
Terms for subject Metallurgy containing surface | all forms | exact matches only
abrasive surface磨损面
abrasive surface研磨面
absorption surface吸收表面
active cooling surface有效冷却面
active surface有效
adsorbed surface film吸附表面膜层
amalgamating surface混汞表面
amount of powder consumed per unit of surface area单位表面积保护渣用量 (Mold powder consumption has been expressed in different forms, such as kg/tonne of steel, kg/m2 and kg/minute. However, the consumption depends upon the size of the cast slab and is proportional to the surface of the strand. Therefore, the amount of powder consumed per unit of surface area(kg/m²) is most suitable for evaluating the lubrication capability of mold fluxes. 结晶器保护渣消耗量现已表示为不同的形式。如 kg/t 钢、 kg/m², kg/min。 然而,(保护渣)消耗量取决于连铸板坯尺寸并且与铸坯表面积成正比。因此,单位表面积保护渣消耗量 (kg/m²) 最适合评价结晶器保护渣的润滑能力。)
amount of powder consumed per unit of surface area【连】单位表面积保护渣消耗量
anionic surface-active agent阴离子表面活性剂
apparent specific surface视比表面
apparent surface视在表面
area of heating surface加热面积
automated surface inspection system表面自动化检测系统
available surface有用表面
available surface有效表面 (积)
available surface有用表面 (积)
available surface有效表面
average specific surface area平均比表面积
back surface背表面
back surface resolution分辨力
back surface resolution背表面
bath surface熔体表面
bath surface熔池面
bath surface电解质表面
bath surface熔池液面
bath surface area熔池表面积
bath surface area per tonne of steel吨钢熔池表面积
beam blank surface defect工字梁坯表面缺陷
bed surface床面
bed surface炉床面
billet surface area-to-volume ratio小方坯表面积/体积比
billet surface quality小方坯表面质量
billet with conditioned surface表面经过清理的小方坯
bituminous surface treatment沥青表面处理
bottom surface of cast product铸坯底面
bottom surface of strand铸坯底面
burden surface高炉料面
burden surface【铁】 料面
calculated strand surface temperature铸坯表面计算温度
capability to harden surface表面硬化能力
capability to surface-harden表面硬化能力
capillary method for surface tension measurement表面张力毛细管测定法
capillary method of surface tension measurement表面张力毛细管测定法
carbon-free surface layer无碳表层
carbon-free surface layer表面脱碳层
carburization of strand surface铸坯表面增碳 (【技】在连铸过程中,由于保护渣性能不良或液渣层过薄,致使钢水与含碳保护渣或富碳层相接触而导致铸坯表面含碳量增加的现象。)
carburization on strand surface连铸坯表面增碳
carburized surface渗碳表面
cathode surface阴极表面
character of surface表面特征
charge surface料钟和炉料的接触面 (指炉料下降前的)
charge surface料钟和炉料下降前的接触面
checked surface龟裂表面
chemical surface hardening化学表面硬化
chemical surface treating process表面化学处理法
chemical surface treating process表面化学处理法 (Chemical surface treating processes refer to processes by which metallic surfaces are treated with chemical reagents to achieve desired effects as, for example, acid pickling, alkaline cleaning, passivation, etc. 表面化学处理法指的是使用化学试剂对金属表面进行处理以期获得所希望效果的一些方法,例如酸洗、碱洗、钝化处理等。)
chemico-thermal surface treatment表面化学热处理 (【技】将工件置于活性介质中,在高温下通过介质的分解、吸收、扩散等过程,使所需合金元素渗人表层改变工件表面性质的工艺,可提高工件的接触疲劳强度和耐磨、耐蚀性能,实际上就是表面合金化与热处理相结合的工艺,分为渗人法、离子注人法和气相沉淀法。渗人法有固体法、液体法和气体法,可用于渗金属、非金属,例如渗碳、渗氮、渗铬、渗硼等。离子注人法是通过被电离的正离子加速后撞击工件表面,正离子在阴极获得电子后变成原子并与金属发生反应,通过扩散形成具有特性的表面层。气相沉积法是气相的金属或化合物在工件表面沉积,形成具有特殊性能的膜层。化学热处理渗层的性能取决于渗人元素与基体元素所形成的合金的性质及渗人层的组织结构。)
cleanliness of surface表面光洁度
cleavage surface解理面
compressive stress at surface表面压应力
computer-controlled surface conditioning grinding system计算机控制的表面清理研磨系统
concave surface凹面
continuous surface film连续表面层
continuously cast product surface连铸坯表面
continuously cast products surface area连铸坯表面积
continuously cast slab without surface defects表面无缺陷的连铸板坯
