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Terms for subject Business containing summary of | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
accounting form based on summary of original vouchers汇总记账凭证核算形式
summary of applied selling and administrative expenses已分配推销及管理费用汇总表
summary of apportionment of wages and welfare benefits工资及福利附加费分配汇总表
summary of cost and expense classification成本及费用分类一览表
summary of cost of finished parts used耗用零件成本汇总表
summary of customer's order客户订单汇总表
summary of daily cash balance现金金额日报表
summary of daily cash balances现金余额日报表
summary of earning收益汇总表
summary of factory payroll taxes全厂薪工税汇总表
summary of findings and conclusions调查结果与结论摘要
summary of materials consumed耗用材料汇总表
summary of materials issued发料汇总表
summary of materials received, issued and on hand材料收发结存一览表
summary of operation营业经营概况
summary of operation revenues and expenses营业收支汇总表
summary of operations经营概况
summary of original documents原始凭证汇总表
summary of payroll taxes工资税金汇总表
summary of production expenses生产费用汇总表
summary of responsibilities各部责任概要
summary of scrap and spoiled materials报废材料汇总表
summary of significant-accounting principles重要会计原则摘要
summary of spoiled work损坏工件汇总表
summary of standing order and applied manufacturing expense未交订货与已分摊制造费用汇总表
summary of taxable factory wages应税厂工资汇总表
summary of the report报告摘要
summary of vouchers凭证汇总表