
Terms for subject Business containing successful | all forms | exact matches only
bring business to a successful conclusion成交
bring business to a successful conclusion达成交易
human side of successful communication有效交流意见中人的因素
Let's congratulate ourselves for the successful contract成功签了合同,我们庆祝一下吧
probability of successful operation成功操作概率
successful bidder投标中标人
successful costing有成效的成本核算
successful-efforts accounting成效会计
successful operation成功操作
successful operation成功经营
successful outcome成功结果
successful performance良好性能
successful tender中标人
successful test试产成功
This is a trial order. Please send us 100 sets only so that we may test the market If successful, we will give you large orders in the future这是试销订单。请先仅给我们发100套,看看市场如何。如果反响不错,我们将大量订购