
Terms containing survey | all forms | exact matches only
shipb.accessory survey零件检验
ecol.acid dip survey酸测试
gen.acid-dip survey氢氟酸斜度测量
avia.acoustic meteorological oceanographic survey海洋气象声学探测
shipb.acoustic survey声波测量
fisheryacoustic survey声学调查
nautic., tech.Additional survey for "the International Certificate of Inventory of Hazardous Materials"《国际有害物质清单证书》附加检验
nautic., tech.additional survey on WIG craft地效翼船的附加检验
avia.aerial photography and survey空中摄影与观察
geol.aerial photography and survey航空摄影和测量
nautic., econ.aerial survey空中测量
avia.aerial survey空中测绘
avia.aging fleet survey老龄机群调查
desert.air pollution survey大气污染调查
soil.air survey for soil maps航空测量绘制土壤图
avia.airport survey飞机场测量
shipb.alteration survey改装检验
desert.altitude survey高程测量
ecol.animal resource survey and inventory动物资源调查与编目
shipb.annual repair survey年度修理检查
shipb.annual repair survey年度修理检验
shipb.annual survey年度检査
shipb.application for survey检验申请
shipb.application for survey申请检验
nautic., tech.appraisal survey鉴定检验
ecol.area survey面积测量
desert.Association of African Geological Surveys非洲地质调查协会
sport., psychol.athletic performance improvement survey运动成绩提高调查
geol.Atlas general survey program阿特拉斯调查程序
avia.automated geomagnetic airborne survey system机载自动地磁勘测系统
desert.base-line survey基线测量
securit.benchmark survey基准调查统计
fisherybenthic habitat survey底栖生境调查
nautic., tech.biennial survey两年度检验
nautic., tech.boiler and thermal oil heater survey锅炉和热油加热器检验
gen.bomb damage survey轰炸效果研究
desert.boundary survey地界勘查
shipb.carborne radioactivity survey放射性自动测量
nautic., tech.cargo handling appliances survey起货设备检验
shipb.cargo-damage survey货损检查
shipb.cargo-hold survey货舱检查
shipb.cargo-hold survey货舱检验
shipb.certificate of ship's survey船舶检验证书
mater.sc.certificate of survey检验合格
securit.certificate of survey鉴定证书
nautic., tech.certification survey发证检验
shipb.chain proved after survey锚链检验合格
shipb.check survey of centre line中线复测
nautic., tech.class maintenance survey维持船级的检验
shipb.classification survey人级检验
nautic., tech.classification survey during construction新造船入级检验
nautic., tech.classification survey of ships not built under survey船舶转级检验
ecol.climatic resource survey气候资源调查
ecol.climatological survey气候考察
nautic., tech.close-up survey近观检验
gen.Coast and Geodetic Survey海岸与大地测量局美国
avia.coast line survey岸线测量
nautic., tech.coastal zone survey海岸带调查
avia.coastwise survey沿岸测量
geol.Committee on Remote Sensing Programs for Earth Surveys美国地球资源调查遥感计划委员会
nautic., tech.complete survey全面检查
nautic., tech.condition survey船况鉴定
securit.conducting an industry survey进行行业调查
gen.conservation survey自然资源保护测量
shipb.container survey device集装箱检测装置
nautic., tech.continuous hull survey船体循环检验
nautic., tech.continuous machinery survey轮机循环检验
nautic., tech.continuous system for hull survey船体循环检验系统
avia.cost and economic information survey成本与经济信息调查
desert.cross-section survey横断面调查
avia.customer satisfaction surveys用户满意度调查
nautic., tech.damage survey损伤鉴定
avia.data survey report资料述评报告
shipb.date of application for survey申请检验的日期
nautic., tech.deadweight survey载重量鉴定
shipb.deep ocean survey vessel深海调查船
horticult.delimiting survey定界调查
desert.detail survey详查
desert.detailed soil survey土壤详测
ecol.detailed survey of rangeland resources草地资源详查
horticult.detection survey发生调查
shipb.diesel engine qualified after survey柴油机检验合格
shipb.diesel engine survey柴油机检验
