, scanner and multiplexer开关、扫描器和复用器
switch selection开关选择
switch spring开关弹簧
switch-start fluorescent lamp起动器的荧光灯
switch-start fluorescent lamp开关起动荧光灯
switch starter起动转换开关
switch time转换时间
switch to host input buffer转换到主机输人缓冲器
switch to host output buffer转换到主机输出缓冲器
switch to ring output buffer转接到环形输出缓冲器
switch tube电子管转换开关
switch-type diode开关二极管
switch verification交换中心验证
synchro switch同步开关
synchronizing switch同步开关
tactical automatic digital switch战术自动数字交换机
tandem switch汇接中继开关
tandem switch串联开关
tap switch分接头开关
tapping switch分接头变换开关
tapping switch抽头切换开关
target selection switch目标选择开关
test switch测试开关
thermo-optical switch热-光开关
tilting-insulator switch摆动绝缘子式开关
transfer switch unit传送开关[转换]装置
transit switch转接开关
transit switch转接交换
transit switch selector转接开关选择器
translator bail switch转换器卡轨开关
translator bail switch译码器卡轨开关
trip switch脱扣线圈开关
trunk junctor switch grid中继线接线机交换格网
trunk switch长途交换机
trunk switch中继交换机
trunk switch controller中继交换控制器
two channel switch两通道交换
two channel switch两通道开关
two-heat switch双级加热转换开关
two-motion switch两级动作〔上升-旋转选择〕开关
two-processor switch channel双处理机切换通道
two-terminal switch两端开关
universal isolation switch通用隔离开关
variable thermal time-delay switch可调热延时开关
vertical-break switch垂直断口开关
vertical-break switch纵向行程断路开关
vibration-proof switch耐振动开关
vibration-proof switch防振开关
VLAN advanced switch test虚拟局域网高级交换机测试
voice/data switch话音/数据转换
voice-operated switch声控开关
voice-operated switch话音控制开关
voltage inverter switch电压转换开关
voltage inverter switch电压倒相开关
voltage sensing switch压敏开关
voltage sensing switch电压敏感开关
voter-comparator switch表决比较器开关
wall-board switch墙上开关
wide-area switch fabric广域交换网
wideband remote switch宽带远端交换机
wideband video switch带宽视频转换
wideband video switch宽带视频开关
zero-speed switch停机继电器
zero-speed switch零速断路器
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