
Terms containing step- in | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
tech.adjustable in steps可分级调整的
tech.adjustment in successive steps逐次平差
wushu.backhand stroke in bow step弓步盖掌
dipl.be a step in the right direction朝正确方向迈出〔前进〕了一步
China, polit.be conducted in steps and phases有步骤、分阶段进行
gen.be graduated in three steps有三个刻度
gen.be graduated in three steps分有三段〔级〕
el.mach.be in out-of-step with与... 不同步
el.mach.be in step with与... 同步
gen.be in step withM 与M同步〔步调一致,相一致,相协调〕
wushu.bend arm in empty step虚步屈肘
wushu.bend elbow in horse-ride step马步盘肘
wushu.block palm in empty step虚步亮掌
gen.bring in step使同步
wushu.brush knee in twist step搂膝拗步
wushu.brush knee in twist step搂膝拗步
tech.built-in steps建在河道中的梯级
wushu.carry wine stances in bow-step after headstand flip头翻弓步端酒势
wushu.chop with broadsword in bow step弓步劈刀
wushu.circle palm in empty step虚步按掌
wushu.cross arms in bow step弓步十字手
wushu.cross palms in empty step虚步叉掌
chem.cure in steps逐步升温硫化
oil3D migration in two steps二步法三维偏移
wushu.display palm in high empty step高虚步亮掌
wushu.display palm in seated step歇步亮掌
wushu.downward chop in bow step弓步下砍
gen.drive-in step扩散工序
wushu.elbow forward in bow step弓步顶肘
el.fall in step进行同步
wushu.flash palm in crouching step仆步亮掌
wushu.flash palm in curved step弧形步亮掌
wushu.flash palm in high empty step高虚步亮掌
wushu.flash palm in seated step歇步亮掌
gen.follow in one's steps学习…的榜样
gen.follow in one's steps步…的后尘
gen.grade M in steps of把M每隔N分一等级 (N)
wushu.grasp the shoulder in seated step歇步抓肩
oilgrow in step with同步增长
econ.grow in step with与…同步增长
met.growth in depth of glide steps往滑移阶深处生长
met.growth in depth of slide steps晶体往滑移阶深处生长
wushu.hack sword in bow step弓步劈剑
wushu.hold fists before the chest in bow step弓步抱拳
athlet.hop with short steps in between小步穿插单足跳
athlet.hop with short steps in between间隔短跨步的单足跳
wushu.horizontal slice in bow step弓步平斩
railw.implement in step分步实施
gen.in small steps一点一点地
gen.in small steps一小步一小步地
gen.in step合拍
sport.in step同步
China, lawin step有步骤
eng.geol.in step同级
eng.geol.in step同相
gen.in stepсинхр.плав. 合拍
gen.in steps逐步地
gen.in steps ofM 以 M 为一级
dentist.In the next step, the gums may begin to recede下一个阶段牙龈开始退缩
sport.in the step he shall land on the other foot from which, subsequently, the jump is performed单足跳时应用起跳脚落地、跨步跳时用另一只脚摆动腿落地、然后完成跳跃动作
wushu.insert the palm in bow step弓步杆掌
tech.in-step同步 (的)
construct.in-step condition同步状态
construct.in-step condition吻合条件
tech.in-step condition同步条件
construct.in-step condition相位一致条件
anim.husb.in-step condition同步条件状态
tech.in-step condition同相条件
el.in-step conditions同步条件[工况]
spacekeep in step保持同步
econ.key step in selling推销主要步骤
avia.kick in step第一步
avia.kick in step开始步骤
mount.kick step in snow踢雪前进
mount.kick step in snow破雪开道
spacekick-in step第一步
spacekick-in step开始步骤
wushu.leap in curved steps弧形步上跳
wushu.lift palm in bow step弓步挑掌
wrest.long step-in长迈步插入
heavy.eq.march in step步伐整齐
tech.method of raising in steps逐步打捞法
wushu.press elbow downward in horse-ride step马步压肘
wushu.press palm in empty step虚步按掌
dragon.dance.progress in a horizontal and sliding step滑步行进
el.pull in step牵入同步
el.pull in step引入同步
el.mach.pull-in to step牵入同步
tech.pull-in step拉入同步
tech.pulling in step牵入同步
tech.pulling in step拉入同步
tech.pulling in step引入同步
el.mach.pulling-in to step拉入同步
wushu.punch fist downward in T-step丁步下冲拳
wushu.punch fist in horse step弓步冲拳
wushu.punch in horse-ride step马步架打
wushu.punch in seated step歇步拳
wushu.punch with fist in bow step弓步冲拳
wushu.push and thrust in bow step弓步推刺
wushu.push palm forward in bow step弓步击掌
wushu.push palm forward in seated step歇步击掌
wushu.push palm in bow step弓步推掌
wushu.push palm in horse-ride step马步推掌
wushu.push palm sideways in horse-ride step马步斜推掌
wushu.push to the left and chop forward in bow step弓步左推前劈
wushu.push to the right and chop forward in bow step弓步右推前劈
wushu.push-hands exercise in fixed steps定步推手练习
wushu.push-hands exercise in fixed steps定步推手练习
wushu.push-hands exercise in free steps活步推手练习