convex surface凸面
cooling surface冷却表面
corner surface corrosion角表腐蚀
corner surface crack角表裂纹
corrugated surface皱面
cracks on top surface顶面裂纹
creasy surface有皱纹表皮
critical surface临界表面
crowned surface凸面 (板坯、轧件的)
crystal surface晶体表面
crystal surface结晶表面
curved surface die曲面模
curved surface mold曲面结晶器
cut surface切削面
decarburized surface脱碳表面
density-surface tension bob密度-表面张力球
detector for surface defect表面缺陷探测器
determination of powder specific surface area粉末比表面积测定
diamond surface set cutter表面镶金刚石刀具
differential surface heating表面差温加热
diffusion on free surface自由表面扩散
diffusion on free surface自由面扩散
dislocation slip surface位错滑移面 (【技】位错滑移扫过的面称为位错滑移面。它是由位错线与其伯格斯矢量所确定。)
division surface分界面
doubly curved surface双向弯曲面
doubly curved surface双曲面
eddy-current detection method for surface defect of cast product铸坯表面缺陷涡流检测法
eddy-current inspection method for surface defect表面缺陷涡流检测法
effective surface energy有效表面能
efficiency of heating surface加热面效率
electron-beam surface hardening电子束表面淬火 (【技】电子束热处理工艺的一种。用高能量密度的电子束直接照射到工件上,在极短的时间内使工件表面加热到淬火温度,然后移开电子束热源,依靠工件的自激冷造成表面硬化。)
elimination of surface defect清除表面缺陷
energy of surface of solid固体表面能
energy surface of band能带面
energy surface of band频带能量面
entrained slag on surface表面夹渣
explosive surface hardening爆炸表面强化
explosive surface hardening爆炸表面硬化
external specific surface比表面积
external specific surface比表面
external surface外表面
external surface temperature外表面温度
faying surface搭接面
Fermi surface费米面
filter surface area过滤器表面积
filtering surface过滤面积
filtering surface过滤面
flux covering liquid steel surface覆盖钢水面的保护渣
formation of surface layer表面层形成
fracture surface断裂面
fracture surface断口表面
fractured surface断裂面
fractured surface断口表面
free energy surface自由能面
front surface正面
front surface前面
front surface mirror前表面镜
gas jet impact on slag surface气体射流对炉渣表面的冲击
gassy surface气泡表面
glazed surface抛光表面
grassed surface铺草地面
grate surface炉箅面积
grate surface炉箅表面
grate surface栅格表面
green surface未加工的面
grinding surface磨片表面
grinding surface研磨磨光表面
gripping surface咬人表面
gripping surface咬入表面
gripping surface夹紧表面
guide disk working surface【压】导盘工作面
guide surface导向面
guide surface导向
hanging drop method of surface tension measurement表面张力悬滴测定法 (熔体的)
hard-surface roll硬面轧辊
hard wearing surface耐磨表面
hardened surface淬硬表面
harmful surface defect on slab板坯有害表面缺陷
heating surface area加热表面积
heating surface area加热面积
high frequency surface hardening高频表面淬火
high silicon surface layer高硅表面层
high-silicon surface layer高硅表面层
hydrophobic surface疏水性表面
inclusion gather at quarter point thickness from inner curved surface距内弧面 1/4 厚度处夹杂物聚集 (【技】由于弧形连铸机铸坯液相穴内夹杂物上浮受阻而被内弧侧捕捉,故造成距内弧面1/4厚度处夹杂物聚集。)
induction surface heat treatment感应加热表面热处理 (【技】利用电磁感应和交流电的趋肤效应,在交变磁场的作用下,产生涡流而使工件表面局部加热的热处理工艺。交流电的频率越高,电流的透人深度越小,表面加热的深度越小。感应加热的频率可分为高频、中频和工频三类。高、中频加热主要用于钢件的表面淬火,工频加热用于穿透加热。主要优点是在表面层内奥氏体晶粒细小。对同样材料其硬度比普通炉中加热淬火硬度高,耐磨性也高;表面淬火除提高表面层本身的强度外,由于在表面层形成很大的残余压应力从而提高了钢件的疲劳强度。)
ingot surface钢锭表面
ingot surface钢锭表皮
ingot surface锭表面
interior mold surface结晶器内表面
intervenient surface中介面
intervenient surface中介性表面
intervenient surface emissivity中介面黑度
intervenient surface temperature中介面温度
lamination surface insulation叠片表面绝缘
laser surface hardening激光表面硬化 (One of the latest surface treatment techniques is laser surface hardening which has the big advantage that selected areas can be hardened without treating the whole part. 激光表面硬化是最新发明的表面处理技术之一。其最大优点是不必对整个部件而只对所选定的区域进行硬化处理。)
