
Terms for subject International trade containing subject | all forms | exact matches only
be subject to taxation被抽税
combined transport bill of lading subject to the Tokyo Rules按东京规则的联运提单
cover subject to a franchise规定免赔率的保险
currencies subject to restrictions受限制货币
goods forming the subject matter in dispute构成争端的货物
insurable subject matter保险标的物
list of commodities by category subject to inspection currently in effect现行实施检验商品种类表
measures of conservation protection in respect of goods forming the subject matter in dispute对诉讼标的物的保全措施
offer subject to being unsold未售时有效要约发价
offer subject to being unsold以未售为有效报价
offer subject to being unsold以未出售为有效的报价
offer subject to buyers' inspection or approval以买方看货后定的报价
offer subject to buyer's inspection or approval以买方检验或接受为准的报价
offer subject to change without notice如有变化无需另补通知的报价
offer subject to export license以领得出口许可证为准的报价
offer subject to first available steamer以装第一艘轮船为准的报价
offer subject to immediate acceptance by telegram以立即回电为有效的报价
offer subject to immediate reply以立即答复为有效的报价
offer subject to import license以领得进口许可证为准的报价
offer subject to market fluctuation按市场变动增减的报价
offer subject to our confirmation经我方确认为有效的报价
offer subject to prior sale有权先售要约
offer subject to prior sale有权先售的报价
offer subject to reply received by...以于 X 日前收到答复为有效的报
offer subject to sample approval着样本后决定发盘
offer subject to seller’s confirmation卖方确认后有效的报价.
offer subject to selling all or none全部销售后或没有销售的报价
offer subject to shipping space available以有舱位为准的报价
product subject to the agreement协定产品
products subject to the agreement协定产品
property subject to a claim附有留置权的财产
subject approval no risk以被保险人确认为准
subject-matter competence按事物标准规定的管辖权 (of a court)
subject-matter insured保险标的
subject matter insured保险标的
subject matter insured保品
subject matter of insurance保险标的物
subject matter of the dispute争执事项
subject matters besides liability for regulation需要规定的事项赔偿责任除外
subject of a concession减让对象
subject of claim索赔的主因
subject of taxation课税主体
subject open/subject ship being free开 口要约
subject reaches us 17/6 our time以我地时间为准
subject reaches us 17/6 our time本发盘须于 6月17日复我处
subject to有待查实
subject to additional charges须付附加费
subject to adjustment as described below须按下述予以调整
subject to approval需经批准
subject to approval以确认为准
subject to approval of export license不准出口时得取消合约
subject to approval of export license出口许可证待领
subject to approval of export license出口证待领
subject to approval of export license不准出口时取消合约
subject to approval of no risk以被保险人确认无险为准
subject to average平均分担损失
subject to being unsold以未出售为有效
subject to buyer’s inspection or approval以买方检验或接受为条件
subject to call可催缴
subject to change without notice如有变更不另通知
subject to changes at a later date by mutual agreement以日后双方同意变更为准
subject to confirmation以经确认为有效
subject to customs duty须付关税
subject to declaration须经声明通知方为有效
subject to duty须征税
subject to duty例应完税
subject to immediate acceptance by telegram立即电复接受有效
subject to immediate reply立即回答生效
subject to immediate reply立即回复有效
subject to immediate reply立即回复接受有效
subject to import licence obtainable以领到进口许可证为生效
subject to license being granted以领到许可证为条件
subject to market fluctuation可按市场波动增减
subject to mate’s receipt以大副收据为准
subject to our final confirmation以我方最后确认为准
subject to particular average以保单独海损为条件
subject to prior approval须经预先核准
subject to prior sale有权先售
subject to ratification先经批准
subject to restrictions受限制款项
subject to safe arrival of goods at port of shipment货物安抵出口地点时有效
subject to safeguards受保障措施的管制
subject to shipping space available无船位取消合约
subject to shipping space available无舱位时取消合约
subject to shipping space available以有舱位为准
subject to stem以协议装货日期为准
subject to taxation纳税对象
subject to the constraints受下列条件限制
subject to the mortgage从属于该项抵押贷款
subject to unsold以我货未售出为准