
Terms for subject Oil / petroleum containing survey | all forms | exact matches only
acid-dip survey酸测斜
acoustic remotely controlled survey vehicle声波遥控潜水器
acoustic underwater survey equipment水下测声设备
aerial magnetic survey航空磁测
aerogamma survey航空伽马测量
aerogeophysical survey航空地球物理勘探
aerogravity survey航空重力测量
aeromagnetic survey航空磁测
aeromagnetic survey航磁测量
airborne infrared survey航空红外测量
airborne magnetic survey航空磁测
airborne radioactivity survey航空放射性测量
airborne survey航空测量
airborne thermal survey航空热辐射测量
archaeological survey考古物探
areal seismic survey区域地震观测
average survey海损检验
azimuthal survey方位测量
bacterial surveys细菌测量
base survey基础测量
bench-type temperature survey井温点测法
bitumen survey沥青测量
borehole gravity survey井下重力测量
bore-hole position survey钻孔位置测量
bottom topographic survey海底地形测量
bottomhole pressure survey井底测压
broad line survey宽线测量
classification survey入级检验
close-interval potential survey小间距的电位测量
comprehensive geophysical survey综合物探
comprehensive geophysical survey综合地球物理勘探
construction and survey regulation建造和检测条例
continuous directional survey连续井斜测量
continuous directional survey连续定向测量
conventional survey常规勘探
coordinated survey协同勘查
current drainage survey流失电流检查
depth survey深度测量
detailed gravity survey重力详查
detailed survey详测
deviation survey井斜测量
deviation survey测斜
digital seismic survey数字地震勘探
directional survey方向测量
directional-survey tool定向测量工具
docking survey干坞检验
down-run survey下行测量
drape survey符合飞行测量 (近似与地面平行)
drift survey测斜
drill-hole survey钻孔测量
drop multishot inclination survey投入式多点测斜
drop-type multiple shot magnetic survey投入式多点磁力测斜仪
Eastman survey instrument伊斯门测斜仪
electrical survey电法勘探
electronic survey sensor电子测量传感器
equipotential survey等势测量
equipotential survey位测量
factual survey实情调查
field survey现场勘测
flow survey流量测量
geochemical detailed survey地球化学详查
geoelectric survey地电勘探
geoelectric survey地电测量
geohazard survey地质灾害调查
geologic survey地质勘探
geologic survey地质调查
geologic survey地质测量
geological point survey地质点测量
Geological Survey地质调查所
geological survey地质测量
Geological Survey of Great Britain英国地质调查所
geomagnetic survey地磁测量
geophysical survey vessel物探船
glacier survey冰川测量
gravimetric survey重力测量
gravity field survey重力野外观测
ground cable electromagnetic survey地面导线电磁勘探法
ground noise survey干扰波调查
ground noise survey地面干扰波测量
ground survey地形测量
gyroscopic multishot survey instrument陀螺多点测斜仪
gyroscopic single-shot survey instrument陀螺单点测斜仪
gyroscopic survey陀螺测斜
gyroscopic survey陀螺测量
harbour survey港湾测量
hazard survey危险调查
heat loss survey热耗测量
high speed survey高速巡线
induction electrical survey感应电测量
infill survey加密测量
infrared survey红外测量
integrated survey综合考察
integrated survey综合勘察
interview survey访谈式研究
investigation and survey调查
investigation and survey研究与探索
leveling survey水准测量
lithogeochemical survey岩石地球化学测量
Maas survey instrument玛斯测斜仪
machinery survey机械设备检查
magnetic airborne survey航磁测量
magnetic multi-shot survey instrument磁性多点测量仪
magnetic single-spot survey instrument磁性单点测量仪
magnetic survey磁法勘探
magnetic survey resolution磁法勘探分辨率
magnetometer survey磁法测量
marine 3-D survey海上三维勘探
marine engineering survey海洋工程测量
marine gravimetric survey海洋重力测量
marine reflection survey海洋反射测量
marine refraction survey海洋折射测量
mercurimetric survey汞量测量
metallometric survey金属量测量
microgas survey微气体勘查
microgravity survey微重力测量
microhardness survey test显微硬度试验
mining survey矿山测量
mobile leakage survey泄漏巡察
monitor survey检验测量
monitor survey跟踪测量
multi-client survey area多用户勘探区域
multiple survey多点测斜
multishot survey多点测斜
noise survey环境噪声测量
noise survey环境噪音测量
noise survey地面噪声测量
Nowsco's pipeline survey and services诺斯科管线测量与维修
oceanographic survey海洋调查
Oehman's survey instrument奥曼氏测量仪
offshore geophysical survey海上地球物理测量
open hole survey裸眼测量
orientation survey定向调查
orienting well survey定向测井斜
Pearson survey铁鞋法管道涂层检漏
photon survey光子测量
pilot survey初步勘査
pilot survey初步测量
pipeline route survey管道线路勘测
pipeline survey tool管线测量仪
profile survey剖面测量
proximity survey透过波法
radial survey径向观测
radial survey辐射状地震测量
radio survey无线电测量
radioactive survey放射性测量
radioactivity survey放射性勘探
radiometric survey射线测量
radiometric survey辐射度测量
radiometric survey放射性测量
reconnaissance geochemical survey普查性地球化学测量
reconnaissance geological survey普查性地质测量
reconnaissance geological survey地质普查
reconnaissance survey路线测量
reflection survey反射法勘探
regional geophysical survey区域地球物理测量
regional survey区域勘测
regional survey区域测量
scanning sonar subsea survey水下声呐扫描测量
scanning survey扫描测量
sea bottom survey海底勘测
seismic reflection survey地震反射测量
seismic refraction survey地震折射测量
seismic survey地震勘探
seismic survey地震勘测
seismic survey vessel地震勘探船
short-refraction survey小折射观测
shut-in pressure survey关井测压
single-shot survey单点测斜
soil salt survey土壤盐测量
soil vapor survey壤气调查
solid-state survey sensor固态电路传感器
sparker survey浅层气勘探
static-interface survey静止界面测量
statutory survey法定检验
stereographic survey球面投影测量
strike-dip survey产状测量
structural geological survey构造地质测量
submarine gravity survey水下重力测量
subsea survey海底测量
subsurface gas detector survey地下气体探测
surface gas detection survey地面气体探测检查
surface gravity survey地面重力测量
surface location survey地表位置测量
survey and design expenses勘察设计费
survey area测量面积
survey cable绞车电缆
survey craft测量艇
survey evaluation and design勘测评价与设计
survey for establishing geological prospecting network地质勘探网测量
survey instrument测量仪
survey instrument测量工具
survey layout观测排列
survey meter鉴定仪
survey-net adjuster测网调整器
survey peg测量木桩
survey record测量记录
survey sensor测量传感器
survey sheet测量图
survey signal测量觇标
survey stake测量木桩
survey stakes测量桩
survey vessel勘探船
survey vessel调查船
swath survey线束釆集
tandem survey等距电磁法
temperature survey温度测量
temperature survey地热勘探
thermal infrared survey热红外探测
three-dimensional marine survey海上三维勘探
three-dimensional seismic survey三维地震勘探
topographical survey地形测量
tracer flow survey示踪流量测井
tracer survey示踪测井
transit survey经纬仪测量
traverse survey测线测量
tree leakage survey观察树木检漏
triaxial borehole seismic survey三轴井下地震测量
underwater seismic survey水下地震勘探
underwater survey水下测量
United States Geological Survey美国地质调查局
uphole survey炮井测井
vibration survey振动测量
well site survey井场调查
well survey油井测量
well velocity survey井中速度观测
well velocity survey地震测井