laser surface modification表面激光改性
laser surface modification激光表面修整
laser surface modification激光表面修整
liquidus surface液相面
loading surface装载表面
local surface depression局部表面凹痕
local surface roughness局部表面粗糙性
local surface roughness局部表面粗糙度
longitudinal corner crack on bottom surface底面角部纵裂纹
longitudinal surface crack表面纵裂纹 (In the case of round billet casting, longitudinal surface cracks, originating from the non-uniform shell growth in the mold, are often observed. 小型圆坯连铸时,常常观察到因结晶器内非均匀坯壳生长而引起的表面纵裂纹。)
lower surface of continuously cast semifinished product连铸坯下表面
lower surface of strand连铸坯下表面
macroscopic slip surface宏观滑移面
man-made surface人造地表
mass of metal deposited per unit of surface area'单位表面积镀层金属重量
mass-surface ratio铸件质量表面比
matte surface黯表面
matte surface无光泽面
mean specific surface平均比表面积
mean specific surface area平均比表面积
measuring surface测量
metal bath surface金属液面
metal surface钢水面
metal surface金属液面
metal surface金属表面
metal surface free from slag无渣金属面
method of surface integration表面积分法
milky surface乳白镀铬表面
minute surface crack细微表面裂纹
minute surface crack表面发裂
molten steel surface钢水面
molten surface熔液表面
momentum at the Fermi surface费米面动量
monolithic refractory surface整体耐火面层
neutral surface中性
nitrided surface氮化表面
nitrided surface渗氮表面
non-planar surface非平面
off-corner surface depression偏离角表面凹陷
on-line method for detecting surface crack表面裂纹在线探测法
on-line surface defect inspection system表面缺陷在线检测系统
open surface黑钢板的粗糙表面
open surface粗糙表面
optical inspection method for surface defect表面缺陷光学检测法
optical inspection method for surface defect of cast product铸坯表面缺陷光学检测法
orange-peel surface桔皮表面
oscillation marks on slab surface【压】 板坯表面振痕
outer curved surface of strand连铸坯外弧面
outer curved surface of strand铸坯外弧面
outside curved surface外弧面
oxidation of ingot surface钢锭表面氧化
oxidation on ingot surface锭表氧化
oxidized surface已氧化的表面
oxidized surface锈蚀的表面
oxidized surface氧化表面
oxygen-cut surface氧气切割面
oxygen-transfer surface传氧表面
oxygen-transfer surface氧传递表面
particle surface area颗粒表面积
particle surface attraction粉粒表面引力
pellet preheater surface链箅机表面
pellet preheater surface球团预热机表面
pellet-bed surface球团层表面
periodic depressions on bloom surface大方坯表面周期凹陷
plane surface平面
polished surface抛光面
poor surface quality表面质量差
porous surface多孔表面
powder consumption per unit of surface area单位表面积保护渣用量
powder consumption per unit strand surface area单位铸坯表面积保护渣耗量
Rayleigh surface wave瑞利表面波
reaction surface反应面
reaction surface area between oxygen and liquid steel氧气和钢水间的反应表面积
reflecting surface反射面
refractory surface耐火面
removing surface清理表面
rippled surface波皱面 (钢锭下部缺陷)
Rockwell surface hardness洛氏表面硬度
roll surface辊面
roll surface condition轧辊表面状况
roll surface hardness辊面硬度
roll surface pyrometer轧辊表面温度检测仪
roll surface quality轧辊表面质量
roll surface temperature轧辊表面温度
roll with rough surface粗面轧辊
ropy surface索状表面
ropy surface绳状表面
rough surface粗糙表面
rough work piece surface工件毛面
scabby surface【钢】 有疤表面
scabby surface有缺陷表面 (钢锭的)
scabby surface有疤表面
scale-coated surface氧化皮覆盖面
scale-pitted surface鳞皮麻面 (指钢坯的)
seed surface晶种表面
separation surface分离面
separation surface分界面
shape of surface表面形状
singular surface特异面
singular surface奇异面
skew surface扭曲面
skew surface斜面
skid-free road surface防滑路面
slab surface contour monitor板坯外形监控仪
slab surface crack板坯表面裂纹 (【技】板坯表面裂纹是板坯的常见表面缺陷,较深的板坯表面裂纹在连铸中会导致拉漏事故,在后续轧制中会影响钢材质量,甚至造成废品。板坯表面裂纹通常包括:表面纵裂纹、表面横裂纹、偏离角裂纹、热应力裂纹等。)
