
Terms for subject Desert science containing surface | all forms | exact matches only
above-surface weathering面上风化[作用]
accumulating surface堆积面
aggradation surface加积面
air-water surface气水结合面
alluvial surface冲积面
armoured surface砾石防护面
armoured surface砾石面
bare surface裸露[地]面
basal surface基岩顶面 (风化壳下)
basaltic flow surface玄武岩流面
basin surface盆地面
boundary surface movement界面运动
cell surface细胞表面
critical surface-roughness constant临界地面粗糙度常数
degree of surface roughness地面粗糙度
denudation surface剥蚀面
depositional surface堆积面
depressed surface下陷面
depressed surface沉降面
desert surface荒漠地表
desert surface荒漠面
desert surface condition荒漠地表条件
diagnostic surface horizon诊断表层
disturbed surface干扰[地]面
downslide surface下滑面
dry surface干燥面
earth surface地球表面
embankment surface inside the river大堤迎水坡
entropy of surface表面熵
enveloping surface of fold褶皱包络面
equal surface projection等面积投影
equiscalar surface等值面
equisubstantial surface等质面
erodible surface易蚀面
eroding dune surface沙丘侵蚀面
eroding surface侵蚀面
erosion surface风蚀面
erosional surface侵蚀面
exposed surface裸露面
faceted surface剥夷面
fan surface扇面
fault surface断面
foreset surface前积面
fossil erosion surface化石侵蚀面
free water surface活水面
front surface锋面
gently sloping surface缓斜面
gently sloping surface缓坡面
grain surface颗粒面
ground-surface characteristic地面特征
ground-surface subsidence地面陷落
ground-surface subsidence地面下沉
heat balance at snow surface雪面热平衡
immobile surface非流动面
impermeable rock surface不透水岩石面
initial surface原始面
interdune surface丘间面
interlayer surface层间面
irregular surface不规则面
lag surface残积物层 (多为粗沙和砾石)
lag surface粗化面
landslide along predetermined surface沿已有结构面的滑坡
location name of surface drainage排水点名称
minimum daily surface evaporation最小日水面蒸发量
mobile surface流动面
modified lee slope or surface变形背风面 (指由于滑动、颗粒移动或悬移所搬运的物质,沉积时所改变的滑落面)
modified lee slope or surface变形背风坡
near-surface activity近地面活动
near-surface activity近地面移动
near-surface process近地面过程
near-surface sediment近地面沉积物
normal water surface elevation正常水位
normal water surface level正常水位
occurring date of minimum daily surface evaporation最小日水面蒸发量出现日期
ocean surface洋面
original dune surface原始沙丘面
original ground surface原始地面
original surface原始面
oxidation-reduction surface氧化还原面
patinated surface岩漆面
phreatic surface地下水面
piedmont surface山麓面
piezometric surface水压面
planation surface夷平面
plant-covered surface植物覆盖面
plateau surface高原面
polygonal surface多边形面
principal isobaric surfaces标准等压面
puff surface隆起面
puff surface鼓起面
receiving surface接收面
remark code of minimum daily surface evaporation最小日水面蒸发量注解码
reservoir surface area水库表面积
ripple truncation surface沙纹削蚀面
rock surface岩石面
rough surface粗糙[地]面
roughness of rock surface岩石表面粗糙度
sand dune surface沙丘面
sand surface沙面
sandy desert surface沙漠面
sea surface temperature海面水温
seepage surface渗出面
settlement of ground surface地面沉降
shagreen surface糙面
slide surface滑动面
slope of water surface水面坡降
sloping surface坡面
smooth surface平滑面
specific surface比表面积
stable pavement surface稳定砾漠面
stable surface稳定面
stony desert surface石漠面
subsided surface沉降面
substantial surface物质面
surface air observation地面观测
surface avalanche表面崩塌
surface beds表面层
surface break地层移动
surface character地表特征
surface character表面特征
surface chart地面天气图
surface check表面裂痕
surface condition地面状况
surface creep表面蠕移运动 (指沙粒和大碎屑颗粒的缓慢移动,这是较小跃移颗粒冲击推动的结果)
surface creep表面蠕移
surface crust地面结皮
surface crusting地面结皮
surface data地面资料
surface debris地面岩屑
surface evaporation水面蒸发量
surface failure of rock岩石表面破碎
surface flow地面径流
surface freezing-index地面冻结指数
surface front地面锋
surface gathered water地面积水
surface geothermometer地面温度表
surface heat budget表层热平衡
surface horizon表层
surface humidity表面湿度
surface impoundment地面储存
surface layer地面层
surface microlayer水面
surface moraine表磧石
surface observation地面观测
surface of deposition沉积面
surface of discontinuity不连续面
surface of sand沙面
surface of subsidence下滑面
surface of uncomformity不整合面 (在比较新的覆盖层沉积之前,较老地层受侵蚀所造成的侵蚀面)
surface particle concentration地面粗粒化
surface pressure地面气压
surface profile地表剖面
surface-protecting small rainfall保护地面的小雨[量]
surface-protecting soil crust护面土壤结皮
surface protection地面防护
surface radiation budget地表辐射收支
surface reactivation地面再活化
surface relief地形
surface residues地面残余物
surface retention地表保持
surface-runoff process地表径流过程
surface salt地表盐
surface sealing intensity地面封闭强度
surface sediment地表堆积物
surface seepage表面渗透
surface shear stress地面切应力
surface slope地面坡度
surface slope水面比降
surface smoothness地面平滑性
surface soil stabilization表土固定
surface spreading表面扩张
surface stability地面稳定性
surface stabilization spray地表固定喷洒剂
surface-temperature range表面温差
surface texture表面结构 (指沉积颗粒表面显示的微观外貌特征)
surface thawing-index地面融化指数
surface thermometer地面温度表
surface thrust侵蚀冲断层
surface tillage表土耕作
surface type地面类型
surface visibility地面能见度
surface water resources地表水资源
surface water resources amount地表水资源量
surface water runoff catched by level terraced field水平梯田拦蓄地面径流量
surface water supply地面供水
surface watering地面灌溉
surface waterlogging涝灾
surface wave地波
surface weather chart地面天气图
surface weather observation地面天气观测
surface wetness地面湿润
surface wind flow地面风流
temperature of snow surface雪面温度
temperature of the soil surface土壤表面温度
thawing surface融冻面
truncation bounding surface蚀余界面
truncation bounding surface削蚀界面
truncation surface蚀余面
truncation surface削蚀面
undissected surface非切割面
undisturbed surface非干扰面
uniform rough surface均匀粗糙面
unvegetated surface非植物地面
varnished surface岩漆化面
varnished surface岩漆面
vegetation-free surface无植物地面
wash-controlled surface冲刷侵蚀面
water quantity extracted by evaporation on water surface蓄水水面蒸发损水量
water surface elevation水面高度
wet surface湿[地]面
wetted surface浸湿面
worm front surface暖锋面