wushu.push-hands exercise in free steps活步推手练习
wushu.raise knee and thread palm in crouch step提膝仆步穿掌
wushu.raise one fist and strike with the other in horse-ride step马步架打
tech.raising in steps逐步打捞
tech.regulation in steps分级调整
tech.regulator in steps分级调压器
expl.R-technologic reforms, which can bring about profound, step-junction increases in coal recovery, are still way off革命性技术变革虽然能使煤炭开采率逐渐上升、意义重大、但距今尚有一段距离
dragon.dance.run a circle quickly over obstacles in low-steps快速矮步跑圆场越障碍
wushu.separate palms in bow step弓步分掌
gen.Setting is an essential step in jewelry making镶嵌在首饰制作中必不可少
wushu.shoulder whip in empty step虚步背鞭
wushu.shove the palm in bow step弓步靠身掌
tech.shut-down in steps阶梯式停堆
wushu.stab wrist in bow step弓步刺腕
gen.stay in step withM 与M相一致〔保持协调〕
China, lawstep by step in a planned way有计划、分步骤
el.step change in power功率阶跃变化
el.step change in reactivity反应性阶跃变化【核】
el.step change in wall thickness壁厚阶跃变化
el.step change in wall thickness断面变化
wushu.step forward in left slanting position上步左斜形
box.step in前进
telecom.step in磁头向内步进
telecom.step in向磁盘中心步进
proj.manag.step in介人权
gen.step in干涉
spacestep in步进
tech.step in步入
baseb.step in向内迈步
econ.step in进来
econ.step in插手
baseb.step in向内迈步击球
gen.step in进去
gen.step in attenuation衰减的差距
econ.step in social scale社会等级
baseb.step in the bucket击球时向后拖步
baseb.step in the bucket向后拖步
gen.step to the fore in face of difficulties迎着闲难上
fin.step up international cooperation in financial regulation加强国际金融监管合作
busin.step-down order in cost allocation成本分摊中的逐项减少次序
textilestep-in chemise女式无袖胸衣下套式
textilestep-in chemise女式无袖胸衣
textilestep-in dress易套连衣裙
sport, bask.step-in hook shot插入勾手投篮
sport, bask.step-in hook shot切入钩手投篮
archer.step-in method背弓上弦法
el.mach.step-in relay步进继电器
textilestep-in shoes易套鞋
textilestep-in shoes易穿式鞋
tech.step-in utility cooler通用装配式冷却器
interntl.trade.steps in buying购买步骤
busin.steps in buying递增购买
tech.steps in decision-making决策步骤
agric., stat.steps in designing experiments设计试验步骤
manag.steps in time study时间研究的步骤
busin.steps in time study时间研究步骤
textilesteps-in blouse连裤女衫
wushu.stick up palm in empty step虚步挑掌
wushu.stick up palm in step进步挑掌
wushu.straight thrust in bow step弓步直刺
wushu.strike forward in bow step弓步冲拳
wushu.sweep with the spear in crouch step仆步扫枪
wushu.swing palm forward in bow step弓步撩掌
wushu.swing palm in seated step歇步摆掌
wushu.swing up palm in bow step弓步撩掌
wushu.swing up palm in empty step虚步撩掌
wushu.swing up palm in seated step歇步撩掌
econ.The second step in the sales cycle is the determination of the appropriate terms of sale销售循环的第二步就是确定恰当的销售条件
econ.the step-down order in cost allocation成本分摊中的逐项减少次序
sport.The Triple Jump shall consist of a hop, a step and a jump in that order.三级跳远的三跳顺序是一次单足跳、一次跨步跳和一次跳跃
econ.They anticipated that the mark would rise in step with the Japanese yen during the last quarter of the year他们预计四季度马克将与日元一起升值,升值率相同
wushu.thread palm in crouch step仆步穿掌
wushu.thread palm in empty step虚步穿掌
oilthree-D migration in one step一步法三维偏移
tech.three-dimensional migration in two steps二步法三维偏移
wushu.thrust fist downward in bow step弓步击拳
wushu.thrust fist downward in bow step弓步下冲拳
wushu.thrust fist downward in seated step歇步下冲拳
wushu.thrust fist forward in horse-riding step马步托打
wushu.thrust fist in horse-riding step马步冲拳
wushu.thrust fist in T-step丁步冲拳
wushu.thrust fist sideways in horse-riding step马步侧冲拳
wushu.thrust fist upward in horse-riding step马步冲天拳
wushu.thrust sword upward in S steps行步上刺剑
wushu.toe-in step扣步
wushu.toe-in step扣步
gen.tread in one's foot steps步…后尘
gen.tread in one's steps跟…的脚步走
gen.tread in one's foot steps仿效
gen.tread in one's steps仿效
gen.tread in the steps of跟…的脚步走
gen.tread in the steps of仿效
wushu.turn torso and punch in empty step回身虚步架打
wushu.uphold one fist and thump the other in bow step弓步架栽拳
wushu.upturn palm in high empty step高虚步挑掌
dragon.dance.walk a circle in a low-step way矮步走圆场
tech.well formula in step flow rate阶梯流量水井公式
wushu.withdraw a sword in T-step丁步回抽