
Terms for subject Finances containing summary | all forms | exact matches only
budget summary预算汇总表
cost summary成本汇总表
daily open positions summary report每日持仓报告
daily summary book汇总日记帐商店的
daily trading activity summary report每日交易活动报告
daily trading summary每日买卖摘要报告
departmental cost summary sheet部门成本汇总表
departmental summary单位累计
factory cost responsibility summary部门制造成本报告
general summary of accounts总决算
income summary损益汇总
income summary本期收益
income summary account损益汇总帐户
monthly summary月份汇总表
profit and loss summary损益汇‘怠表 (account)
quarterly summary季度总结概算
summary account汇总帐户结算时用之,如进销帐户,损益帐户均是
summary analysis综合分析表
summary book现金收支简表
summary budget预算汇总
summary contract of a bill票据简约
summary disclosure materials简明披露材料
summary document汇总凭证
summary entry汇总帐项
summary execution草率处决
summary financial report财务摘要报告
summary income tax return所得税汇总申报表
summary of account账目摘要
summary of apportionment of wages and welfare benefits工资及福利费分配汇总表
summary of balance sheet change资产负债变动汇总表
summary of cost and expense classifications成本及费用分类一览表
summary of cost of finished products制成品成本汇总表
summary of cost of goods sold销售成本汇总表
summary of customer’s orders销货定单汇总表
summary of daily cash balance现金余额日报表
summary of earnings盈余汇总表
summary of estate accounts遗产帐户述要
summary of financial position财务状况汇总表
summary of income and expense收支汇总表
summary of income and expenses收益费用汇总表
summary of manufacturing expense applied已分配制造费用汇总表 (summary of standing orders and applied manufacturing expenses)
summary of materials consumed日用材料报告书
summary of materials consumed用料汇总表
summary of operating revenue and expense营业收支汇总表
summary of original vouchers原始凭证汇总表
summary of responsibility各部应负责任汇总表
summary of scrap and spoiled materials残废料汇总表
summary of significant-accounting principle重要会计原则摘要
summary of significant-accounting principles主要会计原则摘要
summary of spoiled work损坏工作汇总表
summary of transportation revenue运输收入汇总表
summary of vouchers记账凭证汇总表
summary posting总数过帐
summary posting汇总过帐
summary posting合计过帐
summary receipt and payment abstract book汇总收支摘要簿
summary report of auditing审计工作总结报告
summary reports汇总报告
summary sheet摘要表
summary sheet各科目合并表
summary statement of cash receipts and disbursements现金收支汇总表
summary statement of cash receipts and disbursements现金收支对照表
summary statement of receipt and expenditures收支对照表
summary statement of resources and obligations财源负担总表资力负担汇总表;预算帐用资产负债总表
summary vouchers form of accounting汇总记帐凭证核算形式
title of profit and loss summary损益表之标题
wage payment summary工资支出汇总表