slab surface profile板坯表面形状
slab surface temperature板坯表面温度
slag surface渣面
slagged surface渣化表面
slag-impregnated surface layer炉渣渗透炉衬的表层
slag-impregnated surface layer炉渣渗透表层
slag-metal surface渣-金属分界面
sleeve surface condition辊套表面状况
slip surface滑移面
slotted surface槽面
smooth surface平滑表面
smooth surface stream表面光滑的注流
soft surface roll软面轧辊
solidified surface of ingot钢锭凝固面
sound surface无疵表面
sound surface无瑕疵表面 (坯、锭的)
sound surface致密表面
spiky surface锐面
spiky surface尖面
spiral surface螺旋面
splined surface窄槽面
splined surface键槽面
spongy surface海绵面 (板坯表面缺陷)
spongy surface麻面
stream with smooth surface表面光滑的注流
stress surface应力面
strip coil surface quality带卷表面质量 (One factor which has been found to have an influence on strip coil surface quality is the height of metal in the mold above the top of the outlet ports of the submerged entry nozzles. 已经发现:由浸人式水口流钢孔上沿计算起的结晶器钢水面高度是影响带卷表面质量的一个因素。)
strip surface thermometer带钢表面温度计
superior surface finish超级表面精整度
superior surface finish高级表面光洁度
surface active表面活化的
surface active表面活性的
surface-active agent湿润剂
surface-active agent表面活性剂
surface-active ion表面活性离子
surface-active lubricant极性润滑剂
surface-active lubricant表面活性润滑剂
surface-active lubricant表面活化润滑剂
surface-active material表面活性物质
surface-active molecule表面活性分子
surface-active substance表面活性物质
surface adsorption表面吸附
surface alligator-hide crack表面龟裂
surface alloyed steel表面合金化钢
surface analyzer表面光洁度测量仪
surface appearance表观
surface appearance表面状况
surface area比表面积
surface area表面面积
surface area of mold结晶器表面积
surface area of steel droplet钢液微滴表面积
surface area of strand连铸坯表面积
surface energy band表面能带
surface blowhole表面气泡
surface-blowing面吹 (法)
surface bluing表面发蓝处理 (【技】将工件置于饱和的热水蒸气中加热至 500 ~560°C 之间,使工件表面氧化成一层厚度为 3 ~ 4μm 灰兰色四氧化三铁薄层的处理技术。)
surface boronize表面硼化
surface casing表层套管
surface cement表面粘结
surface cement表面粘合剂
surface cementation表面渗碳
surface character表面性质
surface checking表面网状裂纹
surface checking表面龟裂
surface checking表面检验
surface chemical reaction表面化学反应
surface cleaning表面清理
surface coat表面层
surface coating表面镀层
surface coating表面涂层
surface coating of copper plate铜板表面镀层
surface condenser表面冷凝器
surface contaminant表面污染物
surface-contaminant film表面玷污膜
surface crack表面裂纹
surface crack表面破裂
surface crack morphology表面裂纹形态
surface cracking表面裂纹
surface cracking表面破裂
surface cracking mechanism表面破裂机理
surface cracks of continuously cast product连铸坯表面裂纹
surface crazing模裂纹
surface crazing【钢】 表面网纹
surface crazing表面网纹
surface creep表面蠕变
surface crust表壳
surface crust表面壳层
surface crystal pattern表面结晶花纹
surface density表面密度
surface diffusion表面扩散
surface diffusion coefficient表面扩散系数
surface dislocation表面位错
surface distribution表面分布
surface dressing表面精整
surface dressing表面清理
surface-driven expanding type downcoiler外传动辊式地下卷取机
surface drying表面干燥
surface effect表面效应
surface energy anisotropy表面能各向异性
surface engineering表面工程
surface fatigue failure表面疲劳断裂
surface fatigue failure表面疲劳破断
surface film表面膜
surface flaw表面瑕疵
surface flaw表面伤痕
surface flow表面流
surface flow表层流
surface folding表面折叠 (钢材缺陷)
surface force表面力
surface forming表面成形
surface fracture表面断裂
surface free energy表面自由能
surface friction表面摩擦
surface gas表面气体
surface gauge表面找正器
surface grinder平面磨床
surface grinding平面磨削
surface hardness表面硬度
surface hardness-average hardness-centre hardness testSAC 洋透性试验 (Burns and Riegels Test)
surface imperfection表面瑕疵
surface imperfection表面缺陷
surface impurity表面杂质