shipb.dimensional survey尺寸检验
desert.dipmeter survey倾角测量
desert.dipmeter survey倾斜测量
avia.direct survey control直接测量控制
nautic., tech.docking surveyDS进坞检验
nautic., tech.docking surveyDS坞内检验
shipb.donkey boiler qualified after survey辅助锅炉检验合格
fisherydraught survey牵引测量
nautic., tech.dry-dock survey坞内检验平台
nautic., tech.duplication survey重复测量
geol.earth resouces survey operational system地球资源调查操作系统
avia.Earth resource survey地球资源调查
geol.earth resource survey satellite地球资源调查卫星
avia.earth resources survey地球资源勘察
avia.earth resources survey operational satellite地球资源勘察工作卫星
avia.earth resources survey program地球资源勘察计划
avia.Earth resources survey program地球资源勘测计划 (美国)
avia.earth resources survey program review committee地球资源勘察计划审查委员会
avia.earth resources survey satellite地球资源勘察卫星
fisheryecho survey回声调查
fisheryecho survey声学调查
shipb.economic survey for water水运经济调查
shipb.economic survey for water transportation水运经济调查
nautic., econ.egg survey鱼卵调查
avia.employee satisfaction survey雇员满意调查
avia.engineering survey工程调查 (按客户服务快响支援工作程序《QP-3038-CS -102》定义,工程调查是指对于生产并交付客户的飞机在运营过程中出现的技术问题,以性能改进为目的而进行设计、制造、维修程序、运行程序等方面的调査分析和研究,从而找出原因并提出解决措施)
avia.engineering survey工程调査
avia.engineering survey support工程调查支援 (根据客户服务快响支援工作程序“QP-3038-CS-102”定义,ESS 需要根据客服公司提出的工程调查请求,在上海飞机制造有限公司内部对制造过程、工艺过程、质量管理过程进行调査分析,以解决问题的工作。需要时,对问题产生原因、责任部门等进行相关处理并落实)
avia.engineering survey support工程调査支援
nautic., tech.enhanced survey program加强检验程序
nautic., tech.enhanced survey programme检验强化制度
nautic., tech.enhanced survey report file加强检验报告卷宗
desert.environmental hydrogeologic survey环境水文地质调查
ecol.environmental survey satellite环境监视卫星
avia.environmental survey satellite环境观察卫星
gen.environmental survey satellite周围环境观测卫星
nautic., tech.estuarine survey河口调查
avia.excess survey card余量调查卡
desert.exploration survey勘探
shipb.external condition of packing at time of survey检验时的外包装情况
shipb.external condition of packing at time of survey检验时外包装情况
desert.eye survey目测
ecol.farmhouse survey农户调查
sport., med.fatigue survey疲劳调查
shipb.fee for survey on ship船舶检验费
refrig.field survey of system pressure characteristics系统压力特性的实地调査
gen.field-to-Held survey分界测量
gen.field-to-Held survey通盘考察
nautic., tech.Final survey for the International Certificate of Inventory of Hazardous Materials《国际有害物质清单证书》最终检验
shipb.first product survey首制产品检验
shipb.fishery survey ship渔业调查船
ecol.follow-up survey跟踪调查
avia.forest aerial survey森林航空调査
ecol.forest damage survey森林损害概况
shipb.gas-turbine qualified after survey气轮机检验合格
shipb.gas-turbine survey燃轮机检验
shipb.gas-turbine survey气轮机检验
shipb.general survey—般检验
ecol.general survey全面调查
ecol.general survey of pollution sources污染源普查
ecol.general survey of rangeland resources草地资源概查
ecol.general survey of tourism resources旅游资源概查
shipb.generator qualified after survey发电机检验合格
shipb.generator survey发电机检验
geol.geodetic inertial survey and horizontal大地惯性测量与水平线
geol.geodetic survey大地测量测定地球形状、大小、重力场及其变化和建立地区以致全球的三维控制网的技术
desert.geologic survey地质调查所
desert.geological survey地质勘查
desert.geomorphic survey地貌调查
avia.geophysical airborne survey system航空地球物理勘测系:统
nautic., tech.geothermal heat flow survey system地热流仪
desert.geothermal survey地温测量
desert.grassland survey草原调查
nautic., tech.gravity line survey重力路线测量
avia.gravity survey satellite地球重力测量卫星
avia.grid survey网格法测量
avia.grid survey网测量
avia.grid survey网格法地形测量
