
Terms for subject Hydroelectric power stations containing stations | all forms | exact matches only
automatic hydroelectric station自动化水力发电站
automatic hydroelectric station自动化水力发电厂
automatic power station自动化动力站
automatic power station自动化电站
automatic water-stage recording station自记水位站
automatical hydroelectric station自动化水力发电站
automatical hydroelectric station自动化水力发电厂
automatical power station自动化动力站
automatical power station自动化电站
automatical water-stage recording station自记水位站
auxiliary power station辅助电站
auxiliary station辅助电站
auxiliary station副厂房
barrage power station堰坝式水电站
barrier power station堤堰式电站
base load power station基荷电站
base load station基荷电站
base-load power station基荷电站
basic data station水文基本站
basic survey station基本测站
bench <-> mark station水文基准站参证站
bench mark station水文基准站,参证站
block power station单岸式电站
block type run-of-river power station单岸式径流电站
booster pumping station升压泵站
booster pumping station升压抽水站
booster station升压站
buried power station地下电站
burner power station堤堰式电站
carry-over storage station多年调节电站
cascade hydroelectric stations多级水电站
cascade hydroelectric stations梯级水电站
cascade hydropower station梯级水电站
cascade hydropower stations梯级水电站
cascade hydropower stations多级水电站
cascade power stations梯级电站
cascade pumping stations梯级泵站
cascade pumping stations多级泵站
center station水情中心站
concentrated fall type station集中落差式电站
conduit type hydropower station引水式水电站引水道式水电站
controlled station子站
controlling station主站控制站
dam type hydropower station坝式水电站
dam-type power station坝式电站
dam-type power station堤坝式水电站
design station水文设计站
dispatching telephone control main station调度电话主机
diversion tunnel power station弓水隧洞式电站
diversion type power station引水式电站
downstream power station下游电站
earth station地球站
electric power station发电厂
electric power station发电站
electrical power station发电厂
electrical power station发电站
emergency reserve station应急备用电站
experiment station of soil and water conservation水土保持实验站
fire station training tower消防训练塔
first order station一等测站
first order station一等站
first order weather station一级气象站
fish breeding and releasing station鱼类增殖放流站
gaging station水文测站
gaging station验潮站
gaging station水位站
gauging station验潮站
gauging station水位站
gauging station水文测站
generating station发电站
geothermal power station地热发电站
geothermal power station地热电站
heating power station热电站
high-capacity hydroelectric power station大容量水电站
high-capacity hydroelectrical power station大容量水电站
high-head station高水头电站
high-lift pumping station高扬程泵站
horizontal control station水平控制点
hydro power station水力发电站
hydroelectric power station力发电站
hydroelectric station力发电站
hydrographic station海洋水文站
hydrographic station河流水文站
hydrographic station海洋观测站
hydrographical station海洋水文站
hydrographical station河流水文站
hydrographical station海洋观测站
hydrologic station水文测站
hydrologic station水文观测站
hydrologic station水文站
hydrological station水文测站
hydrological station水文观测站
hydrological station水文站
hydrometric station水文测站
hydrometric station测流站
hydrometric station水文站
hydrometrical station水文测站
hydrometrical station测流站
hydrometrical station水文站
hydropower station力发电站
hydropower station at dam-toe坝后式水电站
hydropower station in dam坝内式水电站
hydropower station in river channel河床式水电站
inside dam power station坝内式水电站
installed capacity of power station电站装机容量
irrigation pumping station灌溉抽水站
irrigation pumping station灌溉泵站
irrigation station灌溉站
key station基本测站
layout of power station电站布置
lift station扬水泵站
lift station扬水站
lower power station下游电站
low-head hydropower station低水头水力发电站
main traffic station主通信站
master station主站控制站
meteorologic station气象站
meteorological station气象站
midget water power station小型水电站
mixed pumped storage power station混合式抽水蓄能电站
multiannual storage station多年调节库容电站
multi-stage pumping station多级泵站
multi-stage water power station多级水电站
natural flow station径流电站
natural flow station自流发电站
nuclear power station核电站
nuke station核电站
observation station观测站
oceanographic station海洋观测站
oceanographical station海洋观测站
oil-fired power station燃油发电站
on-peak power station峰荷电站
open-air station露天电站
outdoor power station露天式电站
outdoor transformer station露天变压器站
