
Terms for subject Agriculture containing stem | all forms | exact matches only
acceptor stem接纳体干指 tRNA 中接受氨基酸的双螺旋区
acceptor stem受体干
aerial stem地上茎 (caulis aerius)
alate stem有翼茎 (caulis alatus)
anticodon stem反密码子干
apple stem grooving virus苹果凹茎病毒
bacterial stem rot玉米 茎腐病
bald stem光茎
bald stem无毛茎
banana stem香蕉杆
banana stem香蕉茎
basal stem rot基部茎腐病甘蔗
bent stem倾斜茎 (caulis camplotropus)
bent stem thermometer曲管温度计
black stem黑茎病苜蓿
black stem茎枯病
black stem rust秆锈病指麦类
bleached hemp stem漂麻
bleached hemp stem漂洗大麻茎
bone marrow stem cell骨髓干细胞
branchy stem分枝 (ramus)
brown stem rot褐色茎腐病
cabbage stem weevil甘蓝茎象甲Ceutorhynchus quadridens (Panzer) (象甲科)
cercospora stem spot茎斑病
chise stem韭菜薹
chlorophyll in stem茎叶绿素
chlorophyllous stem叶绿素茎
citrus stem-end rind breakdown disease柑橘蒂缘果皮衰败病
climbing stem攀缘茎 (caulis scandens)
committed stem cell定型干细胞 (cellula caulis committa)
compound stem分枝茎 (caulis compositus)
compound stem复合茎
cotton stem peelings棉秸皮
cotton stem peelings棉秆皮
cracked stem裂缝茎
creased stem不正常茎
creeping stem匍匐茎 (caulis repens)
creeping stem grasses匍茎茎禾草
creeping underground stem匍匐地下茎
decumbent stem偃伏茎 (caulis decumbens)
dextrorse twinning stem右旋缠绕茎 (caulis volubilis dextrorsus)
dicotyledonous stem双子叶茎 (caulis dicotyledonus)
discoid stem盘状茎 (caulis discoideus)
dominant stem优势木
dominanting stem优势木
dominated stem被支配木
dominated stem劣势木
double stem双茎 (caulis duplex)
double stem training双干整枝
dry stem of hemp干麻[秆]
dwarf stem短缩茎
ear stem穗茎指结穗茎
effective stem length有效茎长度
endogenous stem内生茎 (caulis endogenus)
epigeal stem出土茎 (caulis epigeus)
erect stem直立茎 (caulis erectus)
erythroid stem cell红细胞状干细胞
European wheat stem sawfly欧洲麦茎蜂
exogenous stem外生茎 (caulis exogenus)
fertile stem实茎 (caulis fertilis)
fertile stem能育茎
fire in stems遍燃火
fire in stems树干火
flatten stem扁茎
fleshy stem肉质茎 (caulis carnosus)
foliaceous stem叶状茎 (caulis foliaceus)
foliage stem营养茎 (caulis frondosus)
fruit stem果梗 (pediculus)
fruit stem果柄
garlic stem蒜薹
garlic stem蒜苗
ginger stem子姜
green stem cutting嫩枝插条
gummy stem blight[西瓜]蔓枯病
half-stem -clasping半抱茎的 (semiamplexicaulis)
herbaceous stem草质茎 (caulis herbaceus)
hollow stem空心秆 (calamus)
leaf position on the stem茎上叶位
leaf stem叶柄
leaf-stem ratio叶茎比率
leaf-like stem叶状茎 (caulis foliaceus)
leafy stem多叶茎
leaves and stems地上部
leaves and stems茎叶部
long-stem cutting长枝插
lymphoid stem cell淋巴样干细胞
main stem主蔓 (caulis primarius)
major bends in the stem曲干
major bends in the stem干弯曲
monocotyledonous stem单子叶茎 (caulis monocotyledonus)
multiple-stem budding多干芽接
number of nodes or joints on the main stem主茎节数
oppressed stem被压木
paddy stem稻茎
paddy stem稻秆
palm stem棕榈茎干 (cauloma)
peduncle stem穗茎
peripheral stem bundle[蔗]茎周围维管束
pluripotent stem cell多能干细胞 (caulicellula pluripotens)
pod and stem blight黑点病
pod and stem blight木乃耳病
polystelic stem多中柱茎 (caulis polystelicus)
pot stem spot黑斑病芝麻
prevailing stem优势木
procumbent stem平铺茎 (caulis procumbens)
procumbent stem匍匐茎
prostrate stem匍匐茎 (caulis prostratus)
prostrate stem平卧茎
regeneration by stem-shoots截枝更新
ribbed stem有棱茎 (caulis costatus)
ringed stem环状茎 (tela annulata)
ringed stem念珠茎
root-stem transition zone根茎过渡区
ruling stem优势木
rye stem smut黑麦茎黑穗病
sappy stem多汁茎
sclerotinia stem rot菌核病
seed stem种茎
short-stem crop矮秆作物
short stem-cut芽插
short-stem kaoliang矮脚高粱
