
Terms for subject General containing straight | all forms | exact matches only
a straight run of pipe一段直管
be tempted off the straight path被引人歧途
bend M out of the straight by使 M 产生 N 的挠度 (N)
come straight to the point直截了当〔开门见山〕地说
dead straight对直
dead straight一直
decline straight leg sit up下斜直腿仰卧起坐
Drive along this street, turn right, turn left, keep straight. OK沿着这条街开,右转,左转,一直往前。好的
four point straight side single action press四点直柱单动曲柄压力机
get straight弄 〔办〕好
get straight搞通
get straight了解
get the record straight弄清真相
go straight直走
Go straight ahead and then turn right直走,然后右转
go straight on笔直走
go straight toM 直接到M去
hanging straight leg raise吊杠直腿上抬
head straight up向前走
Head straight up the street about two blocks, then turn left顺着这条街一直走约两个街区,然后左转
hit straight准确地射中
hit straight瞄准打
keep straight on一直做下去
keep straight on继续直进
keep the record straight弄清真相
lying contracting abdominal and straight leg-raise仰卧收腹直腿上举
make straight整顿
make straight弄直
make straight forM 直接到M去
Much better, thank you! I can sit straight today. The acupuncture is really great好多了,谢谢你,今天我可以坐直了,针灸真的很棒
national pipe straight thread for hose couplings and nipples美制软管接头和接嘴直管螺纹
national pipe straight thread for lock-nuts美制锁紧螺母直管螺纹
national pipe straight thread for mechanical joints美制机械接头直管螺纹
national pipe straight thread for pressure-tight joints美制压密接头直管螺纹不用润滑油与填料
national pipe straight thread in couplings美制接头直管螺纹
national standard straight pipe thread圆柱形管螺纹
national standard straight pipe thread美国标准直管螺纹
on the straight老实地
on the straight笔直
out of the straight歪〔弯〕着
put M straight把M放平直
put M straight整理〔顿〕M
put the record straight弄清真相
put things straight整顿局面
right straight即刻
see straight看得清楚
set the record straight弄清真相
Sherman College of Straight Chiropractic舍曼正统脊椎矫正学院
shoot straight瞄准打
shoot straight准确地射中
shoot straight言行正直
shoot straight打得准
straight ahead对直地
straight ahead直前
straight ahead—直向前
straight arm backward raise直臂后抬
straight arm backward raise直臂背后上抬
straight arm crossover直臂交叉
straight arm pull over直臂上拉
straight arm-lock扼腕十字固
straight arm-lock腕挫十字固
straight arm-lock十字逼肘
straight as a die万无一失的
straight as a die绝对真实〔可靠〕
straight as an arrow笔直
straight away马上
straight away立刻
straight ball直球
straight blow thrust forward
straight cutter holder直角装刀式单刀刀杆
straight drink直接饮料
straight fight一对一〔只有两个方面〕的角逐
straight forward简单〔明白〕的
straight from the shoulder直截了当
straight from the shoulder一针见血
straight from the shoulder很准
straight gun直进式电子枪
straight key电键
straight leg直立
straight leg sideward jumping直腿向侧跳跃
straight leg upward jumping直腿向上跳跃
straight line缓慢迟缓运动
straight line直线
straight line线性的
straight line小转数低转速作业
straight line capacity condenser容标正比电容器
straight line capacity condenser直线电容式可变电容器
straight line capacity condenser容标正比电容器
straight-line capacity condenser直线电容式〔可变〕电容器
straight-line capacity condenser〔电〕容标〔度〕正比电容器
straight line frequency condenser直线频率可变电容器
straight line frequency condenser正比电容器
straight line frequency condenser直线频率式〔可变〕电容器
straight line frequency condenser频〔率〕标〔度〕正比电容器
straight line wave length condenser直线波长式可变电容器
straight-line wave length condenser直线波长式〔可变〕电容器
straight line wave length condenser波长标度正比电容器
straight-line wave length condenser波长标度正比电容器
straight-line-frequency condenser正比电容器
straight-line-frequency condenser直线频率式电容器
straight off马上
straight off立刻
straight off the reel接连地
straight off the reel立刻
straight off the reel一口气
straight out坦白〔直率〕地
straight polarity正〔向〕极性
straight reaming直接扩大石油钻孔的
straight run直馏馏分,产品
straight-run gasoline直溜汽油
straight sequence of events事件的先后顺序
straight side crank press双柱曲柄压力机
straight type非水溶性型冷却润滑液
straight up fromM 从 M
straight wrist直腕抓球法
swordfish straight legсинхр.плав. 直腿箭鱼式
tetrahedral straight edge四棱平尺
the straight line containing the centre of curvature通过曲率中心的直线
upward-sloping straight line上斜直线
we shall now discuss motion along a straight line or rectilinear motion即直线运动
we shall now discuss motion along a straight line or rectilinear motion现在讨论沿直线的运动
You must turn right into the Strand. Go straight on and Trafalgar Square is at end of the road. You can't miss it!你应该向右转进入到河岸街。向前直行,特拉法尔广场就在路尽头。你不会走错的