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A Broad-band Imaging X-ray All-sky Survey宽带 X 射线全天候成像卫星 (德国天文卫星)
acceptance survey接收检验
acceptance survey验收
accident survey事故调查
agricultural natural resources survey农业自然资源调查
agricultural resources inventory survey experiment农作物产量估测实验 (印度)
agriculture and resources inventory surveys through aerospace remote sensing航空和航天遥感技术测量农业与资源储藏量
agriculture and resources inventory surveys through aerospace remote sensing航空航天遥感农业和资源清查 (计划)
airfield runway survey机场跑道测量
alignment survey定线测量
area-survey photographic reconnaissance satellite普查型照相侦察卫星
area survey satellites普查型侦察卫星
bearing intersection survey方位交叉测量 (法)
breakthrough survey贯通测量
cadastral survey土地测量
cadastral survey地籍测量
catchment area survey汇水面积测量
center line survey线路中线测量
coast line survey岩线测量
coastwise survey沿岩测量
comparison survey联测比对
connection survey联系测量
coverage of survey area测区范围
cross-section survey截面测量
Dendron Resource Surveys Inc.丹德龙资源勘测有限公司 (加拿大)
detail survey碎部测量
dynamic function survey meter动态功能检查仪
earth resource survey地球资源勘测
earth resources survey地球资源勘测
Earth Resources Survey Operational Satellite地球资源勘测应用卫星
earth resources survey operational satellite工作型地球资源勘测卫星
earth resources survey program地球资源调查计划
Earth Resources Survey Program Review Committee地球资源勘测计划评审委员会 (美国国家航空航天局)
earth resources survey satellite地球资源勘探卫星
Earth resources survey satellites地球资源勘测卫星
emanation survey射气测量
environmental survey satellite艾萨卫星
environmental survey satellite环境勘测卫星
flow field survey流场测量
geodetic survey error测地误差
geodetic survey error大地测量误差
geodetic survey vehicle大地勘测车
geographic survey地理测量
geological survey地质勘测
geophysical airborne survey system地球物理航空测量系统
geophysical survey system地球物理勘测系统 (美国海军)
geostress survey地应力测量
geotemperature survey地温测量
gravity gradient survey重力梯度测量
gravity survey重力测量
gravity survey satellite地球重力测量卫星 (美国)
ground survey area地面实况工作区
gyrostatic orientation survey陀螺定向测量
holing through survey贯通测量
image satellite oriented ocean survey面向海洋观测的成像卫星
induction height survey导入高程测量
Inter-American Geodetic Survey泛美大地测量
interval of survey line测线间距
land use survey土地利用调查
large earth survey telescope大型地球测量望远镜
local scientific survey module本机科研舱
location survey定测
lunar mapping and survey system月球测图和测量系统
lunar mapping and survey system月球测绘[测图]和测量系统
lunar survey probe月球探测器
magnetic survey磁测
marine magnetic survey海洋磁力测量
Mars environmental survey火星环境探测者 (美国火星探测器)
meteorological survey气象观测
military engineering survey军事工程测量
military photogrammetric survey军事摄影测量
missile orientation survey导弹定向测量
missile position survey导弹阵地勘察
natural boundary survey自然边界测量
navigation station location survey导航台定位测量
navigation station survey导航台位置测定[勘测]
nighttime/daylight optical survey of lightning闪电昼夜光学研究 (美国航天飞机上的)
nuclear strike effect survey核打击效果侦察
oceanographic survey海洋测量
orientation connection survey定向连接测量
pelagic survey远海测量
pipelines surveys管线测量
point of comparison survey联测比对点
polar orbiting geomagnetic survey & solid state recorder极轨地磁测量和固态记录器卫星 (美国科学探测卫星)
preliminary survey初测
product-oriented survey以产品为主的评审
prospecting line survey勘探线测量
radiation survey辐射测量
radiological survey放射性检测
range engineering survey靶场工程测量
resource general survey by satellite卫星资源普查
resource survey satellite资源调查[勘测]卫星
rough survey草测
setting-out survey放样测量
shipboard oceanographic survey system舰载海洋测量系统
site survey站址勘测
sketch survey草测
sky survey巡天观测
space survey and command system航天测控系统
stereo photogrammetric survey立体摄影测量
survey adjustment测量平差
survey grid测网
survey line测线
survey map测量[测绘]地图
survey mark测量标志
survey station测点
survey vessel测量船
system survey系统概述
technical survey技术检查
topographic survey地形测量
trilateration survey三边测量
U. S. Coast and Geodetic survey美国海岸与大地测量局
U. S. Geological Survey美国地质调查局
vegetation survey植被调查
vertical control survey垂直控制测量
wide-field infrared survey explorer宽视场红外测量探测器 (美国国家航空航天局天文卫星)