
Terms for subject Wushu containing step- in | all forms
backhand stroke in bow step弓步盖掌
bend arm in empty step虚步屈肘
bend elbow in horse-ride step马步盘肘
block palm in empty step虚步亮掌
brush knee in twist step搂膝拗步
carry wine stances in bow-step after headstand flip头翻弓步端酒势
chop with broadsword in bow step弓步劈刀
circle palm in empty step虚步按掌
cross arms in bow step弓步十字手
cross palms in empty step虚步叉掌
display palm in high empty step高虚步亮掌
display palm in seated step歇步亮掌
downward chop in bow step弓步下砍
elbow forward in bow step弓步顶肘
flash palm in crouching step仆步亮掌
flash palm in curved step弧形步亮掌
flash palm in high empty step高虚步亮掌
flash palm in seated step歇步亮掌
grasp the shoulder in seated step歇步抓肩
hack sword in bow step弓步劈剑
hold fists before the chest in bow step弓步抱拳
horizontal slice in bow step弓步平斩
insert the palm in bow step弓步杆掌
leap in curved steps弧形步上跳
lift palm in bow step弓步挑掌
press elbow downward in horse-ride step马步压肘
press palm in empty step虚步按掌
punch fist downward in T-step丁步下冲拳
punch fist in horse step弓步冲拳
punch in horse-ride step马步架打
punch in seated step歇步拳
punch with fist in bow step弓步冲拳
push and thrust in bow step弓步推刺
push palm forward in bow step弓步击掌
push palm forward in seated step歇步击掌
push palm in bow step弓步推掌
push palm in horse-ride step马步推掌
push palm sideways in horse-ride step马步斜推掌
push to the left and chop forward in bow step弓步左推前劈
push to the right and chop forward in bow step弓步右推前劈
push-hands exercise in fixed steps定步推手练习
push-hands exercise in free steps活步推手练习
raise knee and thread palm in crouch step提膝仆步穿掌
raise one fist and strike with the other in horse-ride step马步架打
separate palms in bow step弓步分掌
shoulder whip in empty step虚步背鞭
shove the palm in bow step弓步靠身掌
stab wrist in bow step弓步刺腕
step forward in left slanting position上步左斜形
stick up palm in empty step虚步挑掌
stick up palm in step进步挑掌
straight thrust in bow step弓步直刺
sweep with the spear in crouch step仆步扫枪
swing palm forward in bow step弓步撩掌
swing palm in seated step歇步摆掌
swing up palm in bow step弓步撩掌
swing up palm in empty step虚步撩掌
swing up palm in seated step歇步撩掌
thread palm in crouch step仆步穿掌
thread palm in empty step虚步穿掌
thrust fist downward in bow step弓步击拳
thrust fist downward in bow step弓步下冲拳
thrust fist downward in seated step歇步下冲拳
thrust fist forward in horse-riding step马步托打
thrust fist in horse-riding step马步冲拳
thrust fist in T-step丁步冲拳
thrust fist sideways in horse-riding step马步侧冲拳
thrust fist upward in horse-riding step马步冲天拳
thrust sword upward in S steps行步上刺剑
toe-in step扣步
turn torso and punch in empty step回身虚步架打
uphold one fist and thump the other in bow step弓步架栽拳
upturn palm in high empty step高虚步挑掌
withdraw a sword in T-step丁步回抽