
Terms for subject China containing supports | all forms
accept and support收留抚养
across-the-board support广泛支持
agreement on the support扶助协议
appropriate support适当支持
claim payments for support追索扶养费
correctly balance stronger oversight by people's congresses with support for carrying out the work of the people's governments, the people's court and the people's procuratorates in accordance with the law正确处理加强人大监督工作和支持"一府两院"依法开展工作的关系
cost of child support抚养费用
credit support授信支持
depend on the support需要扶养
detailed rules for implementing support policies配套政策实施细则 (to)
drive motivation and intellectual support精神动力和智力支持
duty of support扶养义务
exercise power for the benefit of the people and with the support of the people坚持为人民执政、靠人民执政
expand support for agriculture, rural areas and farmers加大"三农"农业、农村和农民工作力度
extend support给予扶持
financial support金融扶持
flight support飞行保障
fulfill the duty of support履行扶养义务
govern for the people and with their support坚持为人民执政、靠人民执政
introduce a set of detailed rules for implementing support policies出台一批配套政策实施细则 (to)
legacy-support agreement遗赠扶养协议
lend support给予支持
moral and intellectual support精神动力和智力支持
newly-established hi-tech enterprises receiving priority support from the State新设立的国家需要重点扶持的高新技术企业
production for self-support生产自救
promote mutual support and cooperation with in international affairs加强在国际事务中的相互支持和合作
refuse to fulfill the duty to support负有扶养义务而拒绝扶养
show concern for and support programs for physically and mentally challenged persons关心和支持残疾人事业
step up state support加大国家对..... 支持力度 (for)
support agreement扶养协议
support and assist赡养扶助
support and assist one's parents赡养扶助父母
support and assist one's parents扶助父母
support and ensure the lawful execution of deputies's duties支持和保证代表依法履职
support and financial aid支持和资助
support and protect支持和保护
support by family家庭扶养
support deputies in the performance of their duties支持代表执行代表职务
support deputies in their performance of functions as deputies协助支持代表执行代表职务
support each other相互扶养
support for the best择优支持
support in his or her lifetime and attend to his or her interment after death生养死葬
support measures扶持措施
support of the income收入支持
support payment赡养费
support peasants扶持农民
support persons with disabilities助残
support the army and extend preferential treatment to the families of servicemen and martyrs拥军优属
support the auditing authorities in performing their duties in accordance with the law支持审计机关依法开展审计工作
support the ethnic autonomous region扶持民族地区
support the public prosecution支持公诉
the Measures for Assisting Vagrants and Beggars with No Means of Support in Cities《城市生活无着的流浪乞讨人员的救助管理办法》
the mechanism for mutual assistance and the support mechanism to ensure balance and interaction among different regions健全不同地区间的协调互动的市场机制、合作机制、互助机制、扶持机制
vigorous support大力支持