nautic., tech.guidelines for survey and certification检验和发证指南
nautic., tech.2010 Guidelines for survey and certification of antifouling systems on ships2010 年船舶防污底系统检验和发证指南
gen.haff-time survey中间检查
nautic., tech.harbour survey港湾调查
nautic., tech.hardness survey硬度测算
desert.hearing survey访问调查
gen.history survey历史简介评述
nautic., tech.hose survey冲水检验
shipb.hull survey船体检验
nautic., tech.hydro survey水路测量船
desert.hydrogeological survey水文地质调查
desert.hydrographic survey水文地理测量
shipb.hydrographic survey航道测量
nautic., tech.hydrographic survey ship水文调查船
nautic., tech.hydrographic survey ship航道测量船
desert.hydrological survey水文勘查
nautic., tech.identification survey鉴定检验
nautic., tech.implementation survey实施检验
avia.infrared background signature survey红外背景特征探测器 (美国)
desert.infrared rays survey红外线测量
nautic., tech.initial classification survey初次入级检验
nautic., tech.initial survey初次检验
nautic., tech.Initial survey for the International Certificate of Inventory of Hazardous Materials《国际有害物质清单证书》初次检验
nautic., tech.initial survey on WIG craft地效翼船的初次检验
sport., med.intake survey摄入量调查
geol.integrated geographical survey system综合地理调查系统
ecol.integrated survey of natural resources自然资源综合考察
ecol.integrated survey of regional resources区域资源综合考察
avia.interchangeability survey board可互换性监审会
avia.interchangeability survey board互换性考察委员会
securit.international broker estimate survey国际经纪预测概览
avia.International Training Center for Aerial Survey国际航空测量训练中心
gen.investigation and survey调查〔与〕研究
avia.jet noise survey喷气机噪声测量
shipb.kitchen survey厨房检验
ecol.land remote sensing survey土地遥感调查
ecol.land resource survey土地资源调查
desert.land survey土地测量
ecol.land survey土地调查
geol.Land Surveys Division美国土地勘测局
ecol.land use currency survey土地资源利用现状调查
ecol.land use general survey土地利用概查
nautic., tech.lay-up survey搁置检验
gen.level ling survey水准测量
nautic., tech.lightweight survey空船重量检验
avia.long range survey system远程测量系统
shipb.lot acceptance survey成批验收检验
avia.machinery survey机械测量
gen.machinery survey机械设的检查
shipb.magnetic particle survey磁粉检验
shipb.main boiler qualified after survey主锅炉检验合格
shipb.main engine qualified after survey主机检验合格
gen.make a survey ofM 勘测M
gen.make a survey ofM 对M作全面的调査〔观察〕
gen.make a survey ofM 测量M
nautic., tech.marine products survey船用产品检验
shipb.material survey材料检验
ecol.medium-scale survey of rangeland resources中比例尺精度草地资源调查
avia.meteorological survey气象观察
geol.microbial oil survey technique微生物石油勘查技术
avia.modal survey模态测量
avia.motion/time survey运转/时间测定
gen.multiphase survey design多阶调查设计
avia.national geodetic survey国家测地勘察
gen.National Geodetic Survey国家大地测量局美国
avia.national oceanic survey satellite国家海洋观测卫星
desert.natural resource survey自然资源调查
shipb.new building ship survey新造船舶检验
shipb.new construction survey新建造法检验
shipb.new construction survey新结构物检验
shipb.new ship survey新造船舶检验
geol.no survey无调查
ecol.noise survey噪声调查
shipb.noise survey meter噪声测量仪
nautic., tech.noise survey report噪声检验报告
avia.nozzle survey喷嘴的调查
nautic., tech.occasion surveyOS临时检验
geol.ocean and lake surveys海洋与湖泊勘查
nautic., tech.oceanic survey大洋调查
nautic., tech.offshore survey近海调查
shipb.oil-tank survey油舱检验
nautic., tech.on/ off hire survey租赁契约前后检验
nautic., tech.optical-acoustic underwater survey system光纤水声探测系统
nautic., tech.overall survey全面检验
nautic., tech.overall survey全面检查
shipb.partial survey部分检验
