
Terms containing switch to | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
toolsAll dynamometers are inherently bidirectional and therefore do not require repositioning to switch the direction of rotation所有测功器本身可双向转动,因此不需重新放置测功器来改变旋转方向
el.analog-to-digital switch开关
comp., net.ATM switch-to-switch interfaceATM 交换机到交换机接口 (SSI)
manag.close down, suspend operation, amalgamate with other or switch to the manufacture of other products关停并转
light.Consumers who switch to the energy-saving bulbs will immediately spend less money on their monthly energy bills for the same amount of light改用节能灯泡的用户每月获得同样的照明会立即省掉一些能源开支
tech.cover plate to switch开关盖板
proj.manag.Harris switches generally use command line mode to con figure Database哈里斯交换机主要通过命令行对数据库进行配置
gen.I'll switch your call to Mr. Brown我把你的电话转给布朗先生
gen.Is it all right to switch to that seat?可以换到那个座位吗?
auto.lean-to-rich switch稀-浓转换
auto.lean-to-rich switch混合气稀转浓
el.mean time to switch over平均转换时间
telecom.press-to-talk switch送话按钮
telecom.press-to-talk switch按键讲话开关
tech.press-to-talk switch按讲开关
el.processing unit to switch output buffer处理单元-开关输出缓冲器
ITprogram-to-program message switch程序 到程序报文交换
shipb.rate of fiscal revenue switches from downturn to upturn财政收人回升
mil., air.def.restore-to-normal switch复位开关
footb.switch from defence to attack防守反击
footb.switch from defense to attack回击
footb.switch from defense to attack防守反击
gen.switch from M to把M换成N (N)
gen.switch from M to用N取代M (N)
gen.switch from M to从M换到N (N)
horticult.switch over to substitute crops换茬
gen.switch the discussion to another topic换一个讨论题目
telecom.switch to切换到MS
China, lawswitch to转入
gen.switch to换,变
agric.switch to a new type繁育新品种
auto.switch to ground开关接地
auto.switch to ground接地开关
el.switch to host input buffer转换到主机输人缓冲器
el.switch to host output buffer转换到主机输出缓冲器
spaceswitch to internal power转内电 (运载火箭和航天器在临发射前供电状态的转变)
avia.switch to internal power
dril.switch to mud pump倒换用泥浆泵
auto.switch to power电源开关
el.switch to ring output buffer转接到环形输出缓冲器
spaceswitch-on to switch-on drift逐日漂移率
spaceswitch-on to switch-on drift逐次漂移率
comp., net.switch-to-switch interface交换机到交换机接口
chem.to switch the feed转换进料