
Terms for subject Engineering geology containing supports | all forms
anchor support锚座
boom support type pile driver支架式打桩机
cantilever support悬臂座
continuous beam on elastic support弹性支承连续梁
ductile support柔性支架
ductile support柔性支护
external support外支撑
external support外支护
face support工作面支护
fixed-earth support地下固定支承
frame support框架支护
frame support框式支架
free-earth support无土支承
ground support地层支护
internal support内支护
moment at support支点弯矩
permanent support固定支撑
primary support初期支护
prop support支柱支护
reaction of support支点反力
reaction of support支座反力
rock bolt support锚杆支护
shaft support井筒支护
shotcrete rockbolt mesh support喷锚网支护
shotcrete support喷混凝土支护
support elements支撑物件
support elements支架物件
support elements支撑构件
support resistance支承反力
support works支护工程
tunnel support隧道支护
wiremesh-shotcrete-rock bolt support钢筋网喷射混凝土锚杆支护
yielding of supports支座下沉