
Terms for subject China containing strengthening | all forms | exact matches only
actively explore ways to strengthen and improve the oversight work of the NPC积极探索加强和改进人大监督工作
concentrate on strengthening加大
concentrate on strengthening抓紧……工作
concentrate on strengthening着力加强
concentrate on strengthening legislation related to social programs着力加强社会领域立法
consolidate and strengthen the bilateral relationship巩固和加强双边关系
consolidate, improve and strengthen policies for supporting agriculture and giving favorable treatment to farmers巩固、完善、加强支农惠农政策
Decision on Further Strengthening Rural Education《关于进一步加强农村教育工作的决定》
further strengthen进一步加强
further strengthen deputies's role进一步发挥代表作用 (in)
improve the government's ability to perform its duties and strengthen public trust提高政府执行力和公信力
make valuable explorations of the way to strengthen the oversight work of people's congresses为加强人大监督工作进行有益探索
passed a resolution concerning strengthening education and publicity to increase patriotic sanitation campaign通过开展爱国卫生运动教育宣传活动的决议
strengthen and improve the mechanism for regular exchanges with other parliaments and congresses巩固和完善与外国议会定期交流机制
strengthen and improve the oversight work of the NPC加强和改进人大监督工作
strengthen consultations with加强磋商
strengthen contacts with local people's congresses加强与地方人大的联系
strengthen control over加强对... 管理
strengthen control over the use of farmland加强耕地管理
strengthen democracy and the legal system加强民主法制建设
strengthen economic legislation加强经济立法
strengthen ethnic unity加强民族团结
strengthen follow-up and oversight work concerning... issues加强对……问题的跟踪监督
strengthen government-sponsored legislation加强政府立法工作
strengthen infrastructure development efforts加强基础设施建设
strengthen law enforcement and improve inspections to monitor environmental and ecological environment加强环境和生态保护执法检查
strengthen market oversight加强市场监管
strengthen monitoring and analysis of trends加强对.....走势的监测分析 (in)
strengthen mutual trust in the political arena加强政治互信
strengthen organizational leadership加强组织领导
strengthen overall guidance and coordination加强总体指导和统筹协调
strengthen oversight and inspection加强监督检查
strengthen protection of intellectual property rights加强知识产权保护
strengthen regulation加强调控
strengthen social legislation加强社会领域立法
strengthen solidarity among ethnic groups加强民族团结
strengthen the building of a socialist society with an advanced culture and ideology加强社会主义精神文明的建设
strengthen the institutional foundation of the securities market加强债券市场基础性制度建设
strengthen the leadership over加强领导
strengthen the legal system加强法制工作 (in)
strengthen the management of family planning among the floating population加强流动人口计划生育管理
strengthen the management of public finance加强财政管理
strengthen the oversight work of people's congresses加强人大监督工作
strengthen the public health system加强公共卫生体系建设
strengthen the public's trust in the government增强政府公信力
strengthen the social safety net健全社会保障
strengthen the social safety net完善发展民主政治、保障公民权利、推进社会事业、健全社会保障、规范社会组织、加强社会管理等方面的法律法规
strengthen the socialist legal system加强社会主义法制
strengthen their sense of responsibility增强责任感
strengthen unity among the nationalities加强民族团结
strengthen unity with加强团结 (the people)