
Terms containing steak | all forms | exact matches only
gen.Arrange the steak to a warm plate and cover tightly with aluminum foil把牛排盛入微温的盘子用锡纸包好保温
anim.husb.beef steak厚牛肉块
anim.husb.beef steak牛排
anim.husb.beef steak pudding牛排布丁
gen.braised beef steak with mushroom蘑菇烩牛排
anim.husb.broiled steak烤肉排
anim.husb.chuck steak肩胛肉
anim.husb.chuck steak牛肩胛肉排
anim.husb.club beef steak腰顶端部小牛排
anim.husb.club steak腰顶端部小牛排
anim.husb.cube steak扣出棋盘格孔的薄片牛肉增加柔嫩度
anim.husb.dehydrated steak脱水肉块
anim.husb.delmonico steak牛背肉块
anim.husb.flank steak牛后腹肉排
gen.grilled fillet steak烤牛排
gen.grilled sirloin steak西冷牛排
busin.hamburg steak汉堡牛肉饼
busin.hamburg steak加牛肉饼的三明治
anim.husb.hamburger steak绞碎牛肉加佐料的油炸肉饼
anim.husb.hamburger steak汉堡牛排
tech.horizontal type high pressure steak sterilizer卧式高压消毒器
gen.How do you like your steak?你的牛排要如何烹调?
gen.How would you like the steak done, well done, medium or rare?您喜欢几成熟的牛排?熟透的、适中的还是半生的?
gen.How would you like your eggs/steak?您点的蛋/牛排要怎样做呢?
gen.How would you like your steak cooked done?请问您的牛排需要几成熟?
gen.I would like to have my steak medium-我的牛排要七分
gen.I would like to have my steak medium我的牛排要五分
gen.I would like to have my steak rare我的牛排要三分
gen.I would like to have my steak well-done我的牛排要全熟
gen.I would take steak and kidney pie. What about you?我要牛排腰子饼,你呢?
gen.I'd prepare grilled fillet steak for lunch中午我做烤牛排
gen.It's especially good with steak和牛排一起吃特别好吃
gen.I've bought a lot of meat. I've got pork chops, small steaks, chicken wings and plenty of hot dog sausages and hamburger patties我买了很多肉。我买了猪排、小牛排、鸡翅和许多热狗肠,还有汉堡饼
gen.Look at the steak. Don't overcook it看看你的牛排,别烤得太焦
exhib.medium steak半熟牛排
anim.husb.minute steak快熟薄牛排
cook.pork steak猪排份餐不预腌的熟火腿
anim.husb.pork steak不预腌的熟火腿
anim.husb.pork steak猪排份餐
anim.husb.porter steak腰部牛排
anim.husb.porterhouse steak里脊肉做的餐厅牛排
anim.husb.ready-cut steak已切好的牛排
anim.husb.round steak牛后腿上部肉
anim.husb.round steak牛臀肉
anim.husb.rump steak臀部肉排
anim.husb.Salisbury steak萨利斯布里牛排
anim.husb.shoulder steak肩胛肉
anim.husb.sizzling steak烙肉排
anim.husb.skirt steak牛腹肉
gen.steak and kidney pie牛排腰子饼
anim.husb.steak frenching machine牛排榔头
anim.husb.steak frenching machine牛排拍松嫩化
anim.husb.steak house牛排餐厅专供牛排
tech.steak house牛排餐厅
anim.husb.steak-in flank带腰部脊肉的腹肉
anim.husb.steak knife牛排餐刀顶端带有锯齿
anim.husb.steak maul牛排拍松致嫩用工具
anim.husb.steak piece肋骨肉
anim.husb.steak piece牛后腰肉
anim.husb.steak set牛排餐专用餐具套
anim.husb.stuffed beef steak碎牛肉制成的牛排
anim.husb.T-bone steak优质牛腰肉一种供铁钯烧烤用的牛腰肉块
exhib.tender steak嫩牛排
anim.husb.tenderloin steak嫩牛排
gen.The musk ox steak on my plate is succulent摆在我盘子里的麝牛牛排鲜嫩多汁
gen.The steak is still bloody inside. Maybe you should cook it through牛排里面都还血淋淋的,也许你该把它烤透一点
gen.The steak smells good牛排好香呀
gen.The thin beef steak is beautifully tender这薄牛排真嫩
cook.They serve excellent sour and sweet pork steak他们的糖醋排骨棒极了
gen.thin beef steak薄牛排
anim.husb.top loin steak上部腰肉牛排
exhib.tough steak牛排太熟
anim.husb.veal steak小牛肉排
gen.We have an excellent black pepper steak today我们今天有上好的黑椒牛排
cook.We'll take fillet steak and roasted chicken drumsticks我们要菲利牛排和一份烤鸡腿
gen.What sauce goes best with this steak?这种牛排配什么酱料最好吃?