avia.passenger boarding survey旅客登机检査
shipb.passenger-room survey客舱检查
shipb.passenger-room survey客舱检验
nautic., tech.periodical survey on WIG craft地效翼船的定期检验
desert.pipeline survey管线测量
shipb.pipeline survey管道检验
avia.plane hole survey飞机洞库测量
nautic., tech.planned maintenance scheme survey on ship's machinery船舶机械计划保养系统检验
gen.planning survey区域规划调査
gen.plant sociological survey植物群落学调查
desert.plantation survey and project造林调查设计
nautic., tech.port state control survey港口国监督检验
avia.portable oceanographic survey system便携式海洋学测量系统
shipb.postponement survey延期检验
desert.preliminary survey普查
nautic., tech.pre-purchase survey买船前检验
shipb.progressive survey逐次检验
nautic., tech.propeller shaft and tube survey螺旋桨轴和尾轴管检查
nautic., tech.propeller shaft survey轴检
fisheryprotection and survey vessel保护和调查船
ecol.public engineering survey市政工程测量
securit.public survey公共调查
ecol.public works survey市政工程测量
nautic., tech.quadrennial through survey年度彻底检验
securit.quantity survey数量测量
securit.quarterly business survey季度业务调查
gen.range survey牧场调查
shipb.reactivation survey of idle ship闲置船舶重新启用检验
gen.reconnaissance and survey踏勘和测量
desert.reconnaissance soil survey土壤概测
soil.reconnaissance survey土壤概测
nautic., tech.reflection survey反射波勘探
nautic., tech.refraction survey折射波勘探
nautic., tech.renewal survey换证检验
nautic., tech.Renewal survey for the International Certificate of Inventory of Hazardous Materials《国际有害物质清单证书》换证检验
nautic., tech.renewal survey on WIG craft地效翼船的换证检验
shipb.repair access-survey修理验收检验
shipb.repair survey修理检验
shipb.repair-quality survey修理质量检验
geol.report of survey勘査报告
gen.report of survey勘查报告
nautic., tech.required thickness at annual survey年检中所要求的厚度
gen.research and development survey研制概况〔评述〕
geol.resource survey satellite资源勘测卫星
desert.resource survey satellite资源考察卫星
geol.resource survey satellite资源调查卫星
shipb.Rules for Containers Survey《集装箱检验规范》
nautic., tech.safety equipment survey安全设备检验
nautic., tech.Screwshaft survey螺旋桨轴检验
securit.search/survey firms搜寻/调查公司
nautic., tech.seaworthiness survey耐航鉴定
nautic., tech.sectional survey断面调查
securit.SEHK members transaction survey香港联交所会员交易研究调查
nautic., tech.seismic detailed survey地震详查
nautic., tech.seismic reconnaissance survey地震普查
nautic., tech.seismic survey ship海底探测船
securit.SFC investor survey香港证监会投资者调查
nautic., tech.ship magnetic bearing survey船磁方位调查
shipb.ship of application for survey申请检验的船舶
shipb.ship survey船舶检验
shipb.ship survey and register organization船舶检验和登记机构
gen.shipboard oceanographic survey system船载海洋考察设备
gen.shipboard oceanographic survey system船上用海洋测量系统
shipb.ship-repair survey船舶修理检验
shipb.ship's survey船舶检验
shipb.ship's survey charge船舶检验费
desert.shoreline survey海岸线测量
desert.snow survey积雪调查
desert.social surveys社会调查
desert.soil and water conservation survey水土保持调查 (土壤学、土壤侵蚀与水土保持)
soil.soil fertility and site productivity survey土壤肥力和现场生产力调查
soil.soil reconnaissance survey土壤概测
nautic., tech.special machinery survey轮机特殊检验
nautic., tech.special surveySS船舶换证检验
nautic., tech.special surveySS特别检验
nautic., tech.special survey of boiler锅炉的特殊检验
shipb.spot survey现场检验
ecol.standard deviation of area survey面积偏差中误差
nautic., tech.statutory and certification survey法定发证检验
nautic., tech.statutory survey条约检验
shipb.steam-turbine qualified after survey汽轮机检验合格
shipb.steam-turbine survey汽轮机检验
nautic., tech.stowage survey积载鉴定