overflow hydropower station厂顶溢流式水电站
peak-load power station峰荷电站
pier-head power station闸墩式电站
pondage power station短期调节水电站
power station发电站
power station动力厂
power station发电厂
power station at the toe of the dam坝后式水电站
power station at the toe of the dam近坝式水电站
power station for hump modulation调峰电站
power station in river channel河床式水电站
power station planning电站规划
power stations in cascade梯级电站
precipitation station降水观测站
precipitation station雨量站
primary station一级测站
primary tide station主验潮站
pump station扬水站
pump station抽水站
pump station水泵站
pumped storage power station抽水蓄能电站
pumped storage power station and tidal power station抽水蓄能及潮汐电站
pumped storage station抽水蓄能电站
pumped-storage power station抽水蓄能电站
pumping station泵站
pumping station扬水站
pumping station抽水站
pure pumped storage power station纯抽水蓄能电站
rainfall station雨量站
raingauge station雨量站
reading station观测站
reduction to station center测站归心
reference transit station中途测站
relay station水情中继站
remote control hydroelectric station遥控水电站
remote-controlled power station远距离操控电站
remote-controlled power station遥控电站
remotely supervised hydroelectric station遥控电站
remotely supervised hydroelectric station远方监控水电站
reporting station报汛站
reporting station水情站
representative station水文代表站
reserve power station备用发电站
reserve power station辅助发电站
reservoir experiment station水库实验站
reservoir power station蓄水式水电站
reservoir station水库水文观测站
river station河道测站
river station河流水文站
runoff station径流站
run-of-river hydropower station径流式水电站
run-of-river power station径流式电站
seismic station地震测站
self-acting pump station自动抽水站
self-recording precipitation station自记雨量站
semi-automatic hydroelectric station半自动化水电站
semi-base load power station半基荷电站
semi-underground hydropower station半地下式水电站
series of power station梯级电站
setting station between two points隔点设站法
shaft power station竖井式电站
shaft pumping station竖井式抽水站
shaft pumping station竖井式泵站
shunting station调度站
Single-line diagram of station service system厂用电接线图
single-unit hydroelectric power station单机组水电站
slave station子站
small water power station水电站
stage station水位测站
stage station水位站
stand-by station备用电站
station capacity电站出力
station capacity电站容量
station electric motor厂用电动机
station service厂用
station service厂用电 (service power)
station service distribution system厂用配电系统
station service equipment, low voltage equipment, motors and lighting厂用电、低压电器、电动机与照明
station service generator cubicle厂用发电机开关柜
station-service power厂用电
station service power厂用电
station service single line diagram厂用电接线
station service switchgear厂用电开关设备
station service transformer厂用变压器
step hydroelectric station梯级水电站
storage station蓄能电站
storage station蓄能电厂
stream gaging station流量站
stream gaging station河流水文站
stream gauging station流量站
stream gauging station河流水文站
stream measurement station河流测站
stream measurement station河流水文站
streamflow measurement station流量站
streamflow measurement station测流站
submergible power station淹没式电站
subsidiary station辅助电站
surface power station地面电站
survey station测站
switch station开关站
telecontrolled power station遥控电站
telemetry station水情遥测站
terminal station终点站
thermoelectric generating station力发电站
thermoelectrical generating station力发电站
tidal hydropower station潮汐水电站
tidal power station潮汐电站
tidal power station潮汐电站
tidal river station感潮河
tidal river station潮水河
tidal gauging station潮汐测站
tidal gauging station验潮站
tide station潮汐测站
tide station验潮站
total station全站仪
track connection station铁路接轨站
transformer station变电站
transit station经纬仪测站
tunnel station隧洞定位点 (stake)
two-lagoon one-way tidal power station双库单向电站
unattended remote-control power station无人值班的遥控电站
underground hydropower station地下式水电站
underground power station地下电站
union station
unmanned power station无人管理电站
unmanned power station自动化电站
unrated gauging station临时水位站
unrated gauging station未经率定的水位站
upper station上游电站
water gage station水位观测站
water gauge station水位观测站
water power station水力发电站
water power station水电站
water retaining type hydropower station河床式水电站
water station给水站
water station供水站
wave power station波力发电站
weather station气象台
wind power station风力发电站