
Terms for subject Business containing storage | all forms | exact matches only
aggregate storage capacity库存总容量
archival storage and recovery program档案存储与恢复程序
associative storage相连存储器
automatic storage and warehouse自动储运系统
backing storage外存储器
balance between the mining of coal, oil and their storage煤、油采储比例关系
be in storage库存
be put in storage入库
be put in storage入仓
below ground storage地下仓库
bulk data storage and load成批数据存储和装入
bulk storage petroleum散装储油库
call recording & storage用户信息记录
changer storage转换存储器
coefficient of storage utilization库场运用率
coefficient of unbalance of storage入库不平衡率
cold storage冷舱
cold storage冷库
cold-storage boat冷藏船
cold-storage plant冷冻厂
cold-storage shop冷冻车间
cold-storage training冷储备训练
cold-storage warehouse冷藏库
commercial cold-storage equipment商业冷藏设备
commercial storage transportation management商品储运管理
commodity import for storage存入保税仓库的进口商品
computer data storage bank计算机数据库
container storage yard集装箱堆场
cost of storage仓储成本
Cryogenic Storage System低温储藏系统
current fund for material storage材料储备流动资金
cyclic storage定期存储
data storage数据库
data storage bank数据储存库
dead storage货物长期存库
decentralized material storage分散原料库存
delay or temporary storage等待或暂时存储
delivery of cargo from storage出库即由仓库或货场发出货物
delivery of cargo from storage岀仓
deterioration in storage储藏中变质
direct access storage device直接存取储存器
direct display storage tube直接显像存储管
documentation storage and retrieval文献储存和检索
drug storage磁鼓存储器
dynamic storage device动态存储元件
dynamical storage device动态存储元件
easy transfer of storage merchandise易于转让的存货
electric storage battery蓄电池
electrical power storage蓄电池
electrical power storage电力存储
electronic delay storage automatic computer电子延迟存储自动计算机
external storage储料场
external storage外部储存如贮油池
fast storage快速存储器
file storage外存储器
file storage计算机外存储器
file storage equipment文件存储设备
file storage unit文件存储装置
fixed storage pattern固定存储数据结构
gold storage facility黄金储藏设施
ground storage露天存量
half-finished product storage半成品库
half-tone storage tube半色调存储器
High Data Rate Storage Subsystem高速数据存储系统
immediate access storage快速存取存储器
immediate-access cathode ray tube storage立即访问阴极射线管存储器
information storage and retrieval信息存储与恢复
Information Storage and Retrieval System信息存储与恢复系统
information storage, selection and retrieval信息存储、选择与恢复
in-process storage在制品保管
input-output storage输入输出存储器
keep in storage贮存
landing, storage and delivery charges上岸、储藏及运送费用
large-capacity storage大容量存储器
magnetic drum storage磁鼓存储器
main tool storage主要工具库
mass storage capacity大容量存储能力
mass storage devices大容量存储装置
mass storage executive capacity大容量存储管理能力
mass-storage system大容量存储系统
mass-storage unit大容量存储装置
materials storage notification材料入库通知单
maximum quantity of storage最大存储量
maximum storage最大储量
maximum storage norm最高库存定额
maximum storage norm for finished product产成品最高库存定额
maximum storage quota最高库存定额
mill storage工厂库存
mixed storage混合存储指谷物,豆类等散装货物按品种、等级分别存储而不按货主不同分别存储
move to assembly, storage or shipping搬运到装配、储存或运送场所
move to storage搬至储存处
move to temporary storage搬到临时储存场所
nesting storage叠式储存
not-used packaging supplies in storage库存未用包装物
open freight storage露天货仓
open storage露天货场
open storage yard露天堆置场
open-air storage露天仓库
opening-yard for storage露天存储场如存放木材,煤炭,汽车等货场
operation in storage-yard货场作业指货物堆装等作业
order and storage cost订购与储存成本
parts-storage system零件储存系统
physical assets in storage库存物资
place in stock storage放入仓库储存
place in storage放入仓库
place in temporary storage放在暂时寄存处
plan storage method and space计划储存方法与空间
price storage价格存储器
purchase-loan storage program收购借贷储存方案
purchase-loan storage programme收购借款储存方案
read-write storage读写存储器
Receiving, Storage and Delivery收储及交货费用
reliability after storage储存安全性
removable storage可移动记忆器
safe storage life安全储备期限
seasonal merchandise storage季节性商品储存
selection of storage储存选择
semi-finished product storage norm半成品库存定额
sequential access storage按序存取存储
special storage特别储藏
special storage rate特别储藏费率
special storage rate特别储藏运费率指装运贵重物品等运费率
specific storage单位存单
standard storage标准储量
stand-by storage备用库存
storage allocation库存分配
storage ambient存储条件
storage and inspection储存与检验
storage and retrieval储存与检索
storage and transport management储运管理
storage area仓库面积
storage area贮存区
storage bunker漏斗料库
storage characteristic存储特征
storage charge桟租
storage cost仓储成本
storage expenses仓储费用
storage facilities仓储设施
storage facilities仓储设备
storage failure rate存储器故障率
storage heater蓄热器
storage house储藏室
storage in electronic data processing电子数据处理存储器
storage inspection存储检查
storage level仓储水平
storage load仓库负荷
storage media存储媒介
storage model存储模型
storage of cargoes物品保管
storage of data数据存储
storage of goods物品储存
storage of inventory存货保管
storage of materials材料储存
storage of raw materials原料储存
storage of value价值贮藏
storage operation仓储业务
storage period保管期
storage plan存储计划
storage precaution仓库防护措施
storage premises仓库
storage procedure仓储程序
storage process存储方法
storage process仓储过程
storage rate存储率
storage space constraint仓储空间限制
storage temperature存储温度
storage volume存储量
storage warehouse保管仓库
storage warehouse港口仓库
timber storage yard木材堆场
transit storage area前方堆场
transport to stock storage or point of use搬至仓库储存或使用地点
unlimited duty-free storage无限制免税仓库
Virtual Storage实际存量
Virtual Storage有效库存
warehouse storage仓储
warehouse storage仓库保管
warehouse storage charge仓租
wholesale storage批发存量
working storage周转存量
working storage操作存储器
zinc storage battery锌蓄电池组