avia.strategic engineering survey战略工程调查
ecol.stream survey河道调查
ecol.street survey街道交通量观测
shipb.superstructure survey上层结构检验
shipb.superstructure survey上层建筑检验
shipb.superstructure survey after repair上层结构修后检验
shipb.superstructure survey after repair上层建筑修后检验
shipb.survey after completion完工检验
shipb.survey after construction建造后检验
shipb.survey after finished repair修理完工检验
shipb.survey after repair修后检验
ecol.survey and calculation of area面积调查与分析
avia.survey and investigation测量与调查
sport.survey and supervision of health condition体质监测
fisherysurvey based assessment以调查为基础的评估
shipb.survey before delivery交货前检验
shipb.survey by exact instruments用精密仪器检验
shipb.survey by mould bar样条法检验
ecol.survey by remote sensing遥感调查
shipb.survey by sketch method草图法检验
shipb.survey by template样板法检验
shipb.survey certificate检验证书
shipb.survey certificate fee检验证书费
shipb.survey certificate of damaged cargo残损货物检验证书
shipb.survey certificate of origin产地检验证书
shipb.survey certificate of packing包装检验证书
shipb.survey certificate of quality质量检验证书
shipb.survey certificate of quantity数量检验证书
shipb.survey certificate of weight重量检验证书
fisherysurvey cruise探测巡航
ecol.survey data调查数据
shipb.survey equipment检验设备
nautic., tech.survey equipment storage room调查用品舱
shipb.survey for class maintenance保持船级检验
shipb.survey for class maintenance船级维持检验
shipb.survey free免费检验
shipb.survey in dock坞内检验
shipb.survey in dock进坞检验
shipb.survey in loading port在装货港检验
shipb.survey in process工序检验
avia.survey instrument azimuth, gyro方位陀螺测量仪表
nautic., tech.survey lines测线
nautic., tech.survey meeting for thickness measurements测厚检验会议
shipb.survey method检验方法
nautic., tech.survey methods which the surveyor is directly验船师直接相关的检查方法
energ.ind.survey monitor普查辐射仪〔剂量计〕
nautic., tech.survey of acoustic absorption in the ocean海洋声吸收测量
shipb.survey of anchor mooring system锚泊系统检验
shipb.survey of anchor mooring system after repair锚泊系统修后检验
shipb.survey of anchor-mooring-system after repair锚泊系统修后检验
shipb.survey of auxiliary engine辅机检验
shipb.survey of auxiliary engine after repair辅机修后检验
shipb.survey of auxiliary-engine after repair辅机修后检验
shipb.survey of block总段装配检验
shipb.survey of block总段检验
shipb.survey of block abutting edge总段对接边缘检验
shipb.survey of block abutting edges总段对接边缘检验
shipb.survey of boiler after repair锅炉修后检验
shipb.survey of cabin after repair舱室修后检验
shipb.survey of communication device通信设备检验
shipb.survey of communication device after repair通信设备修后检验
shipb.survey of communication-device after repair通信设备修后检验
shipb.survey of damage损坏检验
shipb.survey of declivity倾斜度检测
shipb.survey of delivery交船检验
shipb.survey of draft mark and loaded waterlines测定吃水标尺和载重线
shipb.survey of finished propeller螺旋桨完工检测
shipb.survey of fire-fighting device消防设备检验
shipb.survey of fire-fighting device after repair消防设备修后检验
shipb.survey of frame spacing肋骨间距检测
shipb.survey of fuel oil system燃油系统检验
ecol.survey of grassland草地调查
shipb.survey of hull after repair船体修后检验
shipb.survey of hull deformation船体变形检验
shipb.survey of hull form after completion船体完工检验
shipb.survey of hull line船体型线检验
shipb.survey of hull lofting船体放样检验
shipb.survey of incoming merchandise到货检验
shipb.survey of levelness水平度检验
shipb.survey of lifesaving device救生设备检验
shipb.survey of lifesaving device after repair救生设备修后检验
shipb.survey of line-shaft installation轴系安装检验
shipb.survey of lubricating oil润滑油系统检验