surface-inactive substance表面非活性物质
surface intercrystalline crack表面晶间裂纹
surface irregularity表面缺陷
surface irregularity表面不平度
surface irregularity表面粗糙度
surface junction表面结
surface layer
surface layer nitriding表面层氮化法
surface layer of bar棒材表层
surface layer of rust表面锈层
surface load表面负载
surface matching表面共轭
surface matching表面匹配
surface mean diameter表面平均直径
surface metallization表面金属化
surface mobility表面迁移率
surface modification表面改性
surface modification表面修整
surface moisture表面水分
surface nature表面性质
surface nonmetallic inclusion表面非金属夹杂物
surface operations地面设施
surface orientation表面定向
surface oscillation mark表面振痕
surface overlaying welding表面堆焊
surface oxidation表面氧化
surface oxidation treatment表面氧化处理 (【技】 通过对钢制品表面进行化学处理,使其表面生成蓝灰色、黑色、褐色等保护性氧化膜的表面处理。也叫做发蓝、发黑处理。)
surface oxide表面氧化物
surface passivation technique表面钝化技术
surface passivity表面钝态
surface passivity表面钝性
surface photoelectric effect表面光电效应
surface planishing mill表面光轧机
surface pore表面孔隙
surface porosity表面疏松
surface porosity表面空隙度
surface porosity表面孔隙度
surface porosity表面多孔性
surface potential表面电位
surface precondition表面预处理 (【技】为对工件进行表面防护处理提供适当的金属表面状态而事先进行的表面处理。分化学表面处理和机械表面处理两种。)
surface preparation表面准备
surface protection表面保护
surface pyrometer表面高温计
surface reaction表面反应
surface reclamation复田
surface reclamation地表复原
surface rolling表面滚压
surface roughness表面光洁度
surface roughness factor表面粗糙度系数
surface roughness factor表面粗糙度因数
surface roughness tester表面粗糙度检测仪
surface roughness tester表面粗糙度检查仪
surface scarfing表面烧剥
surface scarfing表面火焰清理
surface scarfing technique表面火焰清理工艺
surface scratching表面擦伤
surface scratching hardness表面划痕硬度
surface scratching hardness test表面划痕硬度试验
surface scratching test表面划痕试验
surface self-diffusion表面自扩散
surface set bit表镶金刚石钻头
surface set diamond表镶金刚石
surface silicic acid表面硅酸
surface slag表面夹渣
surface smoothness表面光泽度
surface smoothness表面光洁度
surface split表面裂开
surface split表面裂缝
surface staining表面污染
surface staining表面发暗
surface staining表面失去光泽
surface tears表面划伤 (由轧辊表面刻槽或焊纹引起的)
surface tempering表面回火
surface-to-core test淬透性试验
surface treatment表面处理
surface treatment technique表面处理技术 (One of the latest surface treatment techniques is laser surface hardening which has the big advantage that selected areas can be hardened without treating the whole part. 激光表面硬化是最新发明的表面处理技术之一。其最大优点是不必对整个部件,而只对所选定的区域进行硬化处理。)
surface unevenness表面不平度
surface vacancy表面空位
surface water表面水
surface weathering表面风化
surface welding表面堆焊
surface working表面加工
target surface temperature control method目标表面温度控制法 (二次冷却控制方法之一)
tensile surface strength表面抗拉强度
test surface试验表面
thermal surface impedance表面热阻抗 (物体表面温度与热流温度之比)
thermal surface impedance method表面热阻抗法
thermocouple surface temperature sensor热电偶表面温度传感器
torn surface擦伤表面
totally reflecting surface全反射面
transfer surface传递面
transfer surface转移面
Trentini surface tester特林蒂尼表面粗糙度测量仪
Trentini surface tester特林蒂尼表面光洁度测量仪
two-dimensional trend surface二维走向面
upper surface of continuously cast semis连铸坯上表面
upper surface of strand连铸坯上表面
vertical displacement of strip surface带钢面垂直位移
vertical distance between impact point and burden surface【铁】碰撞点和料面的垂直距离
water deposits on cooled surface of mold结晶器冷面水垢
water distribution ratio of inner to outer curved surface of strand铸坯内外弧面配水比
web surface腹部表面 (工字形坯的)
wetted surface沾湿的表面
wetted surface湿面
working surface工作表面
working surface of containment roll夹持辊工作面
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