
Terms for subject Electronics containing suspended | all forms | exact matches only
central suspended lighting中央悬式照明
command session suspend命令会话暂停
concentration of suspended load悬移质浓度
concentration of suspended load浑浊度
cryogenic electrically suspended gyroscope低温电悬浮陀螺仪
electrically suspended gyro navigation电悬浮陀螺导航
electrically suspended gyro navigation inertial measuring unit电悬浮陀螺导航惯性测量单元
electrostatically suspended gyroscope静电悬浮陀螺仪
suspended droplet悬浮小
suspended furnace bottom悬吊式炉底
suspended impurity悬浮杂质
suspended insulator for contact wire接触电线悬挂绝缘子
suspended joint悬吊结构缝
suspended load悬浮质泥沙输沙率
suspended loading system悬吊式装片系统
suspended offset暂停偏移
suspended particle device technology悬浮粒子器件技术
suspended particle display悬浮粒子显示
suspended roof悬挂炉顶
suspended scaffolding悬挂脚手架
suspended scaffolding搭脚手架
suspended sediment悬移质泥沙
suspended sediment concentration悬移质泥沙量
suspended sediment discharge悬移质泥沙输送量
suspended service request block暂停服务请求块
suspended solid悬浮固体物
suspended-solid contact equipment悬浮物体接触反应设备
suspended type motor悬挂式电动机
SVRB suspend queue管理程序请求块挂起队列
total suspended solid总悬浮物