shipb.survey of main engine主机检验
shipb.survey of main engine after repair主机修后检验
shipb.survey of main-engine after repair主机修后检验
shipb.survey of mould bed胎架检验
shipb.survey of navigation instrument after repair航行仪表修后检验
shipb.survey of navigation instruments after repair航行仪表修后检验
shipb.survey of navigation-instruments航行仪表检验
shipb.survey of packing包装检验
shipb.survey of panel平面分段检验
nautic., tech.survey of PMS for machinery means a system船舶机械计划保养系统检验
shipb.survey of power system电力系统检验
shipb.survey of power system after repair电力系统修后检验
shipb.survey of power-system after repair电力系统修后检验
shipb.survey of preassembled frame ring预装配肋骨框架检验
shipb.survey of products for delivery产品交货检验
shipb.survey of propeller installation螺旋桨安装检验
shipb.survey of sanitary establishment卫生设施检验
shipb.survey of sanitary establishment after repair卫生设施修后检验
shipb.survey of sanitary-establishment after repair卫生设施修后检验
shipb.survey of ship structure船舶结构检验
shipb.survey of ship's delivery交船检验
ecol.survey of soil and water loss水土流失调查
shipb.survey of steam-supply system供汽系统检验
shipb.survey of steering system操舵系统检验
shipb.survey of steering-system after repair操舵系统修后检验
shipb.survey of subassemblies部件检验
nautic., tech.survey of the radio station无线电台的检验平台
shipb.survey of three-dimensional unit立体分段检验
shipb.survey of thrust block推力块检测
shipb.survey of vertical surface垂直面检验
shipb.survey of water-supply system供水系统检验
shipb.survey on cleanliness清洁检验
shipb.survey on cleanliness of tank油舱清洁检验
shipb.survey on shell plate development外板展开检验
shipb.survey on structure member development船体构件展开检验
shipb.survey on weight重量检验报告
avia.survey organization调査机构
shipb.survey personnels检验人员
nautic., tech.survey points测点
gen.survey recorder〔地形〕测量记录员
ecol.survey report鉴定报告
nautic., tech.survey report噪声检验报告
shipb.survey report on quality质量检验报告
avia.survey research center观测研究中心
gen.Survey Review测量评论
securit.Survey, Statistics and Research Department PBOC调查统计研究部央行上海总部
shipb.survey steering system after repair操舵系统修后检验
sport., psychol.survey study调查研究
gen.survey system检查系统
sport., psychol.survey test调查测验
nautic., tech.survey to be held待检验
nautic., tech.survey work检验工作
avia.system assessment survey系统评定检查
soil.systematic soil survey系统土壤调查
geol.tachometric survey转速〔视距〕测量 (ing)
geol.tachometrical survey转速〔视距〕测量 (ing)
shipb.tail shaft survey艉轴检验
nautic., tech.tail shaft survey尾轴检验
shipb.tail-shaft survey艉轴检验
shipb.tail-shaft survey尾轴检验
avia.technical survey技术检査
nautic., tech.tidal flat survey滩涂调查
shipb.to be qualified after survey检验合格
ecol.tree survey树木调查
nautic., tech.tubeshaft survey尾管轴检验
nautic., tech.type survey certificate for yacht游艇型式检验证书
nautic., tech.underwriter survey保险鉴定
nautic., tech.underwriter survey保险检验
gen.United States Geological Survey美国内政部地质调查局
ecol.unstuffing survey拆箱检验
avia.US Coast and Geodetic Survey美国海岸与大地测量局
avia.US Geological Survey美国地质勘探局
securit.Value line investment survey价值线投资调查
securit.value line investment survey价值线投资调查评估按证券的盈利及价格波动,把证券分为五类:最高等级、次高等级、平均等级、次低等级和最低等级。价值线综合指数是按这样的1700种证券计算所得出的股价指数
avia.wake survey尾〔伴〕流测量
shipb.warehouse-out survey出库检验
geol.water location survey水位测量
shipb.wharf survey靠码头检验
nautic., tech.wire-drag survey扫海测量
gen.world magnetic survey世界地磁测量费
geol.x-ray background survey spectrometerX 射线背景调査光谱仪
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