shrub with chlorophyllous stem具叶绿素茎 灌木
shrubby stem灌木状茎 (caulis fruticosus)
simple stem单茎 (caulis simplex)
single-stem单秆 (caulis singularis)
single stem training单干整形
sinistrorse twining stem左旋缠绕茎 (caulis volubilis sinistrorsus)
sinistrous stem-climber左缠植物指左向缠绕茎干植物
spring black stem茎枯病
stem analysis树干解析
stem and leaf vegetable crops茎叶 类蔬菜
stem angle铲尾角铲尾与铲翼间夹角
stem axis干轴
stem base秆基
stem base茎秆基部
stem bleeding茎淌水病甘蔗
stem blight茎枯病
stem body纺锤线干体
stem break禾谷类眼斑病
stem break秆裂病
stem bud胚芽 (plumula)
stem burn苗立枯病
stem canker茎枯病
stem canker秆溃疡病
stem cell干细胞 (caulicellula)
stem cell growth factor干细胞生长因子
stem cell spermatogonium干细胞精原细胞
stem clasping抱茎的 (amplectens, amplexans)
stem class 干级
stem crops茎用作物
stem curve树干曲线
stem cutter插枝切取机
stem cutter切枝条机
stem cutter and fruit bag remover切枝去 袋机
stem cutting茎插{园艺}
stem cutting枝插
stem density立木度
stem density茎秆密度
stem diameter茎直径
stem dieback葡萄果梗萎缩病
stem divergence茎分枝式 (法,指种植后将新梢摘心,使之分枝的方法)
stem elongation抽薹
stem-end rind breakdown果基干疤指柑橘
stem-end rot蒂腐病
stem-end rot尻腐病
stem-end rot蒂腐病指甜瓜、西瓜等
stem-epidermal pattern茎表皮细胞模式指甘蔗
stem fiber crops茎秆纤维作物
stem fire树干火
stem frost resistance茎抗霜性
stem frost resistance茎抗寒性
stem gall茎瘿
stem gall茎瘤
stem grafting枝接
stem growth茎生长
stem heat resistance茎抗热性
stem internode 节间
stem knife切茎刀
stem leaf茎生叶
stem length茎秆长度
stem less无茎的 (acaulis)
stem-like球茎状的 (cormosus)
stem-like茎状的 (caulescens)
stem line干系种族系统
stem line主系
stem-line cell干系细胞
stem-line theory干系学说
stem nematode茎线虫病
stem-node茎节 (geniculum)
stem number果木株数
stem number植株数
stem of fruit果梗
stem orientation茎定向
stem pitting高接病
stem pole茎极
stem pole茎端
stem pushing拔节
stem remover除梗器
stem remover花生除梗滚筒
stem resistance茎抗性
stem respiration茎呼吸
stem rib茎肋木贼
stem-root border青颈
stem rot白绢病
stem rot蔓腐病
stem rot茎腐病
stem rot of eggplant茄菌核病
stem rust秆锈病
stem rust of grasses禾草秆锈病
stem rust resistance抗秆锈病性
stem sawfly茎蜂
stem-shaped茎状的 (cauliformis)
stem-shoot forest截枝林
stem shrinkage茎收缩
stem smut秆黑粉病
stem solidness茎硬度
stem spine茎针 (spina ramealis)
stem spot黑斑病芝麻
stem sprout茎干萌芽
stem starch茎淀粉
stem succulent肉茎植物 (planta caulibus succulentibus)
stem system茎系
stem system of plant植株茎系
stem tendril茎卷须 (cirrhus ramealis)
stem thermometer棒式温度表
stem thorn茎刺 (spina ramealis)
stem timber树干材
stem tip茎尖
stem tip culture茎尖培养
stem tuber块茎 (tuber ramealis)
stem vegetable茎菜类蔬菜
stem water茎流下水
stem wilt立枯病
stem wilt萎凋病
stiff stem硬秆 (caulis rigidus)
stiff stem硬茎
stiff-stem variety硬秆品种
stoloniform stem匍匐状茎 (caulis stoloniformis)
storage stem储藏茎 (caulis proventitius)
straightness of stem直秆性
straightness of stem直干性
subterranean stem地下茎 (caulis subterraneus)
subterraneous stem地下茎 (caulis subterraneus)
succulent stem肉质茎 (caulis succulens)
summer black stem豆科牧草斑点病
suspending stem上升茎 (caulis suspendens)
sweet potato stem nematode disease甘薯茎线虫病
tangled stem缠结茎
terrestrial stem地下茎 (caulis terrestris)
thin stem细[小]茎 (caulis gracilis)
thinly elongated stem细伸长茎
top stem梢头木
trap stem饵木
trap stem诱树
trunk stem树干
twining stem缠绕茎 (caulis volubilis)
upper stem高茎
upper stem上部茎
upper stem rot油棕高茎腐病
valve stem内燃机气门杆
voluble stem缠绕茎 (caulic volubilis)
water stem水[生]茎 (caulis aquaticus)
well-developed stem system茎系发育良好
wheat stem borer sawfly欧洲麦茎蜂
wilting stem枯心指茎秆枯萎
winding stem缠绕茎
woody stem木质茎 (caulis lignosus)