
Terms for subject Business containing straight | all forms | exact matches only
average straight-time hourly earnings正式工作时间平均每小时收入
best fitting straight line最佳拟合直线
correction by drawing a straight line划线更正
depreciation-straight line直线折旧法平均折旧法
family of straight lines直线族
fitting of a straight line直线拟合
half straight line半直线
layout by straight line按直线布置
least square straight line最小平方直线
straight amortization plan直线分摊计划
straight average method直线平均法
straight barter sale直线易货贸易
straight barter sale直接易货交易
straight bill of lading不得转让的提单
straight characteristic直线特征
straight cost plus contract成本加成合同
straight credit L/C直接信用证指必须持汇票和单证前往开证银行或其指定银行兑付的信用证
straight credit一次使用信用证 (L/C)
straight dealing直接交易
straight debt value可转换债券市价
straight end payment到期全部偿还
straight fall价格直线下跌
straight feed直进给
straight flight直飞
straight forward简单的
straight forward直接的
straight forward直率的
straight life insurance终身保险
straight life insurance终身交纳保费的人寿保险
straight line直线式流程
straight-line amortization直线摊销指各期平均摊销
straight line approximation method直线逼近法
straight-line depreciation直线折旧法即平均折旧法
straight line depreciation method直线折旧法
straight line depreciation plus average interest直线折旧加平均利息法
straight line depreciation with rate changes折旧率变更的直线折旧法
straight line method of amortization直线摊销法
straight line method of depreciation直线折旧法
straight line modified by usage factor使用系数限定直线法
straight line operation直线操作
straight line plus average interest method直线与平均利息法
straight-line rate直线费率
straight loan信用放款
straight loan直接贷款即无担保贷款
straight piece直接计件
straight piece rate直接计件率
straight piece-rate system直接计件率制
straight piecework直接计件制
straight piece-work system单纯计件工资制
straight point method单纯计分法
straight purchase单纯购买
straight radial system直线放射系统
straight rise价格直线上涨
straight-run gasoline直汽油
straight salary plan纯薪金制
straight sale单纯销售
straight sample实物样品
straight shoot直接手续
straight term mortgage loan直到期满抵押贷款
straight time规定时间
straight time单纯计时
straight time标淮工作时间
straight-time pay单纯计时付酬
twice the straight-line rate双倍直线法折旧率
Wald's method of fitting straight lines沃尔德拟合直线法