
Terms containing stock right | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
econ.All our right to our subscription for shares of the capital stock of the company will be sold to you我方的一切认购该公司总股本的股份权将出售给你方
busin.dilution of stock right股权削弱
econ.dilution of stock right冲淡股权
busin.dilution of stock right冲淡股权
busin.dilution stock right削弱股权
fin.ex right price of stock除权后股价
Hong.Kong.holder of Stock Exchange trading right联交所交易权持有人
securit.holder of stock exchange trading right股票交易所交易权持有人
securit.inferior-vote right stock次级投票权股票双重股票中较少表决权的普通股
securit.inferior-vote right stock劣势表决权股
securit.right in liquidation of preferred stock优先股清算权利
proj.manag.right of conversion into stock兑换证券的权利
fin.right of conversion into stock转换股票权
securit.right of conversion into stock兑换股份权
textileright to transfer stock股份转让权
fin.stock appreciation right股票升值权益
securit.stock appreciation right股票升值认购权管理者有权以优惠条件购股,优惠价可低于市场价50%,期限最长为 10 年。此举是决策补偿机制,为了避免管理者与股东之间的利益冲突
securit.stock appreciation right股票增价认购权
tech.stock cum right附有增资权的股票
securit.stock cum right有增资权的股票
fin.stock exchange trading right联交所交易权
securit.stock exchange trading right证券交易所交易权
securit.stock holder's right股权
securit.stock holder's right股东权
fin.stock purchase right股票认购权
textilestock right认股权
textilestock right股权
interntl.trade.stock right股票优惠权
fin.stock right优先认股权
commer.stock right购股权
securit.stock right购买新股权
corp.gov.stock right and options购股权和选择权
fin.stock voting right股票投票权
econ.the right to transfer stock股份转让权
China, lawtransfer the stock right转让股权
busin.value